Tags : TEARS

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

A Story by cRaYoNs sTaLk mE

Sleeping Beauty is in coma. Her best friend tried to kill her and her parents don't care about her anymore? Sleeping Beauty re-write in the modern wor..
Flawless Stream of Whispers

Flawless Stream of Whispers

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Your flawless stream of whispers is now shedding tears...........
Memorized In Spaces

Memorized In Spaces

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

A tribute to my Muse............
Space Age

Space Age

A Poem by Alexandra Elizabeth

for all the time I've been away
My mother?

My mother?

A Chapter by Alyssa Boyd

Is the shadow her mother?
You Won't Be Returning

You Won't Be Returning

A Poem by CrystalMoon

After you lose someone that you truly care about, you run away, so maybe that someone will return after you're gone.


A Poem by Kelly M.

Romantic, somewhat sad poem filled with what bliss is! :)
Broken Apology

Broken Apology

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

A broken apology is worse than a broken promise.
Until Hope is No Longer a Ghost

Until Hope is No Longer a Ghost

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Until hope is no longer just a ghost I have painted into a corner of wounded victory.......
Literary world

Literary world

A Poem by light and ashes

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth