Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Molly

All I’ve been thinking about since last night is Harrison Lunn and the conversation that we had. I hate the fact that he has become the center of my thoughts, which would probably make him very smug, but I just can’t help myself. It’s not that I’m attracted to him in anyway or I’m obsessing over him, I just don’t understand his angle. One minute he was messing around and discussing getting an older woman into bed with him, but the next he actually seemed interested in what I was talking about or asking me somewhat personal questions.

            I suddenly dread the fact that I have physics next, unsure if Harrison will even acknowledge my existence, which I surely hope he doesn’t. Maybe he only chose to talk to me last night because I was the only girl at the party around his age and he took anything he could get. Now that we are back at school there are endless amounts of girls for him to flirt with.

            I stop at the drinking fountain just outside of my classroom, freezing when I hear someone mention Harrison’s name next to me. Normally, I would have ignored the mention of Harrison, but their particular conversation has suddenly caught my attention. I look up to find Brad Stinson and Ryder Howard, two boys who are apart of the popular group, chatting away.

            “I heard he’s from Pennsylvania or something. The word is that he was quite the ladies man back there as well. Made out with almost every girl in the school, slept with half of them. He’s a real charmer, but he isn’t interested in any of that relationship crap.” Brad shrugs his shoulders as he fills Ryder in, which causes Ryder to laugh out of disbelief.


            “Yeah, man. He’s obviously a good looking dude and he uses it to his advantage. Flirts with girls, makes them think he actually likes them, sleeps with them, and then moves on to the next. It’s a little shady, but I can’t help but admire him a little.”

            I turn away from the drinking fountain, feeling slightly uneasy from what I just heard.

It suddenly occurs to me that maybe there is a reason why Harrison decided to talk to me at that party and why he keeps smiling at me. He’s trying to win me over so that I agree to sleep with him and he can add me to his little collection of girls. He thinks that his charm is going to work on me and I’ll just let him make his way with me before he moves on to do the same with another girl.

I clench my jaw as I walk towards my classroom, feeling offended and annoyed that Harrison actually thought I was that kind of girl. How dare he think that I was that easy. Looks like I’ll have to set the record straight.

As usual, I arrive to the classroom early, noting that a lot of people have managed to get to class early as well, mainly the female students. I try not to show my amusement as I walk to my seat and set my stuff down, not bothering to say hello to Jenna because I know she’ll only ignore me.

            I’m surprised to see Harrison walk through the door, looking directly at me and letting a grin spread across his face.

            I glance up at the clock. He’s four minutes early for close, which is impressive considering he usually steps through the door as soon as the final bell rings.

            Suddenly, the books that I had placed at the edge of the desk are pushed towards me and I look up to see Harrison sitting on the edge of my desk. His half crooked smile is currently plastered on his face, instantly irritating me.

            “Come here often?” He c***s his head to the side and I can feel dozens of eyes on me.


I slowly furrow my brow as we stare at each other for a moment. He is fully aware that I am annoyed with him, yet he continues to give me his goofy grin.

I can see Jenna’s head snap back and forth between Harrison and I from the corner of my eye. Is it really that unbelievable that someone is capable of resisting his charm? I swear she looks like I just shot Harrison right in front of her.

Harrison grabs my notebook off of my stack of books and begins to scan through it.

“So this is the stuff you’re writing all the time. I always wondered what you were doing.”

I raise a brow at him. “You mean taking notes? That’s generally what you do in class.”

Harrison shakes his head as he continues to flip through my notebook.

“Not me. It seems like such a waste of time.”

“Not if you want to get good grades.”

He turns his attention back to me and tosses my notebook back on my stack.

“I’ve managed to get a 4.0 the past four years without taking any notes. I don’t think I’m going to start now.”

“I guess you’re just one of the lucky ones,” I say flatly, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.

He smiles down at me and I can see the obvious amusement in his eyes.

“I guess you could say that.”

The bell suddenly rings, but neither of us move. We just continue to stare at one another. Irritation stands behind my eyes while amusement stands behind his. I can still feel everyone staring at us, which makes my face begin to grow a little warm.

“Harrison Lunn, in my classroom we sit on chairs not desks.” I hear Mr. Hillard’s voice and look away from Harrison in order to see our teacher setting his computer case on his desk. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see a teacher in my entire life.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Hillard.”

