Tags : Perspective

Excerpt from a BAR SCENE

Excerpt from a BAR SCENE

A Story by Exsanguination

I'm currently working on a piece, written from three perspectives, describing the events one drunkennight at a bar; this part is towards the beginning..
I've Got Your Back

I've Got Your Back

A Story by Rayn

When someone says, "I've got your back," what do they really mean?


A Poem by Rita L. Sev

A bit of perspective
The Prodigal Son/The Noble Hobbyist

The Prodigal Son/The Noble Hobbyist

A Poem by Louis McKraker

The boy stood at the edge of oblivion-- A dream in one hand, and a consequence in the other--He spent his days searching for absolution,But had only f..
Ode to the Desert

Ode to the Desert

A Poem by Zoe Jay

Driving empty desert roads, Just playing with sun-hot stones, Running away from the modes of thought that brought us to nought but this en..


A Poem by E

A poem describing the different perspectives people can have on the same thing. I wouldn't consider it to be up to the same stuff as some of my other..
The Storyline

The Storyline

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I was sitting, deep in my study Under a single desktop light, Listening to the patter of rain As I wrote, late in the night. The ..
God is Mr. People-Prod

God is Mr. People-Prod

A Poem by metaljelly

If you woke up to a clown gutting you,what would you do?If you woke up and your lover embraced death,would you too?If your mom, your best friend, and ..
In the Eye of the Lioness

In the Eye of the Lioness

A Story by Sulma

An excerpt of an upcoming piece
Settings from different perspectives, a school

Settings from different perspectives, a school

A Story by Ciara Di Salle

An assignment for my writing class that I found fairly challenging
Reflective of Perspective

Reflective of Perspective

A Poem by metaljelly

I have a simple question, why do you look at me?is it the same reason as I do to you, could it be?I would have to disagree, realistically;genuine inte..
Different Perspective...

Different Perspective...

A Poem by L4rn13

What you see and I see are very far apart...
Mutual Chorus

Mutual Chorus

A Poem by Cactus Jed

Reflection from the writer gives a chance to see things from more than just one perspective.
What It Feels like to be a Fictional Muse in the Mind of a Young Writer

What It Feels like to be a Fictional Muse in the M..

A Story by Werse Dialogue

A muse named Frank speaks a little bit about how it feels to be fictional, and how he feels about his writer.
Cruel Fate

Cruel Fate

A Poem by Shadow9x20

My view of the world through God's eyes


A Story by IzzyColville

English coursework