One (3)

One (3)

A Chapter by Jenni-Chan

this girl is kick butt.

     The first mate walked into the kitchen. The girl looked up. She had been washing dishes with the cook.
    “What are you doing in here? We didn’t say you or anyone else could come in, did we cook?”
    She turned and looked expectantly at the cook. He nodded a curt nod. She smiled and turned back to the first mate.
    “Now, you were saying?”
    “The Cap’n wants ta see ya in his cabin.”
    She walked into the cabin. The captain looked up from his map.
    “Come in and sit down.”
    She looked at him suspiciously. He was looking at her. Straight into her eyes. She blushed and quickly sat down. Thank goodness it was evening.
    “You called?”
    “I have a plan.”
    “A plan? Why do we need a plan?”
    “I have a ship full of criminals and we look like a pirate ship. How many ports do you know are going to let us come in?”
    “Point.” She answered defeated. “So… what’s your plan?”
    “That’s your plan?” She asked. “Send me in there to act like a street rat- which I am- make It look like your taking me in, find me a room to try a make me presentable so I can go shopping for my ingredients?”
    “Yeah that sounds right.” Replied the captain.
    She looked at him with eyebrows raised. After a moments silence she replied cheerfully, “Okay.”
     As she came off the ship, she saw that people were still getting things this late at night. This particular night, was almost as hot as the afternoon. Feeling this almost all the time back home, she was fine with the weather. As she went along the main streets, she tried to see where she would need to go to find what she needed. She could also smell horse crap on the roads, the new bread for tomorrow in the bakery, and one thing that stayed the same. THE GUARDS. She ducked into a narrow alley filled with shadows. She didn't know how things worked here, but that she knew stayed the same. After they past, she cautiously left her hiding spot. The people who were still in the market, were dwindling and the shops were closing for the night.
"Alright." She thought. "Time to get to work."
She looked around the desolate market. Making note of where everything was, she went in search for the best dirt and grime. Stopping in a small alley, she looked around. Sucess. She'd found it. Stooping down, she picked some up an started putting more on her face and arms. thankfully she had some from the four years of being a street rat. When morning came, she looked like the street rat who had tried to steal the food she had already stolen from time to time. (if not worse.)
"Good." she thought. "Now. To find the captain."

© 2011 Jenni-Chan

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Guess the cook likes this new lassie.

Posted 12 Years Ago

"That's your plan!?!?!?" ..... "Okay."

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ahh, I understand what you were talking about, now that I've read them all! Very good work, Jenn. Keep doing it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Good job with description Jenn. Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on September 2, 2011
Last Updated on November 2, 2011



Boone, IA

I am insane. But that is nothing new. Everyone who knows me knows that I can overcome any difference! Ahem. Excuse me. I can overcome any difference. Even my own insanity. Though arguing with yourself.. more..


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