Tags : BLACK



A Chapter by runfree13

The air is so hot and dense that I can barely breathe. I am knee-deep in the rice swamps, hoeing the soft earth so that the crop will be ready for har..


A Chapter by runfree13

The cornbread in my mouth becomes as thick as glue when I see my father take his place on the porch, next to the new arrival of white people who, I&rs..
Black Ring

Black Ring

A Chapter by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

Enjoy the spooks.
I Am Pride; The Chant

I Am Pride; The Chant

A Poem by kingblaq

I Am Everything.
Why Have You Forgotten?

Why Have You Forgotten?

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

A poem about September 11th
Black Sunrise (Metallica)

Black Sunrise (Metallica)

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

I poem I put together. Enjoy.
A Reason To Live.

A Reason To Live.

A Story by MetBySunlight

And what if I die tomorrow? Will I go unnoticed? Locked in my room, how long till they realise? Music on repeat- sounds of soft pen scribbling, anx..
His Day of Jubilee

His Day of Jubilee

A Story by OscarRat

A black family at the end of the American Civil War.
Nubian Queen

Nubian Queen

A Poem by King Za

A song that I made for a girl back in December 2016.


A Poem by Nyx

Maybe we all have black hearts, tinted with rose.
Georg Trakl translation "To the boy Elis"

Georg Trakl translation "To the boy Elis"

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

To the boy Elisby Georg Trakltranslation by Michael R. Burch Elis, when the blackbird cries from the black forest,it announces your downfall.Your lips..


A Poem by Anna

There is not much left of me, In terms of sanity; it has leaked into oak bark and Leapt down cathedral halls To rest in woodland moss and deep in..
Thoughts In Velen

Thoughts In Velen

A Poem by Anna

My heart has leapt, it's fled, I don't know where it's gone. But still I linger to listen, to all of your ramblings-on. My chest is filled with ..
Ibykos Fragment 286 Translation

Ibykos Fragment 286 Translation

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Ibykos Fragment 286, circa 564 BCEloose translation byMichael R. BurchCome spring, the grandapple trees standwatered by a gushing riverwhere the maide..


A Story by adichie

A work of fiction


A Poem by PoeticFury

I think I lost my mind here lol
To Mourn Oneself

To Mourn Oneself

A Poem by Ash Rx

I wonder if conciousness erodes overtime Every piece of my body has been replaced My body, my mind-why not that? Death is darkness and there fall..
True Dark

True Dark

A Poem by Ash Rx

I have no fond memories only regrets I have no one to hold The only carress a gun to my head My favorite thing to think about Is the feel of a no..