![]() BodyGuard 12A Chapter by Love U StylinsonJake Well after seeing a million pictures of Christian when he
was little, he finally convinced his dad that it was almost time for the party.
I honestly didn’t plan on being there all day but I just couldn’t say no to his
dad after Christian told me what happened that morning. So after looking at
pictures we played a few games, and joked around. “Thanks for having me over,” I said politely as Christian
walked me to the door. “Oh nonsense it was fun, you should come over again,”
Charles insisted with a smile. Christian cleared throat, clearly ready to go,” Okay dad we
gotta go or were gonna be late,” he said hurriedly. “Oh yah wait here for a minute.” I watched his dad run back into the kitchen and come back
out with keys in his hands. He threw to Christian who caught them with ease, a
smile starting to form on his face. “Take my truck…..but if I see one scratch on it,” his dad
warned. Christian nodded his head frantically, “Yah yah I got it,” he yelled
before hauling me out the house and to the driveway where a gray titan truck
stood. “You can drive that?”
I ask him as we got inside, I mean the truck was freaking huge. I was
kind of nervous getting inside the thing. “Sure I can I drove it before….no worries,” he said before
starting it up and backed out the driveway. Once on the road I gave Christian directions to Nikki’s
house and once we got there the whole place was packed with cars. Now im not
sure I explained this yet but Nikki is really wealthy, but she doesn’t brag
about it at all and her house was pretty big. After finding a parking spot we
both got out and headed towards the loud music that was blasting from inside.
Once we were close enough to the house I was seriously starting to think to go
back home because to be honest, I hate parties and Nikki’s are always so wild.
I mean they were already people drunk on the front lawn, and the music was
already starting to make my head hurt. “Hey you okay?” Christian asked as we walked inside. “Uh yah….just really don’t like things like this,” I
answered being aware of all the people pushing up against me. ‘Gross’ I thought. “Jakeyyy you came!” I heard Nikki shout before hugging me. “When do I ever miss your parties?” I questioned as I hugged
her back. She beamed at me before looking at Christian who smiled. “Glad you could come to,” she drawled giving him a wink. “Oh
yah if ya need room there’s plenty upstairs,” she leered before walking off
into the crowd of dancing bodies. My face flushed at what she said, I looked at
Christian to see that he was clearly avoiding my gaze; at least I wasn’t the
only one embarrassed right now. We walked further back into the house until we
came to the kitchen, which was filled with food and drinks. “Yo Christian, Jake.” Turning around there was Cameron
sitting on the counter with a cup in hand. “Hey Cameron,” I said walking over to him. “Crazy party isn’t it…..I feel like were in time square
during New Years,” Christian said picking up some chips from a bowl. “Hah tell me about it,” Cameron replied, “I was only here
for an hour and people are already drunk off their asses,” he said taking a sip
from his cup. “Well that’s to be expected,” I said eyeing the cans of beer
on the table. My hands were twitching for one and I could really need a release
right now, especially with all that s**t that happened with Tyler. I was just
going to go over and grabbed one when Nikki came out of nowhere and dragged
Christian and I to the living room where the music was blaring. I watched as
she started to dance around me as did Christian but I just stood there
awkwardly. “Nikki you know I can’t dance,” I yelled over the music. She
just smirked before pushing me against Christian who just smiled before taking
my hands and spinning me around. I nearly tripped over my own feet when he did
that, however he had a firm hand around my waist to balance me. “Don’t worry I won’t let you fall,” he said smiling down at
me. God I swear this boy is going to be the death of me. After five minutes of awkward dancing I told
him that I was going to get something to drink. As I walked over to the kitchen
I saw some guy making out in the hallway with Cameron, and I wondered if that
was the boy he was crushing over. Not wanting to get into their business I went
over to the cans of beer and picked one up; looking over my shoulder to make
sure Nikki wasn’t in sight. I opened it and pretty much downed the entire thing
in one gulp, I could already feel the buzz coming on and I loved it. After finishing the first one I got another one but poured
into a red cup before walking out the kitchen to go find Christian. When I did
find them he was sitting on the couch with some blonde headed kid straddling
him which made me mad for some reason. I stalked over there before grabbing the
back of his shirt and yanking back making him fall on the floor. “The hell is your problem.” - Christian After watching Jake disappear into the crowd I looked for
somewhere to chill for a while. It was getting too hot and people kept touching
my a*s and I was feeling a little uncomfortable. After walking around I found a
couch and sat down and waited for Jake to get back. Letting my head fall back
against the couch I let my mind drift off to Jake again. I was seriously
starting to fall for him and I hope he was doing the same with me. My head
snapped up when I felt something sit in my lap, looking up I saw Ronni smiling
down at me. “Hey Christian how’s it going?” he asked in that cocky tone
of his. I shifted uncomfortably as I sat up a little straighter. “Um im fine Ronni,” I said a little annoyed, “Could you get
off me,” I said trying to push him off me. Ronni smiled again before putting a
finger to my lips, “Now why would I do that,” he teased, his finger going from
my lip and down my chest. I tried to get up again I mean he was really started to
grate on my nerves, “Seriously I go"“Why
the rush?” he giggled as his hands fell to my crotch. Suddenly Ronni was flung
off my lap and onto the floor. “The hell is your problem?” Ronni yelled from the floor as
he stared up angrily at Jake. I looked at Jake and noticed that he had his nose
all scrunched up, signaling that he was mad about Ronni being in my lap. “Just wondering why a s**t like you is all over Christian?”
