Gee : Writing

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye

A Poem by Gee

Will be 3 years in August since Debs passed away.
"If she were a horse"

"If she were a horse"

A Poem by Gee

By the end, her end, skin once worn tightly hung as if two sizes too big for the bones beneath. Eyes that once shone brighter than stars were no..
Gone now...

Gone now...

A Poem by Gee

Simple words on summers arrival
Meandering thoughts.

Meandering thoughts.

A Poem by Gee

Beyond 1/2 open blinds


A Poem by Gee

What more to wish than to be loved
Finnigals wake

Finnigals wake

A Poem by Gee

Total and utter nonsense :))
No new years resolution, not this year...

No new years resolution, not this year...

A Poem by Gee

No point making that which is to be broken
A present from Greek twins...peace.

A present from Greek twins...peace.

A Poem by Gee

Simple stuff to while away some time.
Watching time crawl

Watching time crawl

A Poem by Gee

For the insomniacs amongst us
A ratty feast, a smorgasbord

A ratty feast, a smorgasbord

A Poem by Gee

Living life invisible

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