BackupAccount: Summer D.

BackupAccount: Summer D.


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~Visiting Laputa~, CA
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This is a back-up account for my main account:

" Summer D."

I will NOT be adding anyone outside of who I've already added on my main account. So please don't send any friend requests. Thank you!


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Posted 13 Years Ago

So...what's this backup account for again? o3o Is it in case there's a virus er sometin?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

@ Summer & Ami

Trace something like

LOL Someday, I'm gonna throw a bottle into the ocean (with a message in it)

Where will you take it? Santa Monica? :D

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Posted 13 Years Ago

@Ami N:

Nope. I wish I did...
One of these days. I'm going to spend a whole day at the beach and trace a huge message in the sand. I dunno what message though.
It'll be fun.. yet.. tiring.. FUN AND TIRING. I'll climb to the top to take a picture of the message. :)
