Tags : romance



A Chapter by Isemay

Genevieve was riding the shadow wolf and brandishing the Page’s silver sword at something when she was startled partially awake. Remiel was clim..


A Chapter by Isemay

When she woke her head still ached and there was a heavy weight on her legs. Genevieve took a deep breath and rubbed her face.“How are you feeli..


A Chapter by Isemay

“She hasn’t even been asleep for an hour, I don’t want anyone to wake her.” Dr. Latro’s voice was quiet but firm. &ldquo..


A Chapter by Isemay

The coffee they’d picked up at a drive through, and after having it and the muffin Genevieve felt a little more solid and able to think. She was..


A Chapter by Isemay

Avila had needed to peg down the places Genevieve remembered living, as many of the names of her mother’s boyfriends as she could recall, and if..


A Chapter by Isemay

Half in and out of sleep as people came through to poke at her and prod Remiel out of the bed, Genevieve tried to rest. They hooked her back up to the..


A Chapter by Isemay

Farrin had signed her out against doctor’s orders. The way Genevieve kept switching between normal speech, singing and, what was to them, gibber..


A Chapter by Isemay

“How, Sibbi?” Farrin leaned on the door frame. “I’ve never heard him talk about his family, our family, and to hear him chatti..


A Chapter by Isemay

One two hour flight later, which was spent huddled with Farrin over his phone looking for places to try, and Genevieve was in New York. An overwhelmin..
A Little Lie

A Little Lie

A Book by spacelava

There are a million different ways to heal a broken heart and searching for a writer who's disappeared off the face of the earth a whole decade ago, i..
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by spacelava

Quiet voices ripple across the tiny bookstore. The large crowd of people is overwhelming; not an empty chair in sight. Lenore Rosetti sits all by hers..
The Legendary Cities

The Legendary Cities

A Book by ChieArriola

There are things in life that we want to turn back time and re-create our life. To correct the mistakes that we did and to be with someone that we kno..
Chapter 1 - My Hometown

Chapter 1 - My Hometown

A Chapter by ChieArriola

It’s been a decade since the last time I went to my hometown to visit my Mother and my Grandfather. I am so excited to see my hometown. The last..
Chapter 2 - A Home with my Grandfather

Chapter 2 - A Home with my Grandfather

A Chapter by ChieArriola

Your Grandfather told me to lie to you so that you were able to keep your dreams and aim it.” my Mother explained. “But Mother, what is th..


A Chapter by Isemay

Genevieve’s first stop was the grocery store, finding what she needed, a small stationery set with a kitschy floral pen along with different siz..


A Chapter by Isemay

Dara had enjoyed watching her work. The next day when he brought out the trays with jewelry for the photography session, Genevieve could see he was a ..


A Chapter by Isemay

“Sibbi, we have to get up for breakfast.” Farrin was shaking her gently.“Nnnn, I don’ feel good.” Genevieve felt like sh..


A Chapter by Isemay

“Sibbi, please. This has gone on for almost two weeks, if you know you’re going to be force fed, just eat. Please.” Farrin laid a co..