Life Lessons

Life Lessons

A Chapter by .::$h円€R€DRø$€::.

In this Chapter Ruby and Matt are paired up in Sean class to take care of a frog, Ruby is so busy worrying about what Matt thinks of her they end up losing their project but becomes closer...

Setting: In sean life class pretty much a regular chemistry class with nice marble tables and black cushion chairs and windows all around
Matt and Ruby sit together at a lab desk for their life class

Sean: -smiles- "hello class!"
Class: -mummbles- "hey....."
Sean: "ok before we start do you have anything to ask about this class?"
Matt: -raises his hand- "why do we need to know about life to be ninja's?"
Sean: "cause life has suprises and ninja's are all about suprises"
Ruby: -smirks- "then why are you teaching it?"
Sean: -glares- "mom made me"
Everyone: -laughs
Sean: "alright what ever first assignment is TLC"
Boy: "what the hell is that?" 
Girl: "tender love and care moron!"
Sean: "if you can't take care of something else how will you take care of a situation or more importantly yourself or a teammate"
Ruby: "so what are we taking care of?"
Sean: -takes out a bucket of frogs-
Girls: "ewwwww!"
Ruby: -rolls eyes-
Sean: -partners everyone up then smirks at ruby- "ruby and matt will be partners"
Ruby: -eyes grow big- "what?!"
Sean: -gives them their frog- "don't worry matt ruby has great experience with playing house"
Ruby: "sean shut up!"
Sean: "i don't think you should be talking to your teacher that way"
Ruby: -glares-

After Class

Ruby: -sits on her dad's desk- "please make him switch partners!" 
Sean: -rolls eyes- "matt is a good guy" -smirks- "that you have a crush on"
Ruby: "No i don't!"
Sam: "enough you two! sean don not embarrass your sister during class you are a teacher not a teenager and ruby just give matt a try he can end up being a good partner"
Ruby: "fine....."
Sean: "alright"
Sam: "good now you may go i have a lot of things on my plate"
Ruby: -leaves to her friends-
Matt: -holds their frog- "you ok?"
Ruby: "uh yeah how Todd?"
Matt: "um...." -looks at the frog- "i seriously don't know how to answer that...."
Ruby: -laughs- "lets go get some lunch"

They walk to the lunch hall

Jade: -looks at her pudding- "this looks like what my cat pooped out when she had the runs"
Dylan: -puts pudding down- "thanks for that image...."
Ruby and Matt sit down with jade and dylan as skylar and scott comes over with food and sits down too
Scott: -smiles at jade- "hi jade"
Jade: "hi....." -sees john and sighs deeply so depressed-
Scott: -sees john too and frowns- 
Ruby: "come on jade he has a girlfriend"
Jade: -sighs- "i wish it was me he is hotter then the werewolf and vampire combined from twilight"
Ruby: "hes not that hot....."
Jade: "well your siblings of course you will think that"
Scott: -catches grapes in his mouth to get jade's attention-
Jade: -watches- "cool" -smiles impressed-
Sky: -looks at matt and ruby- "what is life class like?"
Matt: "how about we show you" -makes a hand motion towards something but nothings there-
Sky: ".....?"
Ruby: "oh my god!!! where is Todd!!!!"
Ruby and matt: -gets up and looks around- "Our frog baby!" -they rush out of the lunch room-
Jade: "frog baby? ewwwww"

© 2011 .::$h円€R€DRø$€::.

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Added on October 15, 2011
Last Updated on October 15, 2011



Sandusky, OH

Imagination is everything to me, I day dream alot which makes me write alot. I love stories about love, mystery, and fantasy (dragon mostly) more..
