Winter's Preserves

Winter's Preserves

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

The winter blast did wane.
As the New Year welcomed the sun,
and the Northern Brute did sleep.
Making us windless all the day long.
The weaver’s web gleamed with frost,
preserving dreams with each passing star,
and with the blushing beams of day,
hope for Spring is cradled.

© 2023 Cherrie Palmer

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I love winter, as I can sleep more. Good poem.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Cherrie Palmer

8 Months Ago

Thank you Arundass
Well, we can only hope your words are a foretelling of a milder winter and I for one shall be crossing fingers, knees, toes and ears that your words become a frozen foretelling of better days ahead.
No matter how hard I try to hibernate, I still wake up, needing to pee or be fed! I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong! 😊

Posted 8 Months Ago

I really enjoyed this. well done

Posted 8 Months Ago

Cherrie Palmer

8 Months Ago

Thank you 😊
Such an apropos write. Well constructed and meaningful.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Preserve things for Winter, jellies and marmalade, honey and cider, canned goods and soups; we may need them when the weather gets rough and we can't go outside.

Posted 8 Months Ago

A lovely write. The seasons change. Everything does. We do our best to endure and adjust. We must endeavor to persevere. After all, what chance do we have against the weather? Thank what powers that be for the advent of central heat and air conditioning. Soon it will be summer and we'll all be wishing for the cool of Spring and Fall.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Cherrie Palmer

1 Year Ago

You quoted from one of my favorite movies.
I hate to be prejudiced... I honestly do, but I must be honest in saying I always find myself longing for the "next" whether it is from winter to spring or summer to fall I find it is so easy to get caught up in the "what isn't" and not see the... what is:/ I have to shake myself and slap myself in the face, to pause and look about me for the beauty of what is always right in front of me just waiting to be seen in the scenes right before me whilst I ponder "the next!" hmm... interesting what this little poem made me think about:)

Posted 1 Year Ago

Cherrie Palmer

1 Year Ago

:) the simple joys of now carry us forward while waiting on tomorrow. :)
I'm going to write.. read more
I think most of us are cradling thoughts of spring Cherrie. We have a lovely winter day today but it is bitterly cold. Your short poem is filled with hope for better days. Beautifully penned it is too.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Yes my dear, even Winter holds warmth and hope, to welcome the New Year with this feeling is the best to do... lovely and sentimental.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Me too dear Cherrie. I need a Spring day. At least two more months for Michigan. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Cherrie Palmer

1 Year Ago

:) thank you
Coyote Poetry

1 Year Ago

You are welcome dear Cherrie.

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21 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 11, 2023
Last Updated on January 25, 2023


Cherrie Palmer
Cherrie Palmer

Springfield , MO

I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..


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