( Extract 5) Edaline Simard's Diary of Completly and Utterly Normal?

( Extract 5) Edaline Simard's Diary of Completly and Utterly Normal?

A Chapter by emilythestrange

    16th of December, 2012


Well, since my incident with The Populars I have recovered and have decided to stay.

Maybe Normolville has something to offer.




Normolville has NOTHING to offer.

I have explored everywhere.

No-where is even remotley like I expected it to be.

Though I did meet someone.

 She is just a girl who happened to be around when I was sitting on my bench. Which was sorta weird considering it was about midnight. She was sneaking out with some paint cans. I thought that all of Normolville was in bed by 9, 8 some nights. Oh well. Guess I'll have to stop with the late night jaunts around town. I DON'T want to run into that girl again.




I given up on giving up. Am going out.




Arrived at my bench, and that girl was still there. ( I know I am going to have to find out her name soon, but for now, I am just happy calling her that girl). She asked me if I wanted some coffee. Actually, I was pretty tired. But myself taught me never to take anything from strangers. I just left, and didn't say anything. Myself also taught me never to talk to strangers.



© 2013 emilythestrange

My Review

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Emily, your really living up to your screename...This is extremely strange!!! LoL But in a very satisfying way....I love the creepiness of this Normolville...And the mention of No-where...Very satisfyingly strange indeed...You could probably turn this into something Tim Burton would love to dive into....Very good stuff...Have you read all three chapters I have up so far?? I have a fourth ready to be put up...But anyways this is excellent wierdness!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 19, 2012
Last Updated on March 28, 2013



The Place that my Pen may take me, Scotland, United Kingdom

Amateur writer, director, live-er, hair brusher, modern-living-girl, and brussel sprout eater, and cleaner. Professional poet, wonder-er, reader, imagin-eer, word user, weirdo, Nerdfighter, Danasaur,.. more..

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A Story by emilythestrange