Of the Curious Things

Of the Curious Things

A Book by AbhorrentRelic

A girl finds herself in a situation that forces her to ask more questions than could be answered. Whether it be better ignored or one which must have ..
We Were Left In Darkness

We Were Left In Darkness


Vera Havens and her girls are left in the dark on some unfortunate and shady events bounding towards them.


A Chapter by INFERNO

Our main character makes a life decision that will affect us.


A Chapter by INFERNO

The girls are here.
Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace

A Story by Views_She_Writes

Story Prompt – You are an elderly man. Your wife has been nagging about your stench for years – on top of your declining health, of course..
Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon

A Poem by Snail Mails

This poem captures the enchanting and mysterious essence of a countryside under a harvest moon, woven through a tapestry of nature's whispers, shadows..
A Mysterious Letter

A Mysterious Letter

A Chapter by Gaard

Professor Falerton receives a mystery letter, containing some wild new information.


A Chapter by SMURPHY

Lawyer Dutch Francis defends a high-profile murder case, in which a judge is accused of killing his wife, when his wife, TV news broadcaster Ginnie Tu..
Deities of the past

Deities of the past

A Story by Mark

Gods and Goddess are locked away.The Goddess of Love finds a way back to the mortal world.
Shadow's War

Shadow's War

A Book by Eli_Wolf-Queen

When the world turns into dust and chaos, who will be there to save Earth? When the time comes and who will dispatch the demons from this very world a..
Trials of Tartarus

Trials of Tartarus

A Book by Eli_Wolf-Queen

When all hope is lost, can love conquer the world as well as the heart?
Trials of Tartarus

Trials of Tartarus

A Chapter by Eli_Wolf-Queen

Prequel @AirieLeva
Trials of Tartarus

Trials of Tartarus

A Chapter by Eli_Wolf-Queen

Chapter 1
Trials of Tartarus

Trials of Tartarus

A Chapter by Eli_Wolf-Queen

Chapter 2
Trials of Tartarus

Trials of Tartarus

A Chapter by Eli_Wolf-Queen

Chapter 3
Trials of Tartarus

Trials of Tartarus

A Chapter by Eli_Wolf-Queen

Chapter 4

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114