Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Hope Rose

REMINDER!!!!!!!! Purple lines are thoughts of Rose!!!!!

The sights, lights, and eye candy. The city of love was a mystery waiting to be explored. I was supposed to go to Rio in a week, but I was tempted to call Infinity and ask to stay in Paris. Could spend my last month here instead of Rio... I would miss the beach, but oh well...
With a sigh, I headed back to my apartment. Earlborns are common here, but what am I? Thoughts like these bounced off my head as I walked.
Not paying attention, I ran into someone. Face burning, I started to apologize but was stopped by the people in front of me. I know them, I thought. It was Gyn and his daughter, thought I couldn't remember her name. She helped me up as her father spoke.
"Rose, are you alright? Where's your lovely mother?" Gyn asked.
What a flirt, I mused. "I'm alright, Mr. Ichimaru. Neither Midnight or Infinity are here."
"Alone? Dear Lord, woman. Men would take advantage of you if they knew that, myself included," Gyn sighed.
Woah. He's flirting me? That wasn't good. I needed to get out of there and fast.
"Look, Mr. Ichimaru, I've gotta go. My fiancé is waiting for me, and he gets-"
"Wait what? You mean to tell me you're-" he started, but I cut him off.
"No, sir. We're engaged, as Earlborn custom, because I'm having his child."
A complete lie, but it worked. His jaw dropped and I was able to get to my apartment without them following.
Time flies. Next thing I knew, it was my last night in Paris and I was standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I was unaware of anyone there until they spoke. "So beautiful. Much different from the view of the Soul Sceptre."
I looked over my shoulder and got a surprise. Nyra. We had started talking the day after I ran into her.
"You look good, Nyra."
She blushed slightly. "I'm nothing. Not compared to you."
I wasn't pretty. My pink hair hung from it's usual braid down the middle of my back. I was ugly, so I wore makeup. I hated being called "pretty" in any way.
"You look better... Color suits you. I look better in white," I commented. But is white really your color? Stupid conscience. Always nagging me... I changed the subject. "Are you leaving tonight?"
"Yeah. Dad's needed back in Sector Eleven. I would stay, but..."
"I get it. He's needed. No problem. I've gotta go. I'll see you soon, Nyra!" I said in farewell as I took off.

© 2016 Hope Rose

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Posted 8 Years Ago

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Hope Rose

8 Years Ago

*is fangirling like crazy*
Angel of the devil

8 Years Ago

Hope Rose

8 Years Ago

Message me and I'll SHOW YOU

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1 Review
Added on May 4, 2016
Last Updated on May 10, 2016


Hope Rose
Hope Rose


I just love how some people can be... They think that if their best friend has something then they have to. It's so funny :3 If you need someone to talk to for any reason just send me a message on .. more..

Torture Torture

A Chapter by Hope Rose