Tags : Lonely

The onlooker

The onlooker

A Poem by Lara

An onlooker to this anarchythe twisted bystanderself-declare detachedentirely immersed in maintainingthe only thing they could give herthe lonely titl..


A Poem by M. Marson

A poem to younger, anxious me.
2016, Christmas bar

2016, Christmas bar

A Story by Ghost,Pastel

This is a weave between real-life heartache and the beauty of my imagination. This one's to you, a*****e.
time ends

time ends

A Poem by gianna iuliucci

im in love with my best friend. but time refuses to let us be
Again and Again

Again and Again

A Poem by Ebb and Flow

Life has proven to me again and again that no matter how hard you try, your best is never going to be good enough. You can love someone so f..
Happy New Me

Happy New Me

A Poem by Yahallo

It can be tough to be yourself after someone you loved leaves.


A Poem by Jenna Kay

There's a hummingbird inside my rib cageAnd it's dyingAnd I can't decide if I want it to keep drinking the red sugar of my bloodOr let it starve and w..


A Poem by Yahallo

Sometimes you just aren't noticed, or heard. Sometimes they don't want to hear certain words coming from you. Sometimes you read this differently..
Midnight Feelings (Part 2)

Midnight Feelings (Part 2)

A Poem by JustaGurl

2 years ago same day i wrote part 1. I am still feeling not so good, writing part 2 really helped release some pain
Dark Heart

Dark Heart

A Story by Sayaka



A Poem by k.s.

you don’t really know mebut you text me late at nightwhen you’re lonely.don’t want to hold me,just unfold me.then crumple me up like..


A Poem by Yahallo

A dream inspired me.


A Poem by Yahallo

Based on Clannad (spoiler obviously). A father a daughter and a dead mother.
Hold Me

Hold Me

A Poem by k.s.

You only hold mewhen my skin tastes like honey.Never when I’m bleeding and soaked in salt.You blame it on your past,I blame it on myself. Maybe ..


A Poem by David Lewis Paget

Words flutter by us,Caught in their moments,Words sent to try us,‘Loss’ and ‘Elopements’,Some may inspire us,Others may burn,O..


A Poem by Yahallo

What is your umbrella protecting you from?
Bloody Castle

Bloody Castle

A Poem by Yahallo

When you build so many walls that you create a castle in your heart. Just because you're too scared of getting hurt.
Winter Storm

Winter Storm

A Poem by Yahallo

Why do we sometimes like people who are no good for us? Cold to us? Is it because we don't like ourselves enough, I wonder...