

A Chapter by InsanityWriter

Just some words on words...


Sticks and stones cannot hurt me.
I'm better. Stronger. Tougher than that.

But words?
Words slice through me like blades into water. Words cut into me like razor sharp knives slicing skin, easily, so easily.

Words penetrate my very being, entering my dreams and imagination.
They kill me over and over and over each time they're repeated. Again and again and again.

It's like I'm trapped. I can't escape. These words are holding me down. They've trapped me. They're suffocating me. I can't breath. I can't think. I can't survive like this. I can't, I can't, I can't.

Words aren't a substance. They aren't anything. "What's in a name?" Words don't change who you are...
Those words are lies.

Words turn into tears. They drip from your eyes at every utterance of them.

Words are knives that stab you every day, without a drop of blood. That's why no one ever notices.

Words are gravity. They're what pull you down into humiliation whenever a foot is out-stuck in front of your feet. They become the force that drives you so deep into the earth that you cannot claw your way to the surface, and they become the energy that relentlessly keep pushing you downwards. Deeper and deeper ceaselessly.

Words turn into that poison that seethes through your veins. That seeps into your mind. That urges you to die.

Words turn into lies. All the lies.

"I'm okay."

"I'm alright."

"No, it's fine, no offense taken. None at all."


Words turn into laughs. Empty laughs. Laughs filled with the soul of hollow death that has been drained of all love, light, and happiness. Laughs that slowly kill you. Laughs that are cyanide.

Words turn into the putrid vomit. They're what make us so imperfect. We need to fix ourselves. The words told us to. They tell us. They'll ever be telling us.

You're no good.

Ugly, fat, stupid, retard.

You're no good.


The words turn into stomach acid. Empty stomach acid that we need to be rid of if we want to please the words. The words that have become that vomit.

Nobody's perfect. Just ignore them.
Yes. Ignore the words being blatantly screamed onto your ears. Blared for all the world to hear.

It's so easy, until the words radiate within your own head. The only place where they cannot die. Cannot be forgotten. Cannot disappear.

Words don't do anything. They can't. They're just-just words!
But words do do things.
Words are what starve us. Starve us of dignity and beauty. Of ourselves. Happiness. Love.

Words are what beat us down.

Words are what bruise us, choke us.

They are what humiliates us. They torment us until we cannot and will not survive. They are what drive us to that point at which we are willing to throw ourselves off the cliff of insanity that we did not realize we passed miles back.

Words kill us. They kill us on the inside, so we want to die on the outside.

They're sugarcoated and beautiful. They're sweet loveliness and flowing. They're everything you think they'll be, until they stop. They turn into everything they say you are.

Ugly. Stupid. Fat. Retard.

Words are what they are. They are what you are, for "you, by any other name, would be just as hideous."

Words are power.
Why can we not remember 'love' is one of them?

© 2013 InsanityWriter

Author's Note

Thanks for reading. :)

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That was soooo deep. I enjoyed it but it made me so full of emotion. Your writing was beautiful. XD

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you for reading! :) I'm glad you liked it. ^_^ Your review is greatly appreciated. (:
I'm overwhelmed by your insightful poem. It is unfortunate that we spew out words without considering their impact upon the person to whom they are directed. I can excuse a few people because they are ingnorant but the majority do it to hurt others intentionally.

You point out how once the words are in our head they have their greatest impact: "The only place where they cannot die. Cannot be forgotten. Cannot disappear." Profound analogy.

"Words are what starve us. Starve us of dignity and and beauty. Of ourselves. Happiness. Love." Premeditated hurt.

"Words kill us. They kill us on the inside, so we want to die on the outside." Intentional slaughter of the innocent.

This poem should be published for society to read. This should be read by youth and adult alike. It's an education in a nutshell. It's preventative medicine. I truly appreciate your writing . Thank you for sharing this profound statement about the impact of negative words.

Please consider writing a poem about the other words: words that are positive and healing; words which counteract the negative words.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

I'll see what I can do. ;) And thank you so much for your review! It is greatly appreciated. (: I'm .. read more
"Words kill us. They kill us on the inside, so we want to die on the outside.''

you have just KILLED me!!!!!
this is the EVER BEST THING I HAVE EVER READ!! you just made my day, and believe me girl, it WAS a bad day.
do you ever notice how Word and World are so very similar?
it's because it's the words that make our world, it may destroy it, and it may raise it to the very ultimate level!
i love the ending!! it shows some forgotten hope!
great write
no no wait, AMAZING write.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Sorry about your bad day. :/ I'm glad I could help though! ^_^ And thank YOUfor reading. (: I'm real.. read more
Salar Majak

11 Years Ago

:D thanks soo much! i love your writes they are genuine
Wow, just wow...this blew me away Skittles! You nailed it a thousand times over...words are a destructive force indeed.

'Words turn into that poison that seethes through your veins. That seeps into your mind. That urges you to die.'

I loved it from start to finish, that line killed me...a really great job here. Kudos.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much for both reading and reviewing!! :) It means a lot to me that you took the time to.. read more
Amazing! I really liked this very much.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you. ^_^ I'm glad you did!! :)
It's very true words can drain away you excitement, even your imagination "stop dreaming and learn some goddamn math, stop dreaming you'll be nothing by being a dreamer, you need to become an engineer..."(well that was from my experience, I guess I went a little over the top on this one)....still great write, words can make you feel so disgusted that you say I had enough...

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks a lot for reading! (: Your feedback is appreciated. ^_^
Intresting you write really good :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thnk you for reading!! :)

11 Years Ago


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17 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on February 24, 2013
Last Updated on February 24, 2013



I'm amongst my people. Praise!

****Please review some of my works if you're going to send me a friend request, I will return the favor. Thanks!! :) I write mostly poetry, but I do have a book of short stories (it's literally cal.. more..

Chasm Chasm

A Poem by InsanityWriter

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