I look back up at Harrison, his eyes are still locked on me as he moves off my desk and begins to walk back to his own seat. I look away from him again, focusing my attention on the screen rather than Harrison’s stupid smirk.

He could be so frustrating. Just when I was hoping that he would leave me alone, he just decides to mess with me some more.

I can feel eyes continuously glancing over at me throughout the entire class period as I try to keep my own attention on our lesson. It’s no use though. I can’t focus on anything that Hillard is talking about while everyone keeps looking over at me. For once, people are more interested in staring at me than at Harrison, which I know is all of his fault. Does he really need to give me anymore reasons for me not to like him?

When the bell finally rings to dismiss us, I pack my things quickly and make my way out of the classroom, hoping that Harrison will get caught behind everyone else or stay behind to hit on some other poor defenseless girl.

However, Harrison is suddenly by my side, effortlessly keeping up with my fast pace.

“Someone sure is eager to get out of physics class.”

“Did you need something, Harrison? Or do you just enjoy continuously pestering me?” I snap at him, attempting to make him leave me alone.

“I’m sorry, have I done something to offend you?”

            I continue to walk down the hall, shaking my head at him.

            “Well it sure seems like it, considering you seem a little annoyed with me.”

            I turn to look at him and notice him furrowing his brow. Why does he care if he offended me or not? We barely know one another and he already proved that he doesn’t seem to have a great amount of respect for women anyway.

            I sigh and pull him to the side of the hall.

            “I’m not going to sleep with you, Harrison.”

            Harrison’s eyes widen and he lets out a couple of laughs.

            “Is that really what you’re worried about here?”

            I shrug and give him a single nod. After what I heard from Brad earlier I can’t help but feel like him being nice to me and touching my knee the other night are all part of his plan to try and get into my pants.

            “Nice to know you think so highly of me, Grim.” He continues to furrow his brow and looks down toward the ground as if he is suddenly lost in a train of thought.


            “ I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I just…I heard something earlier about your reputation and I just want you to know that I’m not that kind of girl.”

            Harrison laughs, “You didn’t hurt my feelings.”

He suddenly meets my eyes and his expression is serious again.

            “What about my reputation?”

            I press my lips firmly together as I stare at him, knowing that he is probably aware of the reputation that he has made for himself.

            “Apparently you just flirt with every girl because you’re well aware of the effect you have on them. You flirt with them, act like you’re genuinely interested, and then you just sleep with them. You act like you care and something is going to come from the hook up, but then nothing ever does.  Based on how you acted towards me the other night and how you’ve been talking to me today,  I think it’s logical for me to assume that you were pulling the same tactic on me. I’m not interested, Harrison.“

            I start to turn away, but I feel his hand on my wrist. I turn back toward him, opening my mouth to say something, but he immediately silences me.

            “I’m not trying to sleep with you, okay? I admit that it flashed through my mind when I first saw you in that white dress, but the moment I started talking to you I knew that it would never happen. I’m not interested in you like that either and I’m just looking to be friends.”

            I raise a brow at him and slowly let his words sink in. He thought about having sex with me? I don’t know if I should be appalled, flattered, disgusted, freaked out, or what, but I try to shake off his words. No one has ever said something like that to me before or probably ever thought about sleeping with me in general.


            “Yes, friends. Don’t worry, Grim. I’m not interested in you that way.”

            I let out a relieved sigh and relax my shoulders, nodding to him.

            “Okay. Then we’re friends.”


            I search his eyes for a moment. “Do you really not care about the reputation you’re making for yourself?”

            He shrugs and lets his features soften.

            “It’s a living.”

            “So it’s true?”

            Harrison flashes me a wide smile, giving me my answer loud and clear.

            “How could you possibly want to be remembered that way?”

            He laughs lightly and shakes his head.

            “Look, there’s one thing that you should really learn about me.” He steps closer to me and looks down at me with a mischievous smile.

            “I really don’t care what other people think about me.” He speaks softly and scans my face, a smug smile now on his lips.

            Harrison then pats my shoulder and walks away from me.

            “See you later, Grim.”

            I don’t watch him walk away, but instead I start to look around at the students surrounding me, noticing that all their eyes are on me.            

            I furrow my brow and head down the hallway in the opposite direction that Harrison has gone. My mind is immediately racing and I begin to replay my conversation with Harrison in my head.

