Penulis Kecil

Penulis Kecil


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Caboolture, Australia
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About Me

I'm a 29 year old Australian woman who has, like most people, experienced a number of things in life. I think I'm pretty friendly, if a little odd and silly.

When I'm not writing, I enjoy other creative endeavours like general crafts (including making dreamcatchers and jewellery), art, card-making and scrapbooking. I also have a real passion for photography.

I started writing at a pretty young age and I like to think that, if nothing else, I've improved over the years. I write in a variety of genres and styles, but you'll probably find more poetry than anything else.

As far as comments/reviews are concerned, long as they're kept polite, I'm really open to honest thoughts, constructive criticism and discussion, not so much to empty praise. That doesn't mean I don't want to hear if you like something, everyone needs a little positivity sometimes, after all - but I don't want anyone to feel like they have to say they like something in order to not hurt my feelings/be liked/whatever.

I'm generally pretty happy to add just about anybody as a friend, but please don't add me if you're only going to send me constant read requests and the like.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you for the review, i do understand that it can be difficult to put your feelings about a poem into words, i tend to react on an emotional level i either love or get totally disinterested. i do enjoy reading your poetry though, i feel like you are a writer i can learn from:)

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for your wonderful reviews :-) The river one is so so long... i really appreciate you taking the time to read it through *twice*. I kinda got carried away with that one. And your comments on the Sunflower poem were especially nice to read!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for your review... very encouraging and much appreciated! I rarely write to prompts and usually mull over what i have written for a few days - making changes before i post anything - but the contest closes tomorrow, so this was such a rush for me. I have no idea why i put an apostrophe after the plural word 'stomachs'... thanks for pointing this out... i have changed it now!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for your review :-) ...i never know whether i am going in the right direction with my poems... your comments help me to make my decisions!