Tags : Sun

The Earth Beside Me

The Earth Beside Me

A Poem by Michael Iam Bone

This poem was written while watching a thunderstorm by my window, writing down my thoughts as they came to me, hence the occasional staggered thoughts..
Surreal Sun

Surreal Sun

A Poem by Maya

A dreamlike sequence
Rahvee & Delilah

Rahvee & Delilah

A Poem by Elyralune

~Sun's flame pours / Out of moon;
Molasses Space

Molasses Space

A Poem by Ty

Time is slow. Molasses space.
Out of Emptiness

Out of Emptiness

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Out of emptiness comes this: Purposes as incomprehensible and wonderful as these purposes


A Poem by Anna

I see the color leaving his hair with my words,his face pales like the moon, sharp and crescent.The shine of his eyes dies down with my lies,and I am ..
Sun. Moon. Heart

Sun. Moon. Heart

A Poem by rachellynn

The sun meets the horizon and draws back from the moon.In the sky together is where they want to be.But the closer they get, the faster the earth spin..
My Lover

My Lover

A Poem by Elyralune

~You should know the world is cruel.


A Poem by Misterr Remeat

A heartache from long ago
Sun and Rain Clouds

Sun and Rain Clouds

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterP..

Just a thought that turned into a poem
The walk

The walk

A Poem by aishaxsal7

- to the world -
The Prince

The Prince

A Chapter by Aslan Gerards

"Our colors are black and red. Black for us and the Urmen, and red for the blood of all else." Rodia Tallar II, 1201 AV
Summer's Child

Summer's Child

A Poem by SleepiePenguin

Summer's ChildThe morning air seems too thick for one to enjoy,It sticks and clings to weathered sweatersAnd refuses to let go like a small child.The..


A Poem by Ty

Sweet Sounds And Peace.


A Poem by SleepiePenguin

Hurt--It doesn't disappear with the weather's despair,nor does it get swept and taken by the cold winds.The rain doesn't drench it,and have it dissolv..


A Poem by Matthew

We used to be two planets Caught in an orbit We used to be a constellation Incomplete without the other But soon the crescent Smile..
A Flooding Mind

A Flooding Mind

A Poem by Cjb

I'm drowning in a deep sea of thoughts My thoughts are as deep as an abyss Flow as violent a rivers rapids My thoughts are as beautiful as the beac..