            I don’t understand how his reputation doesn’t bother him whatsoever, but I figure that’s how arrogant, attractive teenage boys are.

            Still, his words about wanting to sleep with me bother me and I can’t help but feel slightly repulsed. Harrison is handsome and I assume that there is some good inside of him somewhere, but I have never thought of him that way nor could I ever. I can agree to be friends with him, but based on his reputation and personality, that’s all we’ll ever be. I’m glad that he’s come to terms with that and agreed to those conditions, although after that conversation I highly doubt he’ll even acknowledge my existence again.

I go through the rest of school day trying not to think about Harrison, but I find myself slipping up now and then. I’ve never met anyone so confusing and frustrating in my entire life. Usually I can read people pretty easily, but Harrison just seems to be all over the map and I’m not sure what to make of him.

During my last class of the day, a random boy walks into the room and hands my teacher a small sheet of paper. I hear him whisper my name to her and stand up in order to take the note.




Come to my office after school. There’s something I want to talk to you about.




I smile down at the note as I fold it back up and slip it into my pocket. Daniels sends me the same note every year in the fall and spring. I know that it’s just his way of telling me that he wants my feedback on the play or musical that he has chosen.

Once class is dismissed, I immediately make my way to Daniels’ office and knock on the door softly twice and then follow it with one loud knock. Daniels and I made up this knock two years ago so he would always know when I was the one coming into his office.

“Come in!” I hear him call and let myself in. After I close the door behind me, I sit down in the arm chair that he has placed in the corner, giving him a wide smile.

“How’s it going, Daniels?”

He beams back at me and leans forward in his chair. For being an older man, I have to say that Daniels is actually very attractive. Not that I’ve ever thought about him in that way, but it is true that he’s the best looking teacher at Wilson.

“It’s going great actually. I think I’ve figured out what play I want to do for the fall and I’m in the process of making fliers to set up around the school to recruit some students for auditions.”

I laugh and shake my head at him.

“You know that those fliers never work. People just end up tearing them down. You’re better off just sticking to the email list that we’ve collected.”

Daniels shrugs and keeps an optimistic smile on his face.

“I have a good feeling about this year. We’re going to have some new faces, just wait and see.”

I roll my eyes at him jokingly.

“At least I hope so. Now that Greg’s off at college we don’t have our leading man anymore. God knows that Simon can’t take that place.”

I nod. “I forgot Greg graduated last year.”

Daniels lets out a small sigh and rubs the back of his neck gently.

“We’ll be okay though. I’m sure Ethan would be able to play a lead role. He deserves it.”

I shrug and relax in my chair. “I say give him a chance. He did great as Warner in Legally Blonde last spring.”

“That’s for sure. Well, anyway, let’s talk about the fall show. I was thinking Picasso at the Lapin Agile.” Daniels smiles at me as my eyes grow wide.

“Are you serious?”

He nods and leans back in his chair, obviously proud of his decision.

“Yes,” I nod my head quickly. “It’s perfect. We have to.”

Daniels claps his hands together. “Great! I’ll finish off the fliers and start hanging them up.”

He shifts a few papers on his desk and then hands me a piece of paper.

“Here’s the monologues I was thinking about suggesting to the kids. Look them over and tell me what you think tomorrow.”

I take the paper from and give him a smile as I head towards the door.

“I’ll see you later, Daniels. I’m looking forward to the meeting.”

“As am I. Later, Grimmond.”

I walk out of Daniels’ office, smiling to myself about the upcoming auditions. Being a part of the performing arts department and being able to work on the shows at Wilson is the only thing that makes actually like school. Even if the majority of the student body thinks the shows are lame and a waste of time.


            I turn to see Jacqueline running up to me followed by Hannah and Dianna. Before I can even say anything, they’re all jumping up and down and Jacqueline is grabbing my hands.

            “Have you heard the news?” They’re all so excited that I can’t help but feel my good mood grow a little more. Maybe school got cancelled for the rest of the week or something.

            I smile at them and shake my head, anticipating their news.

            “Harrison and Claire are dating!”

            I try my best not to let my smile fall, but I do allow it to become a little weaker. They’re all laughing and slightly bouncing once again, making me feel a little nauseous. I think back to the conversation that Harrison and I had only a few hours ago. He hadn’t denied his reputation as a playboy and even confessed to wanting to sleep with me at one point, yet he was now dating Claire? How completely confusing.

