Tags : breakup

Loving From A Distance

Loving From A Distance

A Poem by ChampangeCupcake

We've all had that unrequited love, the love where you can only stand and watch, giving silent support from a distance
I Became a Cutter

I Became a Cutter

A Poem by K.S.78

I'm not a cutter fyi but I do understand and have empathy for those who do or used too, it is scary however when the thought enters your mind.
Altering Division

Altering Division

A Poem by K.S.78

Altering Division K.S. (A spoken word poem) If my words mean nothing to you when they pour from my mouth, then I will no lon..
32 Ways to Have It Your Way

32 Ways to Have It Your Way

A Poem by K.S.78

32 Ways to Have It Your Way (A Guide to the Best You'll Ever Have Un-emotional Sex) By: K.S. 4/8/2013 1. Do not greet her at t..
Parting Words

Parting Words

A Story by Nevtry

Sally's always been one for the drama. John on the other hand, has not. So Sally feels she has no other choice but to pack her things and leave.
Typical Sunday Night

Typical Sunday Night

A Poem by K.S.78

Your Favorite I’ve been used. Shhhhhhh! It’s our little secret. That you’ve left me broken and bruised I ..
Just A Dream

Just A Dream

A Poem by K.S.78

(a spoken word poem)
Friday June 7, 2013

Friday June 7, 2013

A Poem by K.S.78

Friday June 7, 2013 K.S. I can’t breathe. No literally I can’t breathe. I told you I didn’t know what was g..


A Poem by K.S.78

Never date your neighbors


A Poem by K.S.78

(a spoken word poem)


A Poem by K.S.78

Deserved K.S. 6/09/13 I once wrote, like you did, so short, that when I, broke it down again, pretty isn’t close..


A Poem by K.S.78

10 K.S. 6/9/13 You are my un-flawed counterpart. Back at the start we are pending. When you bite back I get to hissing. Our lov..


A Poem by K.S.78

History K.S. 6/09/13 Your hips and my lips are used to becoming one. This is something that cannot be undone. So why did he stop ..


A Poem by Marissa Nicole

My last plea and my last bitter goodbye.
Hours between Seconds

Hours between Seconds

A Poem by K.S.78

Hours between Seconds K.S. 6/09/13 Its 10:30pm And I am feeling lonely. Like how I said goodnight and I left my heart there for ..