MP - Planting Seeds

MP - Planting Seeds

A Chapter by Loekie

The third chapter of the third section of A House Fractured. 2 years has passed since Opening Views. The plots and intrigues are starting to come to a boil. This section is from Medyr's point of view.

�Yes!� Medyr looked up from his desk, early morning reports spread out before him. Edlym came into the office with a couple sheaves of parchment.

�I have some preliminary information, sir.�

Medyr impatiently motioned Edlym to his desk. �What have you learned?�

There was a rustle of paper as Edlym sorted his notes. �He was introduced as Bregon. A journeyman from the Order.�

�From the Isle?�

�Yes, sir. He had a letter of introduction from the head druid, Taliesin."

�And it says his name is Bregon?�

�Yes, sir. Why?�

�Bregon is such a common name. Almost every family has one Bregon in it.�

Edlym shrugged. �He is but a journeyman. Is it not standard for those in training to travel with an ordinary name? To be one with the land? Once they are done, they then accept their chosen name?�

�True.� Medyr grudgingly admitted. �So he is from the Isle. What else have you found?�

�It seems that he just arrived in D�n Su�bhn� a few days ago. He reported to A�fe. Before that he was in D�n Delgan." Edlym glanced at his notes. �Before that he was at Caer Eryri."

Medyr rubbed his chin. �Interesting. He does move about. So he was up north?�

�So it seems.� Edlym checked his notes. �His letter of introduction was for the use of the library. He is studying the history of the island and needs access to historical parchments.� Edlym paused. �And from my inquires, this was not the first time he made use of the library or in D�n Delgan. Or Caer Eryri."

�You said he is studying the history of the land?�

�Yes. He is looking at documents about the Fell Season and the false King.�

�I see. What else have you found?�

�Those I have talked to have said that he is always alone. He eats alone and walks about alone. It seems he spends most of his time in the library or in the archives. A�fe herself said he is a quiet, studious person.�

�I see.� Medyr's hand stopped and covered his mouth for a moment. �Fine. What you have told me has allayed some of my fears.�

�But sir, he threatened you. Should we not ...�

�He is but a journeyman. He is only in the tenth cycle of training. And he comes from an island of scribes and monastics. If he is what he says, then he is not a threat. Mayhap liquor affected his tongue.� Medyr paused. �I will talk to the head druid myself.�


Medyr rolled his eyes. �No, A�fe. No one sees Taliesin off the Isle. There are times I wonder if he really exists.�

�I see, sir. Do you not see it being prudent if we put a discrete watch on him? Maybe a watcher?�

Medyr rubbed his clean shaven chin. �Maybe you are right. Do we have one available?�

�I think so. I will check into it.�

�Do so.� Medyr dismissed Edlym. �Oh, and send in Llwyr I did not have time to get the report from him earlier.�

�Yes sir.� Edlym left the room closing the door after him. So the tall man named Bregon bad been up north in D�n Delgan. Medyr rubbed his forehead. D�n Delgan was still a free city but close to Neued and the rebels. And there was the new offensive. Had someone slipped through his web of security?

Medyr sighed as he looked up at the ceiling. How many times had he warned the Queen about the case of entering D�n Su�bhn�? But some of her advisors mewled about the harshness of his plans. What if this Bregon had slipped through the threads of his web? A knock at the door pulled Medyr from his thoughts.

�Yes,� he called out.

The door opened, revealing Llwyr. He lumbered in, holding a file. �The report you requested, sir.�

Medyr accepted it. �Fine. I will present it to the Queen.�

�Mayhap she will listen to some of the recommendations.�

�Pardon?� Medyr vaguely heard Llwyr.

�I said I hope she will listen to our recommendations. The lad has gotten a bit too reckless. I know it is his age but the Queen gives him too much leeway. Einion and I feel he needs a bodyguard about him. He is too prone to run off by himself. Be it by chance or foul play, harm could come to him. No matter ...�

�Yes. I know, Llwyr. I have said the same thing many a time. I will present this to the Queen and remind her of the urgency of the matter.�

�Fine. We also feel because the planned changes in his duties he will rebel. He is but thirteen.�

�You feel he may be more reckless?�

Llwyr nodded. �Einion is worried. He has a son the same age. This is his opinion.�

�I see. And you concur with your partner�s opinion.�

�Yes, sir. I do not have children but he does. In this area, I defer opinions to him.�

�I see. Thank you.�

�If that will be all?�

�It is.�

Llwyr left Medyr with the report. He looked over it, deep in thought An idea started to form in his mind. Medyr knew how much the Queen cared about her children. The report may sway her. This might start to isolate Froech. A faint smile came to his face.


Medyr slowly walked down the long corridor. He was pleased that A�fe had granted him a meeting so quickly. There was a few questions he had to organize and meet this Bregon, one on one. The current chaos was playing havoc with the game boards he was maintaining.

Plan for what is difficult whilst it is still easy. Do what is great whilst it is still small. That is why sages never do what is great yet this is why they achieve greatness. The words of his teacher echoed in his mind. The words written in the days of old by the great Den Yeah Liu. One of the two main tomes he used when planning revenge on the current branch of the House Su�bhn�.

It was better to deal with the burgeoning chaos before it affected the movement of the pegs on his boards. Before anything affected his plans. He would discern who the author of the notes was and how the journeyman from the Order was involved.

He needed to focus on the next step of his plan. The first prong, the Reachtas was ripe and all it needed was a push in the right direction. His address would start to achieve that. And he could see a schism which seemed to be forming in Neued's ranks, Some of his followers were unhappy with the lack of progress. He now had two reports confirming this. In a turn or so, he would be able to escalate the conflict, destroying the chance so the Queen reconciling with her brother. He could use the worry reported in the Heralder to his advantage.

The second prong was Vicar Febhal. After his investiture, the vicar was all bluster. All too quickly his words and actions turned people away. Even his most vocal supporters in the Reachtas grew tired of his promises that were not delivered. The Queen and A�fe presented a unified force for the various programs that were shut down by Febhal.

People grew tired of his rhetoric. His congregation diminished; his influence collapsed. Like a beaten cur, he started to approach the Order to restart programs. He learnt Llangeinwen was not like Larn�. To affect change, action spoke louder than words.

It took some time for him to regain his influence. The reduction of Febhal�s rhetoric lowered the output from Saar. Some of the people in the court believed the vicar had been tamed but he knew better. The vicar was biding his time; waiting for an opportunity. And soon I will give one to him.

Yet the author of the notes and now Bregon were bringing in distractions. What worried Medyr was the hint that the author of the notes knew of Cathbhadh. A connection between him and his old teacher would be disastrous at this point of his plans, especially with respect to the Order.

By accident he learnt the Order had found his old master�s main enclave. He knew there was no evidence he had ever been there; he was meticulous after he beheaded Cathbhadh. But he saw how the Order�s reaction to the experiments spurred the druids like A�fe to find the truth of his master�s place. This was information he could ill afford they gained at this moment in time.

As Medyr approached A�fe's main chambers, he stopped to take a deep breath. He cleansed his mind of random thoughts. He focused on his l�r, performing a standing meabhr�. He was ready when he softly knocked on the door, holding Llwyr�s report

�Do come in,� A�fe's dulcet voice called out. As Medyr came In, he found her sitting at her writing table, quill in hand. �Ah, Medyr, come in.�

As Medyr entered her chambers, A�fe pointed to an Arianrhod chair near her desk. She out down the quill, beside the parchment she was working on.

�I am pleased you could see me at such short notice,� Medyr said pleasantly.

'When it comes to matters of the Order, my Dryhten, my Master wishes expediency.�

As Medyr sat down, he casually glanced at the court druid. She was wearing an informal cream coloured robe of the Order. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a single tress. To Medyr, even though she had a twenty cycle old son, A�fe did not have the look of a mother. Quickly he pushed aside those thoughts from his mind.

�I do not come here to cause problems, just to find the truth.�

�And I appreciate that,� A�fe sat back in her chair. �It would seem that Bregon's lack of social skills has caused some trouble.�

�I would say it is a bit more than that,� Medyr said perfunctorily. �I've seen people with bad social skills, yet they do not say things such as I was plotting against the land. Some of what he said could have been interpreted as a threat.�

�And he told me such. And it was mistake fuelled by long hours of study and alcohol. He was caught up in his research and thought you were someone else. That is all it was.�

�And he told you this?�


�And he will tell me this?�

�I do not see why not,� A�fe seemed cautious to Medyr.

