9) Painful Memories

9) Painful Memories

A Chapter by dachildofevil


Marshall just doesn't get it does he? That is the...... sixth time? Yeah, sixth time. I beat the crap out of him every time. It's kinda sad. The man just does not learn.

After looking back to enjoy the bewildered look on those two boys' faces, I headed west through the town. I'd catch up with the group I just set free in the desert and head two towns over where I'll meet up with Isaac.

I feel kinda bad just leaving those guys there in the ruins of old Burtensburg, but I don't have time to take care of strangers. especially not hunters like Marshall.

I had been walking for about an hour before the group came into view. The only reason I knew it was really them and not just a mirage was because I heard the most adorable voice call my name.

"It's Auri-ri!!" A little blonde boy came running towards me at full speed, his floppy black ears bouncing. A little lab was running close behind. 

"Scotty!" I yelled back, meeting him halfway. This boy is just so adorable I can't help but smile whenever I see him. 

I scooped him up into a big bear hug and swung him around. He giggled his adorable little giggle and Scooter, the lab, danced around my feet barking happily. 

"Auri-ri! You saved me!" He had a wide smile on his face. This child is just too cute and innocent. I have no clue how anyone could hold a gun to his head for any reason....

I also have no clue as to why he adds the extra "ri" to the end of my name. It's only my name he does it to. Whatever. I feel special.

I turned toward the group and saw Nate walking towards me. He was a big man, his animal being the gorilla. Walking towards me next to him was his gorilla soulnimal. 

Yes, I said "soulnimal". I'm probably the only person in all of existence to call them "soulnimals" but I think the name fits. I mean, they are a person's soul, just in the form of an animal. Hence, soulnimal. Don't like it? Stick it in your juicebox and suck it.

Anyways, yeah, Nate was walking towards me. His expression was kind of a relief/serious one. Kind of like a man on a mission. I hate that phrase.... "Man on a mission." It's so cliche.... Makes me want to punch someone, it's so over used....

Where was I? Pardon my wandering mind....

"Hey, Auri. Glad to see you made it out in one piece." Nate said in his low voice. It was so low I could imagine the ground shaking everytime he opened his mouth.

"Yessir. Eh, Marshall isn't all that difficult to handle. I'm confused as to how all of you managed to get captured?"

"He had help. The Master sent some troops to round us up. They then planted us in Burtensburg and left Marshall to his business."

I felt my good mood fade. The mention of the Master always did that. My mind flashed back to that night. I was thirteen, pointing a knife at him, blood trickling down my cheek.

I shook those thoughts away. 

No. I won't allow him to haunt me forever. I can't. I have to be strong.

I looked at Nate and knew he saw that just the mention of him pained me. So I quickly smiled. 

"Lucky for you, Marshall is an idiot."

"Yeah well, That's not what I came to tell you. Landon's been sighted."

"No way! Where? I might be able to stop by and say 'hi' on my way to meet up with Isaac."

"Heading east."

"Oh, screw that then.... Opposite direction I'm head-"

"Towards Burtens...."

That made me stop. Eff my life.

I placed Scotty on the ground after one more hug, turned and ran back towards the ruins. 

© 2011 dachildofevil

Author's Note

Scooter and Scotty were put into the story because Scooter was a black lab/dachshund mix I used to have. We had to give him away a couple of weeks ago. This is my sort of tribute to my baby boy :/

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Eff my life lol. I like that.


Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 4, 2011
Last Updated on May 9, 2011




Well, I'm not much of a writer but I have one idea I kinda want to write down. It's not very original, but hey, its a fanfic so it doesnt matter XD I stole this from Koda XDD Everything You Want.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by dachildofevil