chapter 16 I will love you always

chapter 16 I will love you always

A Chapter by the happy pickle

When I was 21 I graduated med school when I was jake didnt come to talk to me or anything last I heard he was dating a woman named mindy my brother is married i saw jake at the wedding, oh my brother brandon hes a........DAD 
Me? Oh I'm kinda doing well evan moved back to jake I'm moving back as soon as I fine a home  i'm known as the happy pickle I made the anime into the night people loved it I posted it on youtube, so I'm rich now. And it has been 8 years  Now back to the story!
Ring ring ring jane I found you a home 
Ok I will be right there

Ring ring 
Jane its bradon I'm going away for a bit can you watch my baby when I'm gone yea sure drop her off I am at your door ANUTIE the yells  he gives me her suit case and runs THANKS I hear him say as he is off I pick her up and up her on my hip I'm going to get dressed you sit here and watch tv ok? Yep! She says when I'm done we get I'm my car and drive to the open house 
Jane here's the home what do you think I like it what about you cutie I say looking at marcy 
She runs around I love it I ask full price for it I said he looks ok he says then me and
Marcy goes to get sweets and go to my dad when I'm in town

 At her dads home hi dad I say he hugs me tighty go see jenny she will want to see you 
Ok dad come on marcy *ding dong* hello I say EVAN! I say hugging him hello  is that your boyfriend march asks oh shhh you think any guy I talk to is my boyfriend evan just laughs jane you never told me you had a child she looks just like you oh she's my brothers oh mrs handson says come in come in jake just called he will over soon no no I was told to come over here so good bye nice seeing you all why do you think I asked your dad to get you she says as she pulls me in I look at old pictures of everyone on the wall hey jane marcy asks who's that she points to jake oh that's jake I say oh jake was your boyfriend yes yes he was I here a deep  voice say from behind hi jane he says I blink at him I'm alex he says i can't spin you in the air anymore I says hugging him. Did you know jane sang jake two love songs at prom? Asked alex really yes and might I say I rocked it I said with a wink hey that's my drawing I say then why is it here and framed marcy asked I forgott to give it to your mom I said after you left jake found it i open up my sketch book and finish my drawing when jake
Walks in with a baby that wont stop crying and hands it to jenny MINDY LEFT ME AND JUST LEFT MY CHILD AT MY DOORSTEP he yells as jenny asks march to go into the other room the baby still won't stop crying, she hasn't wholes since I got her jake says. as jenny hands the baby to me and she stops crying soon after they all look at me what did you do? They asks I just held her I say will you look at that the baby has taken a liking to you says jenny like father like daughter adds evan as the baby snugles up in my arms. I don't even know what to get at the store or what closes to buy her jake says jane knows how to do all of that don't you jane yes I say make looks at me what do I have cake on my cheak? I ask 
He just stares at me and takes a step back if I didn't know better I would think you are the mother evan says I can asure you I did not carry jakes child for 9 mouths I say evan luaghs suuuuure  he says hey i goo a go you can put this in the babys room  hand him the baby that hugging tighly and starts to pouts I look at the baby and it starts to cough I look at jake that looks worried what's worng with her I grab his arms hold the head on her butt I say its ok she's fine mom can you help me shop for stuff I cant she she says sam just puts her hands up I'm not staying next to the crying baby the baby starts crying he hands her to me. She cudles me why don't you ask jane sam says jane could you help me out jake asks yeah sure 
Then marcy comes running its a baby yes it she and she is sleeping so shhh I say what's her name marcy asks eilza jake says yes I say no the babys name is eilza I didn't name her. Jake said I srug we have a beautful name isn't that right eilza? I asks she smiles and shakes her hands see she things so too I say let's go how old is she 3 days jake says I put her in the car seat and buckle march in hers come on jake you need to learn the ways of motherhood I say 
I unbuckle march and she wants jake to carry her and the baby is asleep I put the car seat on the shopingcart  I put loads of stuff in the cart jake looks at me I'm still paying of loans he says you should  thought of that when you where having fun I say pulling my cheak book 
No jane I couldn't shhhhh don't worry I got this what a cute Family says a lady the girl he's holding is my brothers this one is his I'm just helping him out I said  as the baby starts craying 
(Jake's pov)
Oh no not the crying I pick up the baby. shhhh shhhhh its ok daddy is here she crys and crys I give her to jane she snuggles her jane pushes the shopping cart out with one hand and the other she is holding eilza she gets to the car and starts putting in the kids eilza is asleep and so is marcy we pack in the stuff and I drive she says she doesn't know where I live so I open the door and its small we clean out the spare bead room and she tells me to just sleep at my moms house until she is done a week later I find she panted the room and she put a night light in the room she put a bunch of baby books in my room bed times stories the crib is the right side of the room with the drawing she made as well as outhere. On the wall with the words 
"Vous êtes mon soleil mon seul soleil vous me rendez heureux (se lorsque le ciel est grs vous ne saurez jamais cher combien je t'aime s'I'll vous plaît saurez ne prenez past mon ray on de soleil loin" in yellow with a sun on it 

These are the drawing she pick on the wall 

      And she puts this drawing for me because I asked 

© 2014 the happy pickle

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Added on October 23, 2014
Last Updated on October 23, 2014

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the happy pickle
the happy pickle

the land of aaa, the candy kingdom, United Kingdom

Hello I'm the happy pickle but just call me happy I love to write grim stuff and ask hard questions are you up for it? more..
