Tags : purpose



A Poem by Alice Poésy

Heart Anatomy Poetry #5
Taken Over by Sleep

Taken Over by Sleep

A Poem by SilentMashiko

Late at night, in empty mind
The Point of Pointlessness

The Point of Pointlessness

A Poem by Oveane

Sometimes, the best answer doesn't need an answer at all. You create your own answer, and trust in yourself to hold trust in you. This piece explore..


A Poem by stephsand14

I dance to a rare tune in my bloodstream There is purpose growing inside of me I’m getting so close I can see my dream Taking risk..
The Stranger

The Stranger

A Poem by Lei

Ever ask yourself, who am I?
That Grey Area

That Grey Area


Tell me it’s worth it Tell me there’s merit when it’s indeterminate when it’s all irrelevant. Help me shake off this f..
Mothers Empty Nest

Mothers Empty Nest

A Poem by DookieSmiles

It's the vibe I get from my mother. She seems lost after all what she has known her entire life was raising 4 kids single.


A Poem by Threads

A poem in gratitude
The Sandcastle

The Sandcastle

A Poem by Evan Scott

Drawing an analogy to a sandcastle and absurdism
Of Life

Of Life

A Poem by grey.eyes

oh how i wonder what you'll think.from abandoned friendships toforgotten promises. I swear i didn'tmean to break them, i was youngand naive when i mad..
What Are You Moon?

What Are You Moon?

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem is about beauty and perspective.


A Poem by Wanderer

I am wandering in the lands of unknown, My destination and purpose both not known People laughed at my aimless wandering, But I am firm in..
Aging as a Spiritual Practice

Aging as a Spiritual Practice

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Beautiful summer day. You know you're gonna diethat's why you know no joy.Obsessed with self, there is no answerunless religion, tv, stories, sports m..
Too Many Questions

Too Many Questions

A Chapter by Zander

KP introduces himself, and goes over some important beliefs he has and that he strongly follows by.
In a World of Dust and Memory

In a World of Dust and Memory

A Chapter by S. D. Forogar

In a world of dust and memory . . .
Indigo, Left, Shattered

Indigo, Left, Shattered

A Chapter by S. D. Forogar

Memory and Purpose are intertwined, infinitely feeding one another like the Ouroboros. Lose one, and you will cripple the other. Lose both, and you wi..
Blackbird, Descended, Singer

Blackbird, Descended, Singer

A Chapter by S. D. Forogar

Blackbirdand sparrow tweet at each other between trees, branches all to themselves. Ellie eyes their greed, their lives lived as if expecting that the..
Past, Future

Past, Future

A Chapter by S. D. Forogar

But were they my memories, or were they hers? Or, were they anybody's?


A Poem by Footprints al carbon

Power into the world, again.