Dial Tone

Dial Tone

A Poem by Harlow Eve

Did you hear me? I said that I miss you. Did you feel that chill down your spine? If you did, it was me, I swear it was me. My breath may be..
Autumn Nights

Autumn Nights

A Story by mysteriouslyyours

A man is prowling the wet streets of a big city looking for his next victim.
Cuisine to Die For

Cuisine to Die For

A Story by Rikka_823

"The victim is a man around mid twenties, cause of death is internal bleeding and also a blood clot in the brain. Just like the previous few cases, th..
Dinner with Strangers

Dinner with Strangers

A Story by Clint Robert Collins

Just some fun dialogue between strangers getting ready for a birthday dinner. A little bit weird, but also a little bit fun.
Anthems of Angst

Anthems of Angst

A Story by RealFake

A short story, work in progress, about a sci-fi situation that I have no clue where it is heading. By me.
An Untitled Haiku

An Untitled Haiku

A Poem by Shadowdragon

Just a short blurb that I would like to use for my introduction the site. Working Emergency can absolutely devastate your health and personal life; th..
Tainted With Evil- Chapter 1: It's Only Physical

Tainted With Evil- Chapter 1: It's Only Physical

A Story by Twisted Elli

Elli is tormented by a dark force psychologically and physically. She struggles to fight it but she's slowly losing the battle, developing a thirst fo..
Endless cycle

Endless cycle

A Poem by Isaiah R.

use time wisely or it might just run all out
A morbid surprise

A morbid surprise

A Story by Rosa Lee

A boy wakes up to find a morbid surprise


A Story by LeFestinRaven

I did not edit this. A friend of mine died and I was compelled to write down what I felt. It was not an ideal relationship, but it still existed. RIP ..
Count To Murder

Count To Murder

A Poem by Lifeless Energy

I wrote this for a friend. She had written a story that needed a nursery rhyme for a little girl who at 10 years old decides to show the true horror i..
New York

New York

A Book by LeFestinRaven

This is for a book I am writing and I need reviews. (I have a Copy Right on all my material) I'd love it if you'd read these small clips and tell me w..


A Book by LeFestinRaven

My Life Thoughts
(1) Blog Entry

(1) Blog Entry

A Chapter by LeFestinRaven

Morning Thoughts
(2) Blog Entry

(2) Blog Entry

A Chapter by LeFestinRaven

Afternoon Thoughts.
(3) Blog Entry

(3) Blog Entry

A Chapter by LeFestinRaven

Late Night Thoughts.
(4) Blog Entry

(4) Blog Entry

A Chapter by LeFestinRaven

Morning Thoughts.
New York

New York

A Chapter by LeFestinRaven

It's still got a lot of work to be done, but I really wanted to know if I should continue to write.