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Goulburn, NSW, Australia
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About Me

My username is Silhouettic, which I took from the title of a Birds of Tokyo song from their album 'Universes', which I highly recommend giving a listen if you're open to different kinds of music (be warned they're Australian pop rock). My real name, however, is Luke Neville, I am eighteen years old and hope to one day become a succesful author, though ultimately I just want to be a storyteller so therefore I would be happy with any job that allowed me to tell stories, i.e script-writer, film director/editor etc. I live in Australia though I seem to have an unexplainable fascination with Canada and don't know why. I'm not an encyclopedia on the place and will likely tell you the biggest thing to come out of Canada is Celine Dion but I have heard so many good things about the place that it's kind of hard not to be intrigued by 'The Great White North" despite the laundry list of stereotypes, eh. I am also a huge fan of movies.