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What if I died?

What if I died?

A Poem by Mason

It simply occurred to me: what if I died?
4: The Secret Conversation

4: The Secret Conversation

A Chapter by CompellingComposer

Here yall go! Finally done! Sorry it took so long. Been busy....
6: A Busy Day

6: A Busy Day

A Chapter by CompellingComposer

Noon changed to dusk quickly. The day had moved by so fast, it seemed as though there had hardly been time for anything to get anything done. As the ..
7: Preperation

7: Preperation

A Chapter by CompellingComposer

Sorry it took so long and that it's so short. Been busy...
Mother's Chariot

Mother's Chariot

A Poem by Diomaz

Mother turns, facing her fiery companion, and listens to the kings of her empire celebrate the chariots return
The Famous Tale of Fenngh Scofeau

The Famous Tale of Fenngh Scofeau

A Book by L.A.

Hurray for epic 2nd grade stories and randomly-made-up names!!
Played by the dark prince.

Played by the dark prince.

A Poem by Emily Jellybean :)

A journey of sorrow.
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Alexanne Dauntless

In reflection, it's hard to say whether any sum of events led me to my decision, or just one big one. In the end, I think maybe it was both. I remembe..
Emissary of Despair

Emissary of Despair

A Poem by Rook Requiem

A twin poem. It's twin is Emissary of Hope
Symphony of Destruction

Symphony of Destruction

A Poem by Undying Glory

My first fantasy-type poem. Hope you like this one!
11. Secrets Revealed and Unheard

11. Secrets Revealed and Unheard

A Chapter by CompellingComposer

Jayson: I slipped slowly into consciousness, my head pounding, my body throbbing. “ Is he breathing?” I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I tr..


A Chapter by Arsenic Nemesis

And so here, on this rooftop, she would take her final breaths...
A Jolt of Happiness

A Jolt of Happiness

A Story by chaselbrown

A story I wrote from my experiences, with some twists.

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