Love U Stylinson : Writing

BodyGuard 10

BodyGuard 10

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Christian After taking Jake home I walked back out to the main street to a little café I found the other day. I was craving some hot chocol..
BodyGuard 11

BodyGuard 11

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Christian After getting off the phone with Jake I went back downstairs to get some breakfast; courtesy of my dad and his amazing cooking skills. A..
BodyGuard 12

BodyGuard 12

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Jake Well after seeing a million pictures of Christian when he was little, he finally convinced his dad that it was almost time for the party. I ..
BodyGuard 13

BodyGuard 13

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Nathan Im going to kill that little prick the next time I saw him. Who would’ve thought that he had the guts to do something like that to me..
BodyGuard 14

BodyGuard 14

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Jake So after Christian got over the official shock of getting a new car we drove back over to my house so I could clean up and change. When we p..
BodyGuard 15

BodyGuard 15

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Christian We were finally at the Pizzeria and Jake was telling some crazy story about some trip he and his mom took to the zoo one time. I wasn&rs..
BodyGuard 16

BodyGuard 16

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

JakeBetter watch ya back kid~In the morning I felt like s**t and I really didn't feel like going to school but I sucked it up and got up. After gettin..
BodyGuard 17

BodyGuard 17

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

JakeI was sitting in first period with my head down on my desk. We had a sub today and Nikki was talking to her old friend from Georgia in the back, a..
BodyGuard 18

BodyGuard 18

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Jake So I’ve been sitting in this desk for about ten minutes now listening to Nathan poor his little heart out to me. He told me he was sorr..
BodyGuard 19

BodyGuard 19

A Chapter by Love U Stylinson

Jake It took us about an hour to get completely cleaned up in the shower. With Christian being all wet and sexy I couldn’t resist to push hi..