�I wish to speak to him. Hear what he has to say, personally.�

�I can try to arrange it.�

�Try?� Medyr pressed.

�He does have his responsibilities. He has a tight time line. Once he is done here, he is off to Tuaim Inbhir to use the library there.�

�I fail to see how a half hour of his time would adversely affect his studying.�

�That is not what I am saying, Medyr." A�fe was vaguely curt. �He is on a tight schedule. He only has an occasional period of free time.�

�I could petition the head of your order,� Medyr pressed.

A�fe rose from her chair. She walked toward a large onyx fidchell table. �Bregon is but a journeyman who is studying old tomes. He is not a security risk or a threat. Taliesin will vouch for his loyalty.�

�You must understand my position,� Medyr eyed the gaming table. �There are threats from within and without. It has happened before that members of the Order have been coerced.�

�It can happen,� A�fe frowned slightly. �We still live with the spectre of Laegh.�

Medyr nodded his head, pleased he had spent some time studying the old history of the Order in Llangeinwen. �We cannot forget that.�

�It is ancient history.� A�fe turned from the board. �Bregon is. not what you think he is, His loyalty is unswerving.�

�All I ask is I speak to him, myself. To allay my worries.�

�I will arrange it. And you will as, as does Taliesin, Bregon serves the Land and is not a threat to it.�

Medyr nodded his head. �That is all I need to know.�

�If it will allay your fears, I will have it arranged. And I apologize for whatever inconvenience this may have caused.�

�There is no need to apologize.�

�I am the Order's representative here. Inappropriate behaviour of one of our students reflects on all of us.�

�Maybe I am overreacting.� Medyr said, trying to be slightly self-deprecating. �But we are in trying times. I have been accused of being overzealous, I know.�

A�fe smiled. �When it comes to the Land, one can because overzealous. One just needs to be careful not to become a fanatic.�

Medyr scowled. He did not like the implications of the druid's words. �Do you see me like that?�

�Not at all,� A�fe said soothingly. �But one must be cautious. There have been many over time that were zealous but went down the wrong path because of it. One should never become blinded by their goal.�

�That would never happened to me.�

A�fe slowly nodded her head. �I understand.�

The druid's tone told Medyr the meeting was over. As Medyr rose, he looked at the current positions of the pegs on the fidchell board.

�I did not know you played.�

�Well now, just occasionally, I am teaching my son."

�Are you good?�

�I suppose I am. I am rated eighth rank.�

Medyr looked at A�fe, surprised. �You have played for some time, I see.�

�I have. Fidchell is a game which permeates the Isle.� A�fe let out a small chuckle. �There are many instructors who will use it as a metaphor for life.�

�So I have heard.� Medyr could hear the echo in his mind. �It does make one focus on the use of strategy, not the use of arms.�

�As it has been written, the best policy is to use strategy, influence and the trend of events.�

�Which will cause your opponent to submit willingly.� Medyr completed.

�Exactly,� A�fe took a deep breath. �I will have Bregon speak to you within a day or so.�

�Then we can put this behind us and focus on the important matters.�

�Exactly.� He paused, putting the report on the druid�s desk. �I have had two of my officers examine different security aspects with respect to the protocols of the Princess and Prince.�

�I know, the Queen spoke of her worries. And what is your opinion?�

�I have naught to say about Princess Fr�ge. The area of concern is Prince Aillil.�

�And what do you have to say?�

�For this analysis I defer to my officer, Einion.�

Medyr noticed A�fe stiffen slightly. �I see. Why?�

�I have no experience when it comes to children.� Medyr sighed. �He has a son the Prince�s age. As you will see, he fears the laxness of the protocols about him. And he worries his recklessness may increase as his duties and education change.�

�You mean introducing him to swordcraft?�


�And you have suggestions on that?�

Medyr was curious how the druid shifted the questioning. �Not as of yet. But I wish you to review what my officers have written before I present it to the Queen.�

A�fe smiled. �That is a but small request. I would be more than happy review the report.�

Medyr rose from his chair, satisfied. He knew the Queen would know the contents in less than a day.


