Tags : creation

God Machine

God Machine

A Poem by Aethereal

A poem about the God Machine that has transformed human culture.
 I want

I want

A Poem by Acucena G.

its about a free spirit of a poet that is willing to do what the soul says and not what others a saying. Freedom of creation
The One who is Written about.

The One who is Written about.

A Poem by John Holmes

I am often asked to write poems about friends. So here you go, this one is dedicated to my friend Dani. I hope the imagery leaves an impression.


A Poem by John Holmes

We paint beautiful portraits don't we?
Dark Storm

Dark Storm

A Poem by John Holmes

For what is love?


A Poem by Kwiksie Ifediora

...in the beginning...


A Poem by Thomas Fitzgerald

My take on how religion, not faith, can read in the mind.


A Story by Darkblushedink

What lies within the earth! In a few lines you'll know! And what will happen to us if we fail he world!
Painting Flowers

Painting Flowers

A Poem by Ohhhwillow

21/6/13 To fall with wings of freedom is to succeed; it is that bird whom flies with stained feathers that meets failure
The Dealer

The Dealer

A Poem by Daniel Weiss

The King of Hearts has a sword through his head on the cards, here is the tale of why.
Bitter Hand

Bitter Hand

A Poem by Chiv Hind

Inspired by the mythological tales in Ovide's metamorphoses.


A Poem by Marie

This one tells a story rather than being just static. A little dynamism for a change!
The Creation of American Democracy

The Creation of American Democracy

A Story by Father Mojo

The part that did not make it into the Bible
Egg within an egg

Egg within an egg

A Poem by Rick Puetter

Zen haiku