chapter 18 the beach

chapter 18 the beach

A Chapter by the happy pickle

*Knock knock knock* I open the door hello? I say I see jake with eilza in my jacket all of us are going to the beach you wanna go he asks with a smile w-what? I ask 
Oh and I saw you sing at the mall, he says what was that song? It fit your life very well
Oh I say rubbing my eyes then he notices what I'm wearing. Jane he asks yea I say is that my shirt he asks I look down and see indeed I am wearing a shirt that is the same as his 
I don't think so I got this one its a good sleeping shirt I say with a smile then the baby starts to cry jake why is your child hugging my jacket DONT TAKE IT he yells ahhh it has my sent on it then march runs out YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE he's not my boyfriend then why do you have pictures of him? She asks I have pictures of you does that mean your my girlfriend I asks no that means you love me march says I smile thank you for proving my point 
I go to the kitchen and start making breakfast makes being pulled in by march and *ding dong* hi jane says the older woman hello mrs gummner then jake and march run to the door 
Oh I didn't know you were dating anyone one she says as she looks at jake 
He's a very handsom man he is she says and I didn't know you had kids she says this is my brother daughter he's out of town for a week so I'm big kid sitting and I'm she isn't my child I say as the baby starts to cry jake hands her to me then wraps his arms  around me jane don't lie we are madly in love you are the mother of my child 

(Jake's pov)
I look at jane and see she is almost at the breaking point. It was just a joke jane calm down 
NO DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN IM SICK OF EVERYONE TAKING HAVING A CHILD LIGHTY.  She hands over the baby and leaves me with marcy tears running done her face 
I call evan 
Bro I made a joke to the lady that lives next door that jane was the mother of my child she lost it and started yelling at me. It takes a lot for you to make jane cry jake evan said 
I know you gotta  help me. No go bro you made this mess you fix it 
She comes home she has a look on her face I have seen gthat look before its the same look she had when anyone talks about her having kids

Ok let's piece this together

1. she crys everytime someone talks about her having kids

2. She yelled at me when I made a joke about her being a mom

3. She always is near childen 
 Did you know jane can't have kids? Marcy asks (I am such a moron!) How do you know I ask
I heard daddy say it marcy replies
Jane? I ask I open the door to find her  yes jake she says what you doing I ask as peek at her screen 

Episode 24 - writen in the stars
Oh I'm just working she says when are we going to the beach she asks right now I say she jumps up and runs to her bedroom she co ms out I'm a plain shirt and shorts 
She runs into the guest room to change marcy she comes out in a frilly pink bathing suit 
And a hat but jane makes her wear a dress on over it
Then just stops I can't go she says why not I ask  I have to work if I'm late turning it in they will get mad. oh come on jane have some fun like we used to do in high school I said
Jake it you have not noticed I'm a 26 year old woman that lives alone all my friends have children or are married or are dating someone I am a doctor and the creator of into the dark side I don't have time to have fun. She said  I grab her by the arm and say i 'm asking you to please come with us she let's out a sigh and says okay  

© 2014 the happy pickle

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Added on October 24, 2014
Last Updated on October 24, 2014

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the happy pickle
the happy pickle

the land of aaa, the candy kingdom, United Kingdom

Hello I'm the happy pickle but just call me happy I love to write grim stuff and ask hard questions are you up for it? more..