Medyr was pleased with how the day was settling. The two main issues with the Prince would be resolved in the morrow. The key focus now had to be the continuing isolation of Froech. The past while he had become more irritable and prone to outbursts; as he had hoped. This was working to his advantage. The once valued advisor was becoming a liability in the Cabinet, even though he seemed to he privy to information he should not.

There were times he wondered if Froech was somehow gathering information from the druids. In many ways, the Order had a better information gathering network than the Ministry. All too often he had to augment his reports with data collected from the Order. And he hated that.

The Order was one of the largest obstacles he had in front of him. They were ubiquitous in Llangeinwen yet they worked in the shadows. The head of the Order, Taliesin, was said to never leave the island they appropriated off the north coast. A�fe was the Order�s representative yet he did not know who else was a member of the Order.

It was a well known tactic for the Order to place their people in different positions of the government. He had no idea if outside his office, if one of his staff might be a member of the Order. The nebulous aspect of the Order made their board and pegs hard to define and place. Yet he had the knowledge of his old master to use against them.

He had learnt much of the Order from Cathbhadh. He had to sort out the bitterness his master had for the group that had banished him. Like Dalldav so many cycles before, the Order could not comprehend the forward looking ideas they had.

They were investigating the very essence of what made the Chosen what they were. They were looking into what made magick the single most important force of R�. Yet the momentum of the Order was from the past. They could not look to the future. They did not dare to experiment as those like Dalldav or Graymalkin did. They could not understand what Cathbhadh wished to achieve. Which one day he could continue.

�Ah ... sir.�

A deep voice interrupted Medyr�s voice. Slowly he looked up from his desk to see Einion standing in the threshold.

�Yes, Einion.� Medyr found his voice. �Come in.�

There was a moment of hesitation before Einion came into the office. Medyr waved to the chair in front of his desk. Slowly Einion sat down.

�I have evaluated the two reports that you have done.�

�The ones about the Prince�s training and his recklessness?� Einion seemed to be uncertain.

�Yes.� Medyr sat back in his chair, slowly running his hand over his chin. �And they both present a problem and a solution.�

�They do?�

�Have you considered what I proposed to you?�

�No.� Einion responded sheepishly. �I have been busy.�

Medyr smiled. �I understand. And with your wife�s birthday, you had more important things on your mind. But I have had some time to consider both of your evaluations.�

�I don�t understand.�

�Llwyr said that you feel that the Prince may be prone to rebel because of his age.�

�I have a son his age, so I know how headstrong young men can be.� Einion sat forward in the chair. �The Prince will go off, without thought, in search for whatever his fancy is at the time. Think back to the time we found him in the catacombs because he thought he knew where Llacheu had put his sword.�

�I remember it well, Einion. The whole castle was raised to search for him. And I fully agree with your evaluation.�

�It is not just mine,� Einion quickly interjected. �Llwyr concurs.�

�This is not the place for that.� Before Einion could protest, Medyr waved his hand to stop him.

�Your partner is an excellent officer. I am not denying that. But I find myself in a delicate situation and I believe only someone like you is the solution.�

�Pardon?� Einion stared at him. Medyr could see he did not know what to say.

�As I previous mentioned to you, Friuch and Henwas are excellent choices for theory. But not for practice, I believe. And at the same time, I see a solution for the two problems.�

�The two problems?�

Medyr leaned forward, his hands forming a steeple under his nose.

�The Prince would not readily accept a bodyguard, agreed?�


�Yet what if he were also his instructor?�

Einion shook his head. �Are you suggesting making his instructor for swordcraft and his bodyguard one and the same?�

�Yes.� The answer was simple.

