Tags : zombie

Hi, this is death. Yes I'll hold.

Hi, this is death. Yes I'll hold.

A Book by Morphlet

Somehow I'm immortal, or more specifically I cannot die. However, I only realized this recently once the man who was attempting to torture me to death..
The beginning of not ending

The beginning of not ending

A Chapter by Morphlet

I can’t believe he just shot himself in the face. I can’t believe that he’s actually dead... It’s just not fair. WHY THE HELL..
ZSROTU 07 - "Reversing Death"

ZSROTU 07 - "Reversing Death"

A Chapter by dw817

It was a rolling mass of electrified particles about 2-feet high. It tried to cling to one another but kept falling off. There was a weird kind of moa..
Deceived: Day Of The Dead

Deceived: Day Of The Dead

A Story by SilverColtac

Dominic and Derek are brothers trapped within the confinement of their school. Their need to communicate with the outside world drives them to make a ..
Forever Running

Forever Running

A Book by the_tubby1

A WIP of a story I just started. A man struggles through emotional suffering whilst battling the outbreak of a zombie virus. Survival is his one focus..
Forever Running

Forever Running

A Chapter by the_tubby1

Introduction to the story and the character. setting the scene for what is to come and the state of the world.
Dying Magic: Teasers

Dying Magic: Teasers

A Book by Tsubaki Kuro

Teasers of my upcoming book about Magical girls trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.
Squad Survival

Squad Survival

A Story by Jimmy Glenn

Military and Zombie. survival with some over-the-top things.


A Book by Natasha

A zombie novel with a love story. To Be Continued...


A Chapter by Natasha

Where it all started.
The Day the Stars Fell

The Day the Stars Fell

A Chapter by Konspiracy

Sandra Levi is done listening to her eccentric uncle's crazy conspiracies and plans to survive doomsday... until doomsday daunts upon her doorstep.
Road to The Undead

Road to The Undead

A Chapter by Natasha

I can see their mouths moving, talking, screaming, laughing. They text on their phones and watch loud videos of idiots acting out different stunts. I ..
Ch 10 : Elisa Behind the Stables

Ch 10 : Elisa Behind the Stables

A Chapter by Jcortz3

Elisa finds a stable and she sleeps behind it but she she does not know her friends are also in that ranch.
Ch 9 : Spread to Alameda

Ch 9 : Spread to Alameda

A Chapter by Jcortz3

The two mysterious people arrive at Alameda and begin to inject people in the county
My Departure

My Departure

A Story by Klayre Manella

The year is 2052. The population: who knows anymore. The Departed, a new breed of monster, has taken over the entire world and destroyed everyone's hu..


A Screenplay by psycho

‘‘the same day dounia , the new member of team 10 arrives to LA , a zombie apocalypse goes down , fighting for their lives , and vlogging ..
Ch 8 : Secured Shelter

Ch 8 : Secured Shelter

A Chapter by Jcortz3

The trio of friends find a shelter at a ranch
A New Hunger

A New Hunger

A Poem by Novel Minded_75

Just a quickly jotted poem before bed I am not a poet, but why not attempt this :)


A Book by Jcortz3

Zombies take over California