Daniel Contreras IV : Writing

Star Gazing: Scene 5

Star Gazing: Scene 5

A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

Perkins High School- Auxiliary Gym- Int.-- DayIan is at wrestling practice. You can almost smell the sweat from the years and years of build up and ha..
Star Gazing: Scene 4

Star Gazing: Scene 4

A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

Daniel’s house- Ext. -- NightIan and Daniel are standing out by the road in Daniel’s driveway. It is cold out and they are hugging themsel..
Star Gazing: Scene 3

Star Gazing: Scene 3

A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

Maggie’s House- Int.-- NightDaniel and Maggie are laying on a bed (Or couch) watching a movie. They look happy to be with each other.DanielI smo..
Star Gazing: Scene 2

Star Gazing: Scene 2

A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

Daniel’s House- Int. -- TwilightThe boys are sitting down in Daniel’s living room. The TV is on. Ian is holding a bag with green herbage i..
Star Gazing: Scene 1

Star Gazing: Scene 1

A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

First scene of my senior exit project.


A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

IntroSetting: Diner/ Car(Fade in to a diners exterior. A car pulls up in front. Pan to inside the car, where there are three boys)Travis: (In the car)..


A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

A movie I'm woking on for school
Come on guys...

Come on guys...

A Poem by Daniel Contreras IV

Seriously,Who Farted?


A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

Scene 8


A Screenplay by Daniel Contreras IV

Scene 6

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