�Yet Friuch and Henwas would not be able to perform both duties. And neither would accept the responsibilities.�

�But what of you?�

�Are you ... but that would be irregular.� Einion shook his head. �Have you talked to A�fe of this?�

�Why should I?�

�Is not the education of the Prince the purvey of the Order?�

Medyr let out a small chuckle. �The Order is not all powerful, Einion. And in this situation, I do believe they would see the efficiency of the idea. We are all taking the education of the Prince seriously. I just wished to see what you thought before exploring the idea any further.�

�There is an efficiency I cannot deny. Yet I don�t think I am up to the task as a teacher.�

�You underestimate yourself. And I believe you can do it. I will submit the idea for discussion. My first choice for the theoretical would be Henwas. And I believe he would agree with me.� Medyr paused. �And might be relieved not to have such a burden.�

�But what of my duties?�

�We are well enough staffed. One less officer will not hinder us. And I do believe this is more important.�

�I don�t know.�

�Well, think about it. I will propose the idea. If the Order or the Queen does not agree, then it will be Henwas alone. If they do agree, then it is your decision.�

�I see.� Einion pursed his lips. �Well, then I will await to hear from you.�

�You will.�


The early morning light streamed into Medyr's large chambers. He flipped through the early reports that had just been delivered to him. He noticed none of the pieces of vellum came from A�fe. He wanted to resolve the mystery of Bregon as fast as possible.

As he dropped the pages on the writing area of his Arianrhod desk, his eyes fell on one of the small drawers with a hidden bottom. An idea came to him; a way to gain information.

Gently he pulled out the drawer. He placed the contents on the desk before slipping the drawer over. A light tough of his finger caused the false bottom to open up. From there, Medyr pulled out a simple, silver-wrought mirror.

With an index finger, a small leg in the back was flipped out so Medyr could rest the mirror on his desk. He looked at the scrying mirror, knowing of the one locked up in the main tower of the Queen's residence. The scrying mirror that purportedly caused S�danta�s madness.

Medyr saw his reflection as he sneered at the thought. It was said Llacheu had created the mirrors and he would never have created anything dangerous. And Medyr dismissed the popular belief that it was something within S�danta which the mirror had amplified.

With the mirror set, Medyr slowly cleared his mind. In his mind's eye, he focused on Bregon. magick slowly effused into the mirror. When he opened his eyes, to see what the mirror would reveal, all he could see was his own reflection. The magick was not working; the mirror revealed nothing.

He steeled his will, determined to focus on the mirror. Soon his reflection started to fade. It grew into a bright light; Medyr blinked for a moment to adjust his eyes. In the mirror, he could see a plain near Caer Eryri. The heather was swaying in the breeze. Medyr had no idea why he was looking down upon the plain and near the Hollow Hills.

Slowly, his eyes moved across the plain. It was quiet, almost devoid of life. He spent an uncounted amount of time searching the plain. Then, from the corner of his vision, he saw motion. He shifted his view and saw small movement Quickly he moved through the heather. To come upon a colourful butterfly.

It fluttered amongst the top of the heather, without care. As Medyr drew close, the butterfly stopped flying and landed on a stalk. The wings came to a slow beat. It was as if the butterfly was staring at him. And then with a defiant flourish, it spread its wings and flew away. The mirror slowly faded back to Medyr's image.

Fury built up in Medyr. He was about to strike at the mirror but necessity stayed his hand. Destroying the mirror would not advance his plans. Medyr sat in front of the mirror, slowly taking in deep breaths. If he could not use magick, there were other means. Even if Bregon would not meet him.


�de looked at the map on the table. The late day reports laid about. The area held by the rebels had been redrawn slightly. Even they had not advanced much, a new pocket had formed at the foot of Sliabh Luachra. They were now at the edge of the mountain range.

'When will the reports from our operatives be ready?�

�By the end of the fortnight Sire.�

�de nodded her head. �What of the rumours that he has some operatives in the area?�

Froech shook his head. �From all the reports, D�n Su�bhn� has not been penetrated. The security is tight, correct, Medyr?�

Medyr stirred from his thoughts. �It is but not as tight as I would like it. As you all know.�

�Yes, we know. The endless repetition of a security advisor,� Froech said coldly. 'We've been over this before, the plan is too harsh. It would cut D�n Su�bhn� off from the rest of the island. You cannot seal the capital and court of Llangeinwen from its people.�

�It is not that harsh, Froech.� Medyr said smoothly.

