A Chapter by Nightstar

                Deep red eyes stared him down, just as quickly as they appeared the eyes vanished leaving him alone laying in the dirt. Blinking a few times, he sat up looking around for the pair of red and he didn’t stand up a soft tap hit his shoulder. He turned around to see a girl a few inches shorter then him looking up at him. “Hey, may I ask who you are?” He dusted off his pants he looked back at the girl stretching out his hand her which she took as he answered her. “My name is Joker, and know may I ask who you are miss?” The girl made a slight giggle much like a little kid would. She pulled up her shirt in to a slight curtsy to him as she spoke. “I’m Clown. Well Joker how long have you been out here alone?” Joker scratched the back of his neck. “A few hours I think how about…” Clown had a bright smile across her face as he spoke, thinking that she must like him, he smiled back till it turned to a silent smiling contest. Clown turned away from him as she took his arm. “You’re hungry, aren’t you? I bet you are I’ve made some fresh cookies up at the house you could have some as you tell me more about yourself, oh and have a bath while your up there.” Clown waved her hand in front of her face, till she smiled again in a play full way. “I’m just messing with you, you smell fine Joker…just fine.”

                Joker found himself being dragged up a hill by Clown, as he was being dragged he saw a white plantations house come into view. When they got to the large white door, Clown stopped to grab a little pink key sliding it into the door they walked in. Before Joker could get a look around the house, Clown had dragged him into a kitchen where a table and three chairs around it. Clown gestured for Joker to take a seat. “Go on they won’t eat you…at least not alive.” After she finished the line, she started laughing as she sat down in a pink chair at the end of the table. As Joker looked around for a chair a plain wooden chair stood next to Clown, he pointed at the chair when he looked over a Clown. “Was this here before?” Clown set down the two glass cups full of milk, when she looked at the chair. “Nope.” Looking at her for a few minutes Joker sat down, taking the glass of milk he watched Clown eat the cookie as he took in what she looked like.

                Clown had long turquoise hair that was tied in two large pig tails with bows, on the right it was pink on the top and neon green on the bottom as the left side was to opposite. Her eyes where a deep purple, she wore a light blue shirt with a little light purple ribbon tied in a bow, a light purple skirt with a light blue belt that rested on her hip. When Joker was walking with Clown up the hill, he noticed that she wore no shoes or sockets.

                Clown noticed Jokers eyes, so she set the cup down. “You ok?” Joker nodded he opened his mouth to say something when a door could be heard closing, then foot steps headed to the kitchen. Clown looked up to the young man that walked in, her smile grew if that was even possible for her. “Hey Spike, this is Joker.” Spike looked over at Joker the to shook hands then both went back looking at Clown. “Sorry, but Clown could I barrow you for a minuet?” “Oh, ok sure. Come on Joker I’ll show you the grounds while we’re out.” They both stood up and followed Spike outside. Spike and Clown talked about things that Joker didn’t quiet get or understand. Looking around where he was at a figure cot his eye. It moved quickly on the ground then it vanished among the tree line.

                When he turned back to look at the other two, they where both looking at him. “Are you ok Joker?” Clown had moved, away from Spike and was close to him. Staking his head, he nodded. “Yes, Clown I’m fine.” Clown still seemed concerned. “You sure, if you don’t feel well…” “Clown I’m fine don’t worry about me.” Clown stepped away as she walked up to Spike, before they both went back to walking they turned to look at him, till they went back to doing their thing. Joker tried to figure out what they where talking about. Looking around Joker noted that he had only seen the three of them and the strange figure among the trees. Taken to lost in thought he didn’t hear Spike as him a question. “What, sorry I was deep in thought.” Spike lightly laughed as he re-said his question. “Do you think going to a Halloween party to a near by village would be a good idea?” Joker looked at Spike then to Clown who was hoping on one foot as Spike waited for his answer. Joker shrugged his shoulders when answering. “I don’t see how going to it would be a bad thing.” Clown jumped in excitement. “Yes, we get to go to a party!” Be for both boys knew it Clown had ran off some place down the hill.

