23 what are you?

23 what are you?

A Chapter by the happy pickle

Jane asks me to come on and take eilza then everyone was yelling kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Jane just looked at me as I looked at her and I leaned in for a kiss as did she 

(Jane's pov)
Jake leans in for a kiss I smile and pick up eilza and put her between us and I kiss one cheak and jake kisses the other. Jake openes his eyes and luaghs. Come on jane kiss me jake yells as he chases me around the stage. don't make me call your mother! I said  he sits down and pouts. I get off stage and pass out cookies to the kids. I really liked that keep a smile one 
Said sam. Thanks sam I said sam you knew she sang here and you didn't tell me? Jake asked well you two are joined at the hip I wanted to have my best friend without her boyfriend with her sam said. I smile I'm guess my boyfriend is jake right? I ask with a smile making jake blush. And sam luagh hello jane you did a great show today might I ask is this your husband?
I see the wedding ring. Jake puts his arms around my waste and pulls me close. Jane youre heart beat is fast he says you scared me haft to death oh couse my heart is beating fast that what happens when you scare me. I say. He he I guess he is your husban says the older lady.
No ma'ma he's just a really close friend. I say I am not even married I say. She smiles then wispers something to jake. And walks away. Jake comes to me with a grin what? I ask
You have a song about me. He says I am taken back at first then I understand.
Oh? Do I now. Mommy eilza says as puts her hands up I pick her up and walk to a ice cream shop. JANE DONT YOU DARE HAPE HER UP ON SURGER!! Jake yells but jakey I say bating my eyes. he gives up leaving me with a smile. We get to the icecream shop i see someone I know looking for someone. Have you seen this woman? He asks holding up a magize with me on the cover. Yeah she just sang at the park I think she went into that ice cream shop the man repiled. He walks in I grab jakes hand his head shots up. I bow my head dear god I cast my fears unto you aman. I say the man walks over to me with his son. Hello miss andams have you though about my offer the older man asks hey sexy says the son as he licks his lips I hold james hand tighter. And I fource a smile hi zach I say. And yes I have though about it and no I will not marry your son now as you can see I'm on a date. I say why would you want to date someone with kids  zach says I smile an kiss jake and says because he's a great kisser I say afterward I pick up eilza and and me jake and and eilza leave me only letting go of jake's hand when we get to the car. Don't go to your home go to the police I say. Jane? Jake asks its ok you can cry he says. I understand why you did wha you did. But why are you scared of them? He asks I say nothing  I just sat in my seat looking forward not talking
Jane I have seen that look before he said that's the look you had after you jumped he said. I didn't say a word.  
(Jake's pov)
I drove to the police but jane never said a word she looked as if she was crying dry tears. My car came to a stop and she opened the door come in I don't want you guys getting hurt. She said. Why would I get hurt? Who were those people and why was she so scared of them? 
Hello officer I want to report a stalker she said I walk to have a restraining order on all the moore family she said. After she huged me but she slowly moved her way to my uper thigh then she left the I realised she took my car keys 

To weeks later 
(Jane's pov)
I drove to their home. I knocked on their door to see a half naked zach. I knew he would try and rape me but the cops need proof so I will be brave. He liked his lips and took a lock of my hair and sniffed it. Like what you see he asked I smiled I would be lying if I said I did. I told him he smirks why don't you come in? He asks I walk in he takes off his towel so he is conpleatly naked what are you doing I ask. What you came here for. I don't want to have sex with you I say he pins me to the wall oh but I want to have sex with you he says but I did not say you could so that's rape. Are you okay at the fact your going to rape me? I ask after today your be begging on your knees for more he says as she takes off my stockings kissing every inch of my leg. I kick him I SAID NO I yell why you little... he says then he snaps his fingers and to guys hold my arm the other puts a rag over my mouth. Note it made me sleepy. He licks his lips as she unbuttons my top. LOOK AT THESE KNOCKERS  he yells as he rips off my bra. JANE GET UP AND FIGHT I hear a voice say I flip the to men on their back. And brake their noses then I turn to zach who has a boner but is shaking h-how are you awake? I america's best doctor you don't think I can take that I say walking towards him. YOU WERE GOING TO RAPE ME! I yell 
I I was just jokeing jane baby calm down. DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN your lucky I'm a chirstan because I could kill you I said but right then I feel a blanket wrap around me its ok miss he's going to jail for a long time the officer said I fall to my knees And let my tears flow I don't care who sees me cry. Ijust fall apart then and there then I feel warm arms pull me back
Jane sweety I am so sorry my dad said I didn't stop crying. he hugs me its going to be ok
I just cry. Miss? I will have to take you for qustioning the officer said I nod my head and listen 
Has he done this more then once the officer asks he would always grab me in places I didn't want to be grabed I felt like it was leading to this. I said i see the offier said. 