�Yes it is. It would set a precedent unheard of in the history of Llangeinwen. You do know our history, do you not?�

�As always, you are overreacting.�

�I am not.�

�Enough!� �de said sharply- �I've read the report. I agree the plan is harsh but not that harsh. As I have said before, Medyr�s plan is a contingency plan. It will be implemented only if the fighting expands drastically. At this time, we will stay with what we have implemented. If we overreact, the people may. And my brother will see this as a sign of desperation. We will stay on the current course. It now has been a couple of cycles And he has made little advance.�

�But he may become desperate, Sire.� Medyr countered. �Remember he boasted he would be king within two turns.�

�I see your point, Medyr, but that is still hypothetical. Let us concentrate on the pressing matters. Nico and Esg�n, in particular.�

Froech shrugged. �Not much has changed. Their warships are still on alert but they are all docked. There have been some manoeuvres but all local. Neither island has started to amass.�

�What do your operatives say?� Medyr asked.

�All is quiet. They are watching us. Since Neued is here and fighting here, they seem to be waiting.�

�Like vultures,� Medyr snorted.

�Well, I infer that they would prefer to stay in port than mount an attack,� �de commented. �I can see that if they were to attack, Neued might drop his weapons against us, to protect the land. Then may be not. We don't need to fight two enemies at the same time.�

�That is if Neued does not mount any raids again,� Medyr said.

�As long as we harass him, he will not bother Nico or Esg�n,� Froech countered. �All we have to do is keep Neued's eyes here.�

�My brother is not predictable, Froech." �de moved from the map table. �He prides himself as being a superior tactician.� �de sat down in a chair. �I sense something is about to break. He had done very little over the past few weeks. Something is amiss. I think he may be planning something.�

�But we have heard of nothing,� Froech protested.

�And I don't think you will,� Medyr dismissed. Froech glared at him.

�Neued is not stupid,� �de interjected. �He knows we have operatives about. Unless we can get one into his inner circle, we have incomplete information. So we will stay on alert. Keep your eyes and ears open. This meeting is concluded.�

�Ah, Sire,� Medyr said quietly. �There is something I wish to bring up.�

�And what may that be?�

�It is about the Prince�s education.�

�You mean swordcraft?�

�Yes. I have a proposal which may be seen as unorthodox.�

�Why am I not surprised!� Froech jeered.

�I believe the best person for theory would be Henwas ap Gwaeddan.�

Froech stared at Medyr, startled. Medyr sensed he had not expected a suggestion he would agree to.
�That is an excellent choice. I fail to see how that is unorthodox.�

�I propose another person for the practical.�

�Yourself, perhaps?� Froech said acidly.

�No.� Medyr ignored the jibe. �I propose one of my men. Einion. Einion ap Llallawc.�

The Queen looked at Medyr, slightly puzzled. She recognized the name but could not put a face to it. Froech just shook his head.

�Henwas is aptly capable to handle the practical. It makes no sense to have two people in charge. It would only confuse the lad.�

�There is more to this idea.� Medyr paused slightly. �As you know, a couple of my officers performed a review on the security about your son and daughter. They felt it might be necessary for the Prince, for the next while, to have a bodyguard.�

�That is ludicrous! How can ...�

�I�ve heard the suggestion,� the Queen interrupted Froech. Medyr smiled. A�fe had spoken to the Queen.

�And I see some merit in what was proposed. Also I agree with the assessment that Aillil would react negatively.�

�And he may. But I thought if the one who teaches him the practical aspects of swordcraft was also the one assigned to him. It may make the acceptance more palatable.�

�Yet what of this Einion�s credentials? Could he take on these tasks?� Froech argued.

�If you wish, I can send his background. He was the top of his class in theory and practice. And he knows of the ancient writings of strategy. He has a sharp mind. I trust him implicitly and believe he is a good choice. Also, he does have a thirteen cycle old son, so he knows how they can be a handful.�

�I see.� Suddenly the name connected. �Is he not married to my chambermaid?�

�Pardon?� Medyr was confused.

�My chambermaid, Ninov�. She is married and has a thirteen cycle old son.�

�Was her birthday a day or so ago?�


Medyr let out a small laugh. �Then it must be true. I let him go home early to surprise her.�

�Have you spoke to A�fe of this?� Froech slipped in.

