

A Chapter by Stars and Whales

Thanks for reading! This is in fact an introduction to a novel. Haha...I'm working on several new ideas at once. Thank you for your time, have a great day.



 5 YEARS IT HAS BEEN, and yet every day he continues to return. He can’t find it in his heart to accept that art and literature have been exterminated from society. That little fad is done and nonexistent. I relentlessly request that he change his ways and live life similar to the rest of us, but he refuses to see the truth. Sci-fi novels, fantasy bestsellers, aspiring epics, realistic fiction: those were overdone back in my youth. It upsets me when he carries his manuscript by his side, day by day, into my armory and gunshop, then marches into my barren office to demand that his book be published for the community to read. He doesn’t understand...bookshops and libraries, all swept away with the wind. Since the Demolition War all anyone wanted to do was take part in war. This war would take place in cities, and in homes...havoc enveloped our everyday lives. Nowadays, to kill would be for the thirst of blood.

This path we are taking...I just don’t know if there is light awaiting us in the horizon. It is clear to see the thirst in the eyes of many...the constant fire for murder and unjust actions makes up the outer layer of their hearts. I do feel that I myself have not completely strayed from the days when one could curl up in a rocking chair beside a blazing fire and read a novel. I remember when the building in which I run my gun store was instead a publishing company. But the part most vivid in my memory remains as the final day before the publishing company was to be replaced by my store, “Lora’s Firearms and Protective Gear."

 Yes, that was the day S.Z Write first carried his novel into my office as I was clearing out the last of the previous owner’s junk. That was truly the end of it...nothing but darkness since. To say I haven’t taken part in any of it would be a complete and utter lie. But I do like to think that all of who I truly am has not ceased. S.Z views the world as devoid of color and excitement. A black and white photograph of a demolished world. I know this because he tells me every day. I really believe that without his constant blathering about how the world needs art and beautiful literature to restore the peace there once was, I would be no different than the rest: obsessed and neglective. I would always ask him to stop coming with his novel and return to life. I would tell him to accept life for what it was...that he was wasting his life away with a hopeless dream. But secretly, somewhere within me, I did enjoy his presence. He gave me a sense that there was still some good in this world.

I never have read his writing. I don’t want to get trapped in the old world. Times have changed, and that’s the way it is. But honestly, I’ve got no place to be, no purpose. What really is the true purpose of life, in anyone's perspective? Well, all I know is I can’t see anything in this abyss. The walls are slimy and disgusting. The visible sky above is misty and gray. At the bottom, nothing to be found but my own death. And I’m in the middle of it all. In a more realistic view of it, I don’t see a happy ending to any path I take. The world is in ruin and devoid of hope. it really? S.Z, I hope you have an answer. -Journal Entry 1, October 5, 2101

© 2015 Stars and Whales

Author's Note

Stars and Whales
Thanks for reading! This is in fact an introduction to a novel. Haha...I'm working on several new ideas at once. Thank you for your time, have a great day.

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You established an excellent background for this world. As such, it was easy for me to not only picture the condition of the narrator here, but also a conceptualization of the world's urban and cultural decay. What I really appreciated was how the passage reminded me of 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. Obviously, it was the rotten bleakness that reminded me of the former, and it was the devaluation of literature and art that reminded me of Fahrenheit 451. I like how you began your presentation of the story here in the form of a journal entry, because the first person perspective allows for a more authentic perception of both the narrator's thoughts and his interactions with the outside world, which, of course, I assume will be made more intense and weighty as the story continues. Another thing that I like is that, even though this passage gives off the aura of being science fiction and dystopia, it does not seem as though it will be dominated primarily by an exploitation of those aspects for the sake of plot, like most genre is. Rather, I can tell that, like the aforementioned novels, it appears as though there is a strong probability that there will be a large emphasis on characterization. And I hope hat you will mix some more philosophy in there too. Furthermore, if you could provide a well-thought balance between plot and characterization and thereby establish a mature character and story base, then the novel will have reached an excellent level of maturity. Also, I really like the name S.Z Write; it sounds like a completely real name. I really appreciate that, because there is an exercise that I like to do in which I try to think of names that sound as though they are real. I have come up with several, but I have only used a few thus far in a story which I am still finishing.
As for technical suggestions, I had a few. First, I thought that the following phrases were cliché: “light awaiting us in the horizon,” “thirst in the eyes of many,” “Times have changed,” and “And I'm in the middle of it all.” I definitely suggest changing those phrases. Also, I thought that “slimy and disgusting” in the last paragraph sounded too immature for the established voice of the narrative thus far. And lastly, in the first sentence of the last paragraph, I think that “I have never read his writing” would sound better than “I never have read his writing.” So, that is pretty much all I have to say for this one. I apologize for taking so long to review. I already informed you about my situation. Nonetheless, I will try to get to at least one chapter from this piece per week.