After questioning 
Officer I asked a female officer yes? She said if you where me would you have killex him? I asked she sits down next to me and thinks I would have beat him up she said.
I just started took a deep breath and though what would god have done? 
Is their somewhere I can fix myself? I asked then she looked blank um yeah she said pointing to my car. They gave me blankets so no one could see I fixed my bra and buttoned up my shirt when I opened the car door a bunch of news reporters where in my face 
How did you stay calm when he druged you? Who are you going to marry? ( refreing to the wedding ring) is it true your super right and if so why are you wearing that? I smiled and said I understand that you all are just doing your job but this is really not your business. I said then I sleep in the car then same with a wig came and told me to change I cut my hair. J-jane? Sam asked its just hair I said  as I took off my outfit and put on sams. Thanks sam I said she smiled and said just run. I did so I acted like a normal person out for a run. I called my dad and told him to pass on the message to mom and brendon. Then I called jenny

Me: hello jenny? I asked
Jenny: for goodnes sakes jake just ask her to marry you. 
Me: who's jake gonna marry I asked
Jenny: oh u-m no one what do you need 
Me: I'm not going to talk to any of you until it dies down ok?
Me: just tell the others to leave me alone I said 
Jenny:ok..... and call me mother in law
Me: wait wait which handson did I marry I ask
Jenny: jake of couse 
Me: oh ok I said see yea

I go to the hair salon I want you to die my hair black. I said
The man nods his head and gets to work once done he shows me his work I smile and hug him thank you sir I said. 

I walk out and get some huge sunglasses and a scarf(to cover my nose and mouth)
Have you seen this girl a reporter asks me. it nope I said then walked away I walked more with my hipe then I am used to then i walk past jake he was cheaking me out hey hot stuff i dont buy used cans I said pointing to eilza. She just smiled and said mommy. jake looked at her then looked at me and blinked I smile. You lose something? I ask he just blinks y-you look like someone I know he said. I grab is chin you look like someone i want to know I say with a wink  I couldnt help but laugh at jake's face. Then I fell something pull my coat. I look down to see eilza. Mommy? She said holding up her arms. I held her hand where your dad? I asked she just started to cry I picked her up and started walking the way i saw jake go I see she is gold so I unziped my coat and and put her in it. (Note her coat is a part of her pants so eilza will not fall but instead in a cacoon of love) EILZA! Heard jake yell i stop him hello? I say not now lady my child is lost he says then eilza start moving I unziped my coat to show him his child. Miss did you kidnap my child he says he reaches for her then I grab his arm I forgot your gift? I say 
Yes a girl gave it to me he said looking at it with sadness in his eyes. What did she die or something? I asks no she just doesn't want me to bug her anymore. Do you miss her? I asked yes very much so. He I hug him i i've missed you too jakey. I say. Pushes me off of him and looks at me I take off my my scarf and sunglasses he looks at me. And hugs me. Dude its been like a week tops your acting like I have been gone for 75 years I said he just hugs me tighter i passed out. Next thing i know I'm in jakes bed. Oh thank god....said sam
Sam I'm to scared to look do I have my outfit on? I asked she luaghed I took off your coat and shoes and scarf but other then that yea I sighed oh thank goodness. I said what did you think you did the deed with jake? Sam asked I shurged I remember him hugging me so tight that I passed out. Then waking up in his room. I said she started luaghing then eilza came running 
Mommy she said jumping on the bed I'm 5 now I gave her a high five. Oh yeah you know what means? I asked her what? She asked NEW TOYS I yelled. Then their was a knock at the door then makes voice and a lady's voice. Eilza hid behind me and started to shake. What the matter I asked eilza just shook her head then I looked at sam who said jake's girlfriend shes mean and she wants eilza to call her mommy. Sam said oh ok. I said I won't do it eilza said 
I just held her its okay I said then I heard ellie come give mama a kissy said the woman.
Why are you wearing my coat i asked her no my boyfriend got me it. Oh heck naw that's mined I said its one of a kind and very special to me give it I said. Prove it. She said e.j.a it says it on the inside of it I said. She got mad a threw it at me whatever I didn't like that cheap thing anyway she said. She was a blonde with fake breast an da mini skirt and a tube-top and high heels. Eille where are you she asked? Come give mommy a hug. She said then she saw her come her eilza don't touch that dumb s**t she said. Mommy don't let the mean lady touch me she said holding me tighter. I smiled then noticed her bag has a rich conpany name on it 
One that I happen to own. Your a fan of happy pickle's work? I asked yes she said makes brother is one of the voice actors she said. Yes he was the best fit of the role I said.
What do you mean she asked. Oh nothing what would a dumb what was it again know about rich people I asks with a smile. Then jakes walks in kelly there is someone I want you to meet but you already met her. This is eilza jane andams also known as the happy pickle and she is friends with inportant people she herself has met the presidant. and is american's best doctors. And a great singer she is a mulit billionaire and is a genius. He says her jaw drops no way she said 
That stuid s**t is that jane andams she yells I smile and take eilza me and eilza is going to get new toys I said grabing my jacket. See ya' I said