            “Oh, that’s…that’s great?” I’m a little surprised by my friends’ reactions due to how infatuated they have become with Harrison. I guess everyone did expect Claire and Harrison to get together, but they all must slightly hate Claire for it. No one will ever admit that though. They’re all scared of Claire and only want to be on her good side.

            “Are you kidding? It’s great! They’re so perfect for each other!”

            I nod at Hannah’s words and try to allow my smile to grow wider. They continue to chatter as we make our way down the hallway toward the normal spot where the popular kids stand. The halls are busy due to it being the end of the day, but I know that everyone is also interested in catching a glimpse of Harrison and Claire as if they’re Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

            My friends push through the crowd and I trail behind, debating whether I should just walk out or not. However, for whatever reason, I continue to follow them.

            When we finally stop, we’re standing at our usual spot across from the group of popular kids, but there are more students than normal in the hall.

            People really are desperate to see Harrison and Claire together.

            I begin to scan the faces of the other students in the hall, watching as they all try to make conversation with their friends, but keep stealing glances toward the popular crowd. Everyone knows why they’re all here, but no one is willing to just act normal and look over.

            I press my lips together and turn my attention straight to the popular crowd, instantly catching sight of Harrison’s red t-shirt. He’s currently chatting with Dean Snyder, while his arm is draped over Claire’s shoulder. Claire stares up at Harrison, looking as if she’s completely smitten with him, however Harrison doesn’t seem to notice her.

            I watch as Claire says something to Harrison, causing him to turn toward her and smile, pressing a kiss to her forehead after a few seconds. Claire’s face lights up and I hear my friends gasp around me.

            “Oh my God. Did you see that?” Jacqueline whispers to all of us, a wide grin taking over her expression.

            Turning away from Harrison and Claire to focus my attention on her, I can’t help but laugh quietly to myself. I shake my head and stare at the ground for a moment. Who knew Harrison was capable of having sweet little moments with someone? I thought he was only able to shove his tongue down random girls’ throats and talk about getting older women into bed.

            “Guys, he’s staring over here.”

            “Oh my God. He totally is. What is he staring at?”

            I bring my eyes back up to my friends, who keep shyly smiling and glancing in Harrison’s direction. I furrow my brow as I turn to look over, instantly meeting Harrison’s blue eyes. His smile widens as we stare at one another and he winks at me before turning his attention back to Dean.

            What is possibly going through this guy’s head?

            I almost want to walk up to him right now and question his motives, but I don’t. Instead I stay where I am and listen as my friends gasp once again and call my name.

            “Ava, did he just wink at you?”

            “Or did he wink at me?”

            “He was definitely winking at Ava.”

            I shift my attention back to them and smooth out my expression.

            “Come on, guys. Like Harrison Lunn would actually wink at me,” I laugh, trying to play off the interaction only moments ago.

            “Why wouldn’t he wink at you, Ava? Give yourself some more credit!”

            “Guys,” I lift my hands up in the air. “He’s dating Claire. It was nothing.”

            My friends nod and I give them all a small smile.

            “I better go. I’ll see you all tomorrow morning.”

            They all flash me wide smiles and wave as I turn towards the doors. I can hear them talking quietly behind me.

            “How could she not be excited about Harrison winking at her?”

            I sigh to myself as I walk outside the doors into the humid air. I wasn’t excited about Harrison winking at me. If anything, I was confused and a little annoyed. I was hoping that after our little encounter earlier in the day that he would leave me alone, but it seems like I was mistaken.

            He is dating Claire now and he is the one who told me that he just wanted to be friends. That’s exactly what we’ll be. Friends. Things won’t be tense between us and we can just give each other harmless greetings when we walk into physics or notice each other in the hallway. That’s what friends do right?

            Harrison Lunn and I could be friends, but I wanted nothing more out of him than that. 

© 2013 Molly

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Added on May 30, 2013
Last Updated on May 30, 2013
Tags: love, teen, young adult, high school, nonfiction, dream, dance, sing, act, book



I just completed my freshman year of college and I am a Elementary Education major. I have always had a strong passion for writing and reading, so I'm always writing short stories, poems, rambles, etc.. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Molly

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Molly

Without a Plan Without a Plan

A Book by Molly