�I always first give my reports and analysis to the court druid.� Medyr paused for effect. �Her opinion is invaluable so I can hone my analysis when I present it to the Queen.�

�I do have to say the suggestion has some merit.� �de ran an index finger across her left cheek.
�Whereas I like the idea, Aillil�s education should not be an experiment. I will speak with A�fe in more detail about this.�

�Sire,� Froech pressed, �I fail to see the reason to re-examine Henwas. He taught your daughter well.�

�I defer to my colleagues,� Medyr said smoothly, �in this analysis. In this, I trust Einion inherently.�


�In normal circumstances, I would agree with you. But we are not living in ordinary times.�

�We cannot throw tradition to the wind every time a crisis arises.�

�Am I asking that?� He looked to the Queen. �I have read what Einion wrote. His analysis is impeccable. Prince Aillil is becoming a young man. He is to come of age soon. A difficult time under ordinary circumstances but it will not be so for him. I believe he needs a firm hand in his education.�

�That is always your solution, isn�t it?�

�Is coddling a better way?� He snapped at Froech.

�Enough.� �de said firmly. �I will take all that is before as consideration. A decision will be made shortly.�

�What of the Princess� party?� Genann, the Minister of Economy asked.

The Queen looked at him. �Is there an issue?�

�I was wondering about the security.�


Medyr frowned. He had no idea why the security about the Princess� eighteenth birthday was of concern or issue. There had been enough reports. He thought it was a non-issue.

�I have been reading some things about that Neued maybe be playing a new offensive. Possibly an attack on D�n Su�bhn�.�

It took a moment for Medyr to remember the rumours. He laughed; attracting startled looks.

�You have been reading the Heralder again, haven�t you?�

�What if I have?�

�It is but vellum filled with rumours and scandals. They have no idea what truth is.�

�It may contain some lurid articles, at times, yet they know more than the vaulted Guardian or Independent. Should you not, at least, consider the possibility?�

�I have.� Medyr smiled. �I have a man looking into the rumours. But I feel it will not be of concern in a few days, for the party.�


He looked to the Queen. �I do not believe Neued would sanction any attack on the Queen or her family. He would never lower himself to tactics like that.�

�I agree.� She nodded. �For now I see security as sufficient of the celebrations. But we must be prepared.�


The Queen rose. �I believe that concludes this meeting.�

No one spoke up. As she left the room, Medyr picked up his parchments. He hurried from the room; he was tired. Briskly, he walked toward his chambers ignoring the people about along the way. A new day was starting. For a moment he thought of returning to the office. He pushed the thought aside; his mind was filled with different thoughts and emotions.

Medyr was pleased that the Queen was ready to implement his plan. Security was too lax about the city and castle. But his pleasure was tempered by annoyance. Focused on Froech.

In his chambers, he threw his parchments on his writing table as the annoyance grew to fury. Medyr started to pace. He could not understand how �de could keep someone like Froech as a military advisor. His naivete was dangerous. People like him lived in a simple dream world. His mind could not grasp the subtleties of war.

And who was he to question his plans? Did he think that he could solve the problem by running about and giving out hugs? Froech constantly belittled or berated any ideas of plans that Medyr came up with. Always with the same complaint that it is too harsh. Did he not realized they were at war?

Medyr stopped pacing. Froech didn't see that this was just a group of fidchell boards. Your opponent moves a piece. You then scan the boards and see what moves you can make. As Medyr had been taught, the one who understands how to use large, as well as small forces will be victorious.

Suddenly Medyr started to smile. There was no reason to get upset. Froech was a small peg on a single board. Each day, �de would see how ineffectual Froech really is. The Queen was not stupid and if Neued suddenly made a move she did not expect, Froech would have to answer. Or a move they might think Neued did. And he would not be able to answer.

© 2008 Loekie

Author's Note

Being a major revision of the first draft, I am looking for everything - grammar, POV problems, plotting issues. Please note, spelling is Canadian not American so don't point the differences. Hit me with your best shot!

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1 Review
Added on May 11, 2008



Montreal, Canada

Growing up, I never saw myself as a storyteller. But looking back, I see the seeds. I would build complex models with my Lego or Mecano, each with a story to tell. When I played with my Tonkas, Dinkey.. more..

Drawn Drawn

A Story by Loekie