Lola Junebug : Writing

Nice Teeth

Nice Teeth

A Story by Lola Junebug

This one goes out to the awkward in love.


A Story by Lola Junebug

Lola is the reason I write. This is the first thing I ever wrote (creatively-speaking), and the reason I like to write.
My Morning Meal

My Morning Meal

A Story by Lola Junebug

I was given a prompt awhile back, and was told to write something from the POV of a famous person, so I thought it would be fun to write as if I was H..


A Poem by Lola Junebug

My first love poem - true story, but I was only 13 and very much in love.


A Story by Lola Junebug

A revenge story - girl vs. dog.
Begin a Friend, Turn an Enemy, End a Stranger

Begin a Friend, Turn an Enemy, End a Stranger

A Poem by Lola Junebug

A 3 part poem about the evolution of certain kinds of relationships.
Seven Seconds

Seven Seconds

A Poem by Lola Junebug

A poem about my first car accident
The Me I Claim to Be

The Me I Claim to Be

A Poem by Lola Junebug

To tell you about the me that I claim to be, I’d tell you that I am one of the happiest people you will ever meet. The truth of me is different...


A Story by Lola Junebug

A summary of a potential book I would like to write about a woman named Tess who has always lived her life for other people, but learns to live for he..
Spunky Cupcake

Spunky Cupcake

A Story by Lola Junebug

A short story about a young girl figuring out her name.

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