Tags : Old

Farewell to What Once Was

Farewell to What Once Was

A Poem by Carissa

Just sitting among the cloudsFeeling weightlessLoved and adoredNothing could bring me downNot from way up hereCloud nine had nothing on the way I felt..
For the First Time

For the First Time

A Poem by Sarah Emily

Inspired by an elderly couple at a choir performance.


A Poem by RoughWaterJohn

A poem about the end of life, and those that help to ease
Age Rage

Age Rage

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I was wandering through the Nursing Home In the town of Morton Rise, Seeking an old and weathered face That I’d known in anoth..
The Old Ones Fall

The Old Ones Fall

A Poem by ObscurityNone

Misinterpretation of an old man.


A Poem by Muse

He watches through a pane of dirty glass likeyou and I he's had a future he's had a pas..
Death Bringer

Death Bringer

A Story by MurderBears

Only death can take death itself
Building A Scarecrow

Building A Scarecrow

A Screenplay by Shadow

This was written for my screenwriting class. We were supposed to take a children's book, about an old woman wanting pancakes, and make a sequel to it...
She'll get to him

She'll get to him

A Poem by Nathan1289

An apocalyptic adventure begins, how will it end?
A Wise Owl

A Wise Owl

A Poem by kururu

This owl.The wisest owl of them all.He eats micehe gives advicebut only for a price.You'll have to visit him in the nightand he'll give you insight.Bu..
4023 Feemster St., Visalia Ca

4023 Feemster St., Visalia Ca

A Story by by Lauren

This is a response to the cue "Old Abandoned House." I wrote it for my writer's workshop in college.
World so big

World so big

A Poem by twinklestar

World so big, so wide.Be careful not to get lost in it child, don't be afraid though.Travel it, explore it, learn from it expand your horizons.Adventu..
Queen, or just another pawn?

Queen, or just another pawn?

A Story by Ammi

Snippet from a story I started a while ago. Not very good *shrugs*


A Chapter by TexasState23

This is the first chapter of my book Roof Access. Let me know what you think.
I Missed The Boat

I Missed The Boat

A Poem by Crazy Cat Man

A poem about how I have been feeling lately
A Rose Too Many

A Rose Too Many

A Poem by Emily

This just came to me two nights ago. I was in the shower and I got this.