Neurotically yours,
Mister Splitbrain

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

I appreciate that! Great critique! This is helpful; I will use advice to the best of my ability :)

8 Years Ago

I applaud your work already. Allot of potential here to build an epic story. The foundation is laid .. read more
Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

Thank you :)


Really good dude. You're a great writer. Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading more of your work. :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks!
This dystopian picture of the future that you've created is quite fascinating. I have only read the introduction, and I'm interested in the concept you have here. I'm not only excited to find out where the story goes, but also how it got to where it is now. I will definitely read on through the rest of the chapters you have up, and give my thoughts on each.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

Thank you! Glad you liked it! I really appreciate it.
I was mesmerized. That's the right word. Thanks for the ride.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

First thought: wow!
With all due respect; f*****g amazing.
What a messed up future you have created. I can feel the pain and the dreams of the dreamer in the story too, I am that dreamer. I'm really starting to like this group, there are some great talents here. You my friend are definitely one of them. Your introduction got under my skin, man. That's what a, "good read" is all about.
I'll be back. I'm going to read more.

As they say in ,The Prisoner: be seeing you!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

I'm so glad you enjoyed! I'm really trying to balance the amount of negativity so the reader isn't d.. read more
Satan's Crow

8 Years Ago

Your're doing a great job. Didn't depress me although it was pretty depressing. It has a dark, .. read more
I like the fact that this is written from someone else's point of view, before you get to the main character. I think S.Z. has the right idea, and will be a great hero in this story. I also like the idea, it's new in a way, very creative.
Would like to read more, well done!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

Thank you !

8 Years Ago

You is welcome!
hey there! That was a strong start! I like that. Your word choice was really good I'm definitely interested in reading more! I like how the main character, other than the narrator, is portrayed. It really makes you pity him but also cheer him on. Same as how the narrator is having mixed feelings about him. Though there were some awkward sentence i had to re-read a could times. Other than that, well done! :) Glad I finally came back here :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

I appreciate it! I will take your advice into account for sure!
Good start. A colourless world with a sliver of hope for the future, which is surely against the odds. looking forward to seeing what the manuscript holds too, as well as how their current position unfolded. Enjoying this so far, good work.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I liked the way you started the introduction. Intriguing. Made me want to read more.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Wow let me just say, amazing. It's really cool how you see up this future world and since u am the person that wants to create, I can't wait to see what is in store for him. The writing style is also very unique because it is vague yet detailed. Great introduction, too. You have enough information. To where We kind of know what is going on, but not every single detail so we see no point I reading the rest. I promise to read the rest once I have time :) :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

Awesome! Glad you think this! Thank you for reading.
Nice opening. October 5th, my nieces birthday. Doubly nice.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

:) Her birthday is coming up soon then. Show her this. Tell her I said happy birthday. Lol jk that w.. read more
Rajah de AzinPrinz PhyberDragon

8 Years Ago

Lol, just a bit. I wish they had a mobile site or app, be so much easier to read othets work,
Stars and Whales

8 Years Ago

haha I agree

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62 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on September 17, 2015
Last Updated on September 22, 2015


Stars and Whales
Stars and Whales

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"Even Darkness Must Pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer." -Samwise Gamgee I love to write, and I hope to become a published writer some day. I ho.. more..

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A Chapter by Stars and Whales

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