6) Aurora

6) Aurora

A Chapter by dachildofevil

the amazingness that is Auri

She was wearing a camouflage button down shirt that she wore unbuttoned to reveal a white tank-top underneath. She also had two belts on that were there more for show rather than to hold her jeans up, which fit so well she didn't even need a belt in the first place. One belt was a simple chain that hung to her waste lop-sided, the other was a plain black belt with a skull buckle. Her long black hair was tied up in a ponytail.
She looked from the shaggy-haired man, to Brother, to me with a very serious expression on her face. "Nobody saw that...." She said.
"....It was kind of hard to miss...." Brother said with a confused look.
"SHHHHHHH!!!" She said abruptly, smashing a finger against her lips to express her point. "You guys don't know that."
Ok, now I'm confused....
She stood there like that for a couple of seconds, then her ears went straight up and her eyes widened in surprise. "I don't know you!" She said pointing at Brother. She looked towards me and swung her finger around. "I don't know you either!"
"I'm.... I'm Alphonse... Alphonse Elric..." I said, a little unsure of what was going on.
A smile crossed her face as she walked towards me. She stopped when she was standing toe-to-toe with me. She was TINY! She barely passed my collar bone she was so short. 
She looked up at me. "Hi! I'm Aurora Jaimilee Whiteson. If you call me any of those names I reserve the right to punch you in the face." She said all of this with the biggest and friendliest smile you could imagine. I thought it was impossible for me to get anymore confused....
She then started to laugh. "Oh gosh! The look on your face was priceless!!" She said laughing almost uncontrollably. She then suddenly got seriously and looked me right in the eyes and said, "Chill dude, call me Auri." She then held out her hand for me to shake. Well, since we were standing so close she had to bend her elbow to get her hand between us.
A little hesitant, I took her hand.
Her smile came back. "Oh! And,in case you were wondering. Yes, I do understand the concept of personal space. I'm just doing this to annoy you."
She then turned and took about two steps before noticing the shaggy-haired man. 
"Marshall!" She yelled in greeting, spreading her arms as if waiting for him to run into them in an embrace. "Hows the family? Oh wait, I forgot. Your a crotchety grumpy old murder. You have no family!" She stood in the same pose, wide smile on her face.
She then looked down at the bodies on the street and her smiled faded into a pout and arms dropped to her sides. "Marshall, looks like you've been getting yourself into trouble again..." She clasped her hands and bowed at the bodies. "Sorry I'm late..."
The entire time the shaggy-haired man - Marshall - had a very twisted smile growing on his face that slowly got wider and wider to expose his yellow and rotting teeth. "I've been waiting for you. I've finally got you right where I want you!" He pulled a hunting knife out of his belt and lunged for the girl - Auri - who just stood there a watched. 
Just as he got close enough to lash out with the knife and stab her, she casually stepped to the side, allowing Marshall's momentum to take him flying past her.
"Holy Jebus, man! I'm surprised your still alive if you fight like that all the time!" Auri said laughing as Marshall stopped himself and swung around, bringing the knife to her neck. 
Quick as a flash in a motion I barely saw, Auri's hand came up and grabbed Marshall's wrist. She twisted it making him grunt in pain and drop the knife, which she kicked away. I rushed forward to help. I'm not sure who I was planning to help, but I couldn't just stand there and watch.
"No!" Marshall yelled at me when he saw me approach, "This is my fight!" He glared hard at Auri. It's a very cliche thing to say, but if looks could kill Auri would have died a thousand times over.
She smiled. "My turn!" She said as if it were a game. Out of nowhere two small knives appeared in each of her hands and she immediately began slashing at Marshall, who just barely managed to dodge each blow. She was moving so fast I had a hard time believing she was actually missing. But then I watched closer...
Just before the knife would cut him, she would pull back just a tad. Just enough to miss. What was the point of that? Did she not want to kill him? Was she playing with him? 
With each slash Marshall took a step back to dodge it, and Auri took a step forward. He was so tired he was beginning to slow down, and she wasn't even breaking a sweat yet. What was she doing?
Thats when I realized she was herding him towards a dark ally. I took a step forward and was about to warn him when suddenly Auri lashed out with her right hand, missing once again, but using the momentum to swing her body around so that her right leg came up behind Marshall's knees, knocking them out. 
As he fell backwards, she brought her right elbow down into his stomach with full force. He was unconscious before he even hit the ground. She summersaulted away from him and stood up. She looked over at me and Brother. She wasn't even breathing heavily. 
Auri smiled at us and raised her two fingers to her forehead like a salute, except she flicked her wrist and spaced her fingers out like a peace sign, then disappeared into the shadows of the ally.

© 2011 dachildofevil

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Is Al going to fall for Aurora? That'd be cute!~

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 1, 2011
Last Updated on April 12, 2011




Well, I'm not much of a writer but I have one idea I kinda want to write down. It's not very original, but hey, its a fanfic so it doesnt matter XD I stole this from Koda XDD Everything You Want.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by dachildofevil