13. Life

13. Life

A Chapter by Pancae

After 10 more minutes of looking around, I managed to walk into 4 infected, 
2 arguments - ( consisting of whether that ' could've fed Rose -again- and whether the creature would've been blown to bits by a gun ) - The only thing that I didn't end up bumping into were things that would actually help in surviving. Once the 10 minutes that marked the meeting back up passed, Alex began to walk back to meet up with the other 3. 
After a few seconds of silence, Alex spoke up.
'' Rose mentioned that you remembered something ? About a daisy chain ? '' He casually commented.
How could I ? The pain that I felt during that memory wasn't something you could easily forget. That memory convinced me that I was related to Rose. Only, how did he find out ? Did she willingly ' report ' it or did Alex show interest ? 
I hesitated for a second before managing a reply.
'' Yes ? '' Was the only word that escaped my lips. 
'' I - '' He started, before coming to a halt. Just as I stopped a few feet away from him, Alex turned around to face me. 
'' I was wond-.. Can you remember anything else ? '' 
That look a person gives before letting a loved one go ? 
That look that a husband or a wife gives before sending their partner to war ?
That look of hope, dread, sorrow and love was reflected in Alex's eyes at this very moment. However unbelievable anything else was, I got my answer to the question that hadn't been asked. 

''  You wher- are my boyfriend. ''  I whispered.

For a few seconds, there was disbelief in his eyes. His lips parted to ask a question, but he thought twice and turned around just as the light from his eyes escaped again. 
'' She told you. '' 
'' Yea. She did. '' 

I could feel another question bubbling inside of him, but before Alex could ask it a noise broke the silence. Somebody running and.. shouting ? 
'' Run ! He killed Tim, move it ! '' It was Joe, his voice weak through the gasping and the shuffling of his running feet. 
Although my brain was demanding an answer as to who killed Tim, my body twisted and was ready to run wherever my eyes lay on. But the killer was already there; 
standing tall with the bow and arrows in front of him with that confident smile he wore not long ago.

© 2014 Pancae

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Added on October 24, 2014
Last Updated on October 25, 2014



Hogwarts , House : Slytherin

I'm a -insert age here- year old that has many novel/story ideas but doesn't know where to share them. I don't know what to do with my life yet, but know that I enjoy creating different plot lines. more..

1. Prologue 1. Prologue

A Chapter by Pancae

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