                Spike patted Joker on the back. “Well I guess Clown wants me to get to know you since you’re new and all.” The two boys walked around till Joker broke the silence. “How old are you Spike.” Spike looked at the sky putting his hands in his dirt covered brown jacket. “I’m about sixteen, what about you?” “Me, I’m sixteen as well, so Spike got any family out there?” Spike stayed silent for a good few hours, in those hours Joker got a good look at what Spike looked like.

                Spike wore a white shirt, brown pants with pirate like boots. His hair was a deep brown short a little long at the ends it had a slight spike to it, his eye color was a bit strange they had a slight gold color to them. The only thing that stood out to Joker was the jacket he wore, it was a lot larger then him covered in dirt and with many small holes.

                When Spike finally answered his answer was strange, yet Joker would have given the same. “It’s a long story, What about you?” Joker didn’t need much thinking to give his answer. “A story not needed to be shared.” The two didn’t speak a word till Clown popped out of no where rapping her arms around both their necks. “Hey guys, mind if I take Joker back inside for a little while?”

                Joker followed Clown inside, when she stopped and turned to him. “This is your room but before you go in imagine your room first.” Joker raised his eye brow at Clown as she just smiled up at him. Taking in the fact that he didn’t get what she was getting at she leaned forward to whisper to him. “The house can read your mind so just see it in your mind and it will make it trust me on this one.” She winked at her last couple of words. Still not understanding what she meant but seeing her smile he sighed and closed his eyes.  It didn’t take long for him to open them again, looking back at Clown she nodded to him as she opened the door. Inside was the room was he was thinking of to every detail. Joker walked in to take a closer look around, he turned to look at Clown who was smiling in the door way at him. “You happy with your room Joker?” Joker smiled as he nodded to her, looking around a green key on the table next to his bed popped out to him. Picking up the key he looked it over, looking at Clown with a raised eye brow, her smile grew brighter which Joker still couldn’t figure out how she could do that. “I didn’t think of a key, why is it here?” “It’s they key to your room and the house, don’t ask me how it just does.”

                A soft knock on his door made both look over, Spike looked over at both of them. “Clown this party that you want to go to is a good while away, if we’re going to make it we best get leaving.” Joker straightened his tie as he looked down at Clown. “Well then best we get moving, Spike have you gotten her yet?” Spike shook his head a visible cold chill ran threw his spine. “No, I couldn’t find her.” Clown walked out side following the boys, they found themselves in front of a large tree. When looking up you could only see darkness, Clown slightly shouted up at the tree. “We’re leaving you should come with us and see some new things…please?” A branch snapped, a few leaves fell then a soft thump behind them made Joker and Spike jump as Clown just quickly turned around to find a figure standing in front of them.

                “I’m glad that you’re coming you need to get away sometimes from that tree.” Joker looked at the figure, who or what ever it was wore a long black cloak that cover it hope body ever its face. The four of them walked around the woods till a small little village came into view. “A train station is just on the other side of town we just have to make it there.” They walked down the hill to reach the entrance of the town, Clown had her head down which was strange to Joker since the short little while he’s known her she’s never had a problem expressing who she was she looked to be ashamed of how she looked as they walked along the village. Looking around himself some of the towns people were looking or whispering he could guess about them. “Why are they looking at us like that?” Joker whispered to Spike, Spike had his eyes dead ahead when he noticed that Joker had spoken to him he tilted his head. “Some of the villagers well they don’t like what they would call “our kind” walking around their town.” Just as he said it a man started walking there way he looked like he was walking right up to them. For a short moment Joker looked over a Spike to notice him reach for something in his coat, the seconded he touched it the man walking up to them walked right passed them making him let go of what ever in his coat he was reaching for.

                They walked to the train station without any trouble along the way. Getting the tickets Joker walked back to the group. “The man at the booth said that if we get on the train we can’t leave our booth till the end of the ride.” Clown nodded as did Spike the figure just stood straight and tall not moving an inch. “One other thing they didn’t want us to all be together, so we have two separate booths for two of us to go in.” Clown finally slightly put her head up to look at him. “Who will be in what booth?” Joker looked at all of them. “The head of the town said that when we get on the train, well Clown you and Spike can sit together but your friend has to sit with me. I don’t know why something about me being normal and that there not, I don’t really know.”

