Tags : Frustration

Miserere Mei, Magister

Miserere Mei, Magister

A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A stressful winter day.
Going Down

Going Down

A Poem by imdvader

This is my first poem ever.So read this and give me your feedback.
calliope, a.w.o.l.

calliope, a.w.o.l.

A Poem by Verser

there's a hole in my bellywhere the need isneed to write a poemthe muse is a woman for surela belle dame sans mercipromises with a word or phraselike ..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Maria M

basically Richard goes home to find an empty penthouse and receives an angry call from his assistant.


A Poem by Lizzie Mitchell

I never feel satisfied with my writing.


A Poem by Rana Adalwolfa Simon

rant poetry woo hoo


A Story by Deinde

Music can't save her this time.
Hard Case

Hard Case

A Poem by Mic

Travelling music man.


A Poem by Naomi Bloom

A poem about the people in my life who are suspiciously nice.


A Poem by livicote

I wrote this... maybe two years ago or so. I was in a very existential phase, and still am, a bit... that's a long story. Anyway, this was probably at..
Down the Hall

Down the Hall

A Poem by LefthandWrite

Floating past my door I watched you cross the floor Pine creaking Hair streaking My heart can beat no faster Fingertips on plaster Feeling the..
I'm Done

I'm Done

A Poem by BuBuWinter

I'm done, though words only say so much.
Writers Block

Writers Block

A Poem by Maya

this is something i wrote while reflecting on dealing with writers block and dealing with your own laziness and unwillingness to pick yourself up
Down in flames

Down in flames

A Poem by betheleaf

Devoured kindle cracks in the heat Fissure fitted quite middle Think you can hide under that thin sheet? Oh tunes will tarry not any longer by fidd..
Dé Ja Vu...

Dé Ja Vu...

A Poem by DarkRainbowPie

Self harm doesn't seem to be taken seriously anymore. It isn't some silly phase, it's an addiction. You can't just ask people to stop, it's not that e..
break routine

break routine

A Poem by livicote

from my DA description: "CRITIQUE ME!!!! Hit me hard. I can take it. But also tell me what I did well because I secretly crave the affirmation and ..
School at 50

School at 50

A Poem by Constance Payne

Taking weekend classes, am I learning or just losing time
the realm

the realm

A Poem by livicote

this is the result of my frustration with myself for inaction, lack of motivation, etc.