(Kelly's pov)
That dumb s**t is the happy pickle? No way how does he know her?
Jakey I say taking off my shirt. How do you know her? I ask oh I went to her high school he said I wanted to know more about this jane. Is jane eilza mother I asked no but she did the job as one until I got the hang of it but she still is like a mom to her even now I don't think she will ever stop being like one to her he said with a smile. Are you in love with her I asked. He sat up and let out a sigh. He didn't talk after that. 

I stalked jane and waited until she droped off the little brat to acttack her. I came out with a knife and ran toward her she quickly moved. HOW?!?! I yelled she smiled I saw you behind us she said.I ran at her again then she grabed my wrist and took the knife. Your very bad at trying to kill me I have done better then you. She said. She tosed the knife at my feet. 
I picked it up and ran at her this time riping her shirt and skatching her. I smirk but she's smiling. I throw the knife at her she just catches it in between her fingers she smiles nice try she said. What are you? I asked her she just smiles. I get mad then run at her and try to punch her she just grabs my fist and smiles. STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN YOU HO. I yelled
That's quite alright my dear I didnt do anything to him. She said. And this little brat I'm like her mom I said. She smiles as you wish she drops the knife. And turns away. This is my chance I though. I run the knife she turns but it still is bad she hold her wond.and awalks to jake.

What happened? Jake asked. it doesn't matter what knife was laced with posion. She said with a small luagh. Then eilza started to cry I put my hands out to her but she runs to jane crying. Is mommy going to leave? Eilza asked. Jane gave her a smile. I'm sorry but...i can't 
She said. Where ever I am  know that I love you jane said. Then grab her keys.
And drives off. Eilza started to cry even more. A few moments later a car crash she on the news. I was unfazed but jake looked like he was going to cry. What is it baby? I asked no it can't be. He said then someone called. 

Evan:are you watching the news?
Jake: yea that car looks like jane's she left her keys at my home she came back with a knife cut she said it had posion..... then she lefted
Jake drops the phone he's on his hands and knees.

The news reporter there is no body inside the car. We will be doing a man search for one. Eilza jane andams also known as the happy pickle.Jake puts a jacket on eilza and himself and grabs his coat and runs out the door.
(Jake's pov)
Are you a friend or family? Of eilza. Im her friend momy! Yelled eilza as she ran to a ditch I rushed after her to see there was a small cave with someone withnred eyes and tears she couldnt even speak. I ran to her picked her and yelled I FOUND HER SHE NEEDS A DOCTOR FAST! A.bunch of fans were cheering and her dad was crying. I gave her to the doctor and she was rushed away

© 2014 the happy pickle

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Added on October 30, 2014
Last Updated on October 30, 2014

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the happy pickle
the happy pickle

the land of aaa, the candy kingdom, United Kingdom

Hello I'm the happy pickle but just call me happy I love to write grim stuff and ask hard questions are you up for it? more..