                Clown started to walk up the steps, when Spike started following her Joker gripped his arm. “You guys go ahead, Clown here’s yours and your friends seats I need Spike to help me grab something.” Clown looked between the two boys and patted the hooded figures shoulder for them to walk in. “Ok, well hurry up the train will be leaving soon.” Taking there leave, Spike looked over at Joker when the others left inside the train. “Ok, Joker what’s this about?” Joker didn’t speak he kept looking over the people and then to Spike till they reached an alleyway. “Joker what is going on?” “Spike do you have a gun?” Spike shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “I’ve carried on since I was little, why?” Joker then shrugged as he leaded against the opposite wall. “I don’t know it might have been for the fact that you almost pulled it out earlier.” Both boys just stood there looking at one another till they started walking back, Joker handed him his ticket. “It should be hard for you to find your seat if Clown is all ready sitting there.” With about any more words they walked to their numbered seats.

                Spike walked into the booth that Clown was already sitting in, she was looking out the window when he walked in. When she noticed he was sitting across from her, she game him a smile. “How’d it go with Joker?” “Fine, just fine.” Clown looked back out the window to see a couple walking by with two little girls walking in front of them. “Spike, did you have a family?” Spike jerked at the sudden question, when he thought back to what she had just asked him. “Yeah, I had one. Why do you ask?” Clown shrugged as she twisted her skirt. “I’ve only had one member in my family, what about you Spike?” Spike nodded as he looked out the window. “I’ve only had a dad.” Clown noted how Spike had said dad and not father unlike what other people would say.

                Joker walked into the booth to see the figure already sitting in the seat. It moved when Joker walked in, he sat down across from the figure to get a better look at them but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t see who or what was under the hood. Being the gentleman he his, he stuck his hand out to shake. “I’m Joker, my I ask who you are?” Not a movement was made from the figure till a pail almost white hand came out to take his hand. The grip was soft yet firm as they shook hands. “It’s your turn to tell me your name.” A soft voice almost a whisper spoke. “Ace.”

Clown hoped off the train in the day light skipping around as to feel her legs again. Spike stood around a light smile and a half laugh exited him as he watched Clown do her little thing. Soon Joker and Ace walked off the train up to the others. Clown turned to have Ace standing next to her as they walked along the rode as Joker looked over to Clown, whispering to her so the others couldn’t hear. “Clown, do you know who Ace is?” Crown froze when she gave a strange look to Joker he knew he said something wrong. “Clown, you ok?” Clown slightly nodded her head till she answered Joker. “Joker where did you hear that name from?” “I heard it from Ace, the one in the hood. What wrong?”  Clown grabbed Jokers arm dragging him over to the wall. “Joker, Ace hasn’t spoken to any in years. What else did Ace say?” Looking into her normal cheerful eyes they where know covered with a slight bit of fear. “Nothing just the name Ace that’s all I promise a gentleman’s promise nothing else.”

Spike turned around to see Clown holding Joker hand as they tried to catch up with the others. “Should we go in?” “Clown I don’t think was a good idea, what if these people treat us like all those other people did.” Right as he looked over at the other three a group of teenagers came walking along the path they stopped to look over at them. “What are you guys supposed to be?” Joker looked over at the girl who spoke she was dressed as a queen. “Well your highnesses I am a gentleman at your services.” He bowed to her slightly taking her hand as he kissed it, the girl giggled as he did so. Pulling himself up he looked at the others. Clown spoke as she did a little curtsy with her skirt. “I’m a Clown.” She pointed at Spike when she spoke. “A pirate and this is a, well that’s up for anyone to decide.”

They started walking in every person in the town was dressed up as something or someone different than themselves. Clown looked around at all the games, grabbing the first person she could which was poor Spike, she dragged him to the game leaving Joker with Ace. Ace looked around showing no movement with the hood. Joker turned to look over at Ace, who turned to look over at him. “What to have some fun?” Taking the silence as a yes, he started walking along the street, looking behind him after a little while he noticed Ace was walking behind him. Slowing down his pace trying to let Ace catch up with him, each time he slowed down Ace seemed to slow down even more. Stopping he turned around to look at Ace. “Ace, you know you can come and walk next to me. I don’t bite.” When Ace didn’t move Joker turned back around when he felt Ace stand next to him he couldn’t help but smile. “You don’t have to talk behind me Ace, I may not know who you are under the hood but to be you are equal.”

Spike turned around to see Joker talking to Ace though he doubted that Ace was talking back to him till he saw Joker laugh. “Clown do you think Ace might take the hood off?” Clown smiled over at the two when she saw them. “Maybe Spike…maybe.” Spike looked down at Clown she was looking at a water gun game. “Everything ok, do you want to play?” Clown looked at Spike, as she shook her head. “I can’t fire a gun, I never learned how.” Spike grabbed the water gun pointing it at the target he fired. Clown stared in shock as each target was fired at, when she looked up at Spike a bit of fear coved her face. Spikes eyes looked cold and dead at each shot of water hit the target Clown was slightly scared of him till he set the gun down he looked normal as he did that.

Joker walked around making sure that Ace was still walking with him. A couple walked up to them whispering to each other they both where dressed up as demons. “What the heck are you two supposed to be?” “Why does it matter to you?” The man stepped in front of the lady to stare Joker down. “Don’t yell at my girl know answer the question.” He grabbed Jokers jacket, Ace made a quick step forward, Joker put his hand up stopping them. “We’ll be leaving.” Turning around he put his hand on Aces shoulder making both walk away from the demon couple, looking at their costumes as he walked away Joker couldn’t help but laugh. They looked nothing like a demon to him, it made him laugh. He removed his hand when they reached Clown and Spike. “Ok Clown you got to see this know can we go?” Clown looked as Spike then to Joker they both looked a bit uneasy about being in the town.”  Nodding her head as she smiled to the both of them. “Yeah.”

Walking along the path out of town Clown looked at the train station as a shiver ran threw her spin. “Do we have to ride the train again?” “No, a walk won’t hurt us to get back home.” They continued to walk along the path when Clown stopped. “Is that smoke?” High above the tree line thick black smoke coved the once blue sky. Following the smoke, a town at one time came into view, buildings crumpled as the wind blew, the ground coved in ash from the fires that still burned in some buildings high above. “What happened here?” “Look.” A figure stood in the middle of the town not moving yet was Spike took a step to get a better look its head moved looking straight at him. It stood up still looking at him when it screamed as it started running at him. It was black, long and had long fingers that where sharpened to a point. Spike stepped back frozen at the sight of what ever it was. It didn’t stop charging, as it got closer Clown let out a scream of fear. Jokers eyes widened with on motion Ace had moved in front of Clown leaning forward an arm stretched out stopping Clown from going forward. A sword in the other arm, thrusting it forward the sudden jerk threw the cloak off showing who Ace was. The figure fell as the sword pierced straight threw their chest. Pulling the sword out of its chest Ace straightened up to slide the sword back in the sheaf resting on there back. Ace slowly turned around to look over to them, Ace was a girl with cold red eyes. “You.” Was all Joker could say. Clown walked up to her. “What is that thing?” Ace bent down picking up her cloak pulling it over her shoulders only her head could be seen, she hadn’t pulled the hood up yet. She looked over at Joker with a look of anger and disgust making him give her a look of confusion.

As the others looked at the figure laying on the ground Joker took a better look at the town. His back to the others he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning to see who it was everything went black. “Joker what do you think…Joker? Joker!”

Joker felt a sharp pain on his cheek shoot him awake. “Wakey, wakey.”     

© 2018 Nightstar

Author's Note

This is my first chapter, if you want more quicker please say so.

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Added on June 18, 2018
Last Updated on June 18, 2018




Hi, I'm Nightstar a highschool student who just loves to read and write when ever I can. more..

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A Story by Nightstar

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