Tags : halloween

The White Lady

The White Lady

A Story by kerikil

Halloween Release 2013: a fable/myth/legend-like story about the white lady.
Happy Halloween 2013 - The Boy and The Beast

Happy Halloween 2013 - The Boy and The Beast

A Poem by SmugTraveler

A poem I had written quickly to celebrate Halloween 2013!


A Story by Minoru Kusari

A short story I wrote for Halloween. Doesn't really have a Halloween theme, but it's dark and maybe a little spooky? Enjoy!
Crimson Tears

Crimson Tears

A Story by God's Lonely Son

Two friends go trick or treating for one last time...
Rip, Part 2

Rip, Part 2

A Chapter by Silent_Wolf

The Gordon family finds the kennels, and with the objective of finding and meeting their new dog Rip, they enter the dark and new area.
Mrs Binx's Halloween

Mrs Binx's Halloween

A Poem by Ayanah Ravid

A twisty story about Halloween, written by a sudden inspiration on Halloween. I hope you like it! :)
When Lying, Backstabbing In-Laws Invite Themselves Over

When Lying, Backstabbing In-Laws Invite Themselves..

A Story by RealistMe

Originally, this was going to be a blog. However, I decided to explain these current events into great detail.


A Chapter by Edwina

Gearing up for a bit of fun.
Hoots Mon

Hoots Mon

A Chapter by Edwina

A light dinner, and serious conversation
Trick Or Treat

Trick Or Treat

A Chapter by Edwina

The big night arrives, and so do the oddball guests, living, and otherwise
Soullessly bound

Soullessly bound

A Story by dannidarkness

Cat is left soulless after a crash, a vampire picks her up as his servant. This takes place 10 years after this incident. *** I am sorry this has v..
Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

A Story by Simon Long

My first "proper" short story which I wrote for Halloween. I've tried to keep it gritty and realistic (or as realistic zombie stories can get) but at ..
To Make the Most of Time

To Make the Most of Time

A Poem by blindmidget

Having never celebrated Halloween as a child, I now childishly celebrate it.
Man In The House

Man In The House

A Chapter by Edwina

Farleigh visits the big house again.
Enter Mr. Alexander

Enter Mr. Alexander

A Chapter by Edwina

A Fair to midland Halloween Party
Spooky House

Spooky House

A Poem by Steve Kittell

A Halloween tale
FB4-70 "Just Another Day In Paradise"

FB4-70 "Just Another Day In Paradise"

A Chapter by dw817

I couldn't hold back. I pointed my finger with all my might and shouted at the top of my lungs. NEEEEEEERRRRRRDDDDD !