Andromeda : Writing

Bind Date

Bind Date

A Poem by Andromeda

idk where this came from...


A Poem by Andromeda

expiremental; inspired by the song "Jenny" by Cross Canadian Ragweed
It was last Tuesday Night

It was last Tuesday Night

A Poem by Andromeda

heheheh, uhhhhhhhhh....funny? maybe? or maybe just cute? idk...or maybe just too late at night
Crisscrossed Blight

Crisscrossed Blight

A Poem by Andromeda

i dont even know...playing around w/ diction, rhyme, and syntax.


A Poem by Andromeda

ehhhhhh, not the greatest
Withern Heights

Withern Heights

A Poem by Andromeda

inspired by America's "Ventura Highway"
Willy Nally

Willy Nally

A Poem by Andromeda

inspired by America's "Don't Cross the River"
For the Moment

For the Moment

A Poem by Andromeda

hmmmm....truth reflected slighlty emo, and yet hapy about it.
Broken to Pieces Gladly

Broken to Pieces Gladly

A Poem by Andromeda

long time in coming....
Burn List

Burn List

A Poem by Andromeda

so...i was burning a cd and i really liked the phrase 'burn list' and so i turned it into a poem and it somehow turned into a poem about a serial kill..