Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Taylor_Anne_xoxo

just read it!!!! (corrected version)


When I opened my eyes I could see Dillan and Alexia standing over me. Dillan's face was a very white color and black eyeliner seemed to be dripping from her eyes. Barely but very slightly I could make out Alexia's pale fingers, intertwined in Dillan's. 

Alexia nudged Dillan, nodding towards me. Dillan's eyes slowly rose and when she saw my eyes were open the tears seemed to flow faster. My heart broke seeing her cry. My body grew heavy and my chest stung with heartbreak but I opened my mouth, wanting to thank her for being here. Just then I realized she had brought Alexia. Alexia, of all people, ALEXIA! One of the people who had repetitively told me that the world would be better without me. I mean, yeh, I understood that she needed someone to be there for her because seeing her ex-girlfriend in a hospital must be hard but really did it have to be Alexia?

Alexia and Dillan's fingers came unwound and Dillan's hand slowly moved closer to me, I thought she was going to hold my hand or something sweet that the Dillan I used to know would have done but suddenly she unplugged the ventilator and everything in the room began to fade. I could see a slight smirk cross Alexia's face and then Alexia wrapped her thin arms around Dillan's waist. She turned and hugged Dillan. As I watched it all happen I began choking, the lack of oxygen suffocating my lungs. Just as everything began going black I caught a glimpse of Dillan putting her hand on Alexia's cheek as she kissed her softly. 

© 2010 Taylor_Anne_xoxo

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Added on January 7, 2010
Last Updated on February 13, 2010
Tags: love, romance, heartbreak, friends, drama, teen



Madison, ME

Okay so quick summary:My name is Taylor. I do consider myself "scene". I have O.C.D. (people think it's funny to f**k up the desks in class before i get there just to see me flip out) I have my moment.. more..
