Less Human

Less Human

A Chapter by Jenny-Jen-Jen

love love. maybe?


So, I finally got what I wanted. An issue in my life that would cause me problems. I got Isabella. And I finally got part two of that want. I got her to show me what was bothering her, or somewhat. So, why do I feel so horrible?

She cannot stop crying, and I don’t know what to do. I just want to reach out and hold her, but I don’t want to make her even more uncomfortable. The way she cries is different from any other person I know. She’s silent, but her whole body shakes. She grips her sides with her hands, wrapping them around her torso. She tries to hold it in.

I can tell she’s still cold from the snow too. I slip out of my jacket as quickly as I can and wrap it around her. She doesn’t flinch away from me like she did last night. “Isabella, we’ve got to get you in some warmer clothes.” I say, reaching for her keys. She drops them from her hand, backing away a few steps so I can open her door.

She refuses to say a word and I can tell she’s terrified. She’s afraid to let herself trust me. I open the door and reach for her. She trembles harder, but doesn’t move. Her eyes close and her body begins curling inward. She collapses to the floor, her pain overcoming her physical strength.

I’ve never seen someone so torn, so shattered.

I link my arms around her and pull her up, into my arms. She tries to break free, but I pull her into her dorm room. “Shh...shh... you’re okay.” I promise her, letting her go as soon as I get her by the bed. She sits down, pulling her knees up to her chest.

“Isabella, you can trust me.” I assure her, kneeling in front of her. I place my hands on her shoulders and she flinches, turning her head away from me. I fight my own urge to cry as I see her in this kind of pain. I just cannot fathom what happened to her over the years.

Her lips begin to tremble, and they are turning a light color of blue and purple. I can tell she’s trying to say something, she’s fighting for control of her emotions. “W-Why?” I find myself unable to understand her. Why what?

She jerks free of my hands and lets my jacket fall to her bed. She stands, a little wobbly. I keep myself ready to catch her if she falls again. She runs her hands wildly through her hair, nearly ripping it out. “Isabella..” I say, wondering how to calm her down.

She turns to me, her beautiful eyes scorching into me. Anger is not visible in her eyes, but I can see the frustration flaming. “Why d-do you c-care?” She stammers, wiping the tears from her eyes. Her body continues to tremble, but she seems to be gaining some strength. Enough to stand on her own. Enough to pull herself back together.

I feel dumbfounded by her simple question. Why do I care so much? I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t. I can’t pull my eyes from hers. It’s as if I can feel each scar on her heart. As if her heart is my own, beating in me, alive.

“You d-don’t even know m-me..” She says, pulling her own eyes from mine. She walks, slowly, over to her window. She watches the world below, losing herself in thought. “Because..” I say, and I notice her jaw tighten. “I can see the pain you’re going through.” My voice is barely a whisper.

Her head begins to shake. She doesn’t agree. “You can’t possibly know what I’ve been through.” She says, her voice restored, yet her body continues to tremble, slightly. “You’re right.” I say, walking over to her by the window. She allows her eyes to travel to mine, but she takes a step back, away from me.

“I may not know what happened.. what you’ve been through..” I feel myself melting in her eyes. I feel my own character, my own emotions mixing with hers. “But I can see your pain..” “But I’m just some kid.” She counters. I nod. “That doesn’t make you any less human.”

She begins to shake her head once more. Disagreeing. She pauses, to take a deep breath, calming herself completely. “You don’t know me well enough to make that kind of judgment.” Her voice was soft spoken, but it had an edge to it. “Not yet.” My tone was confident, though I felt no such thing. I could tell she didn’t think of herself as anything, much less important. But, to me she was important. I may not be able to explain it to her now, but someday I would.

© 2009 Jenny-Jen-Jen

Author's Note

okay, so... do you like? hate? want to kill? firey pit of doom?

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Love this! Don't have anything else to say but just keep up the good work! (Saying this alot cause that is really all I have to say)

Posted 15 Years Ago

i loved the emotion thats was in this and i love the characters. i cant ait to watch this story unfold, to watch these two characters grow together. i just love it!!! great job!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 2, 2009



Mo-Town, NC

Death is Peaceful. Life is Harder. I base my writing upon what comes to mind, what I'm going through, and true feelings. I'm opinionated, and sometimes you'll see that shine through the cracks of m.. more..

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