he growled. “S**t!” Ronni cried as he got off the floor and got up in
Jakes face. I watched as Jake opened his mouth to say something but then
Cameron came out of nowhere and pushed Ronni aside. “Beat it ya little prick,”
he hissed. With a glare he stalked off into the crowd of people in the living
room; I looked at Jake and noticed that he was staring at me. “Um something wrong?” Cameron asked. He didn’t say anything
but continued to stare at me, I looked at Cameron but he just shrugged as he
sat down on the couch next to me. I watched as Jake sat his drink down on the
little table next to couch before settling down on my lap. “He was taking my spot,” he said to me. Okay Jake was
completely drunk there’s no other reason as to why he would be sitting in my
lap like this. I mean Jake isn’t really the bold type, quite the opposite
actually so when he said that I just stared at him with wide eyes. “Dude he’s totally wasted right now,” Cameron chuckled as he
looked at Jake. I felt his thin arms wrap around my shoulders a smirk plastered
on his face, “Let’s go dance,” he whispered in my ear. I really didn’t know what
to do in this situation because Jake was too shy of person to act like this.
And I don’t want to take advantage of him when he’s like this. I need to do
something quick before things starts to get a little excited down south and
that was the last thing I wanted to happened with Jake sitting on my lap like
this. So getting up I pulled Jake into the living room and not a
second later was his arms around my shoulders again. I put my hands on his
waist and brought him in close to me as we moved to the beat of the music. Jake
was a pretty good dancer when he was drunk I mean his hands were all over me,
his hips swaying side to side, his head lolled back. It took every bone in my
body to refrain from kissing and sucking on his neck. When he looked up at me I
swear his eyes travelled down to my lips, I watched as he licked his own before
leaning in closer to me. I prepared myself to get a kiss from those wonderful
lips, but I heard a giggle before he kissed me on the cheek. ‘That little…’ I thought. “You’re such a tease,” I mused as I kissed him back on his
cheek. He giggled again before hauling me back over to the couch and taking a
seat in my lap again. “I see that you guys are having fun,” Nikki drawled as she
sat down on the couch in between me and Cameron. “Hmmm…talkin to me,” Jake smiled as he looked at her with a
goofy grin on his face. “Jake I thought I told you the last time you were at my
parties to not drink,” Nikki scolded giving him a glare. “N…No worries im fine,” Jake insisted waving his hand in the
air. Nikki looked like she was about to go into a rant but was rudely
interrupted. “Oh how cute the little f*g and his bodyguard,” said a
familiar voice. Looking over Jakes shoulder I saw Nathan and some other guy
with black hair standing by his side, smirking at Jake. I saw Cameron stiffen
out the corner of my eyes, he was going to get up but then Jake told him not
to. I wanted to say something back at Nathan but Jake for some odd reason was
going to do something back. I watched him pick up his drink and took a sip
before standing up and spitting it in Nathans face. The three of us sitting on
the couch watched in amazement as Jake threw the rest of what was in his cup at
the guy standing next to Nathan. “F**k you Nathan, im sick and tired of your s**t,” Jake
yelled as he punched him in the face then he kneed him in the stomach before
stalking off to the back of the house. “Holy s**t….,”Cameron muttered looking down at Nathan who
still holding his stomach. I was still in shock that Jake just had the balls to
cuss Nathan out and punch the f**k out of him. It was such a turn on to see him
act like that. “Um any warnings before I go after him?” I asked Nikki as I
got up from the couch. Nikki sighed before brushing her hair out of her face. “When Jakes drunk he’s very emotional so he’s probably
crying his eyes out right now,” she said sadly. I walked towards the back of
the house to find Jake outside in Nikki’s backyard. Just like she said he had
his head down on his knees; his shoulders shaking. When I slid open the door, I
heard the heart-breaking sobs coming from him. “Jake,” I said softly as I sat down next to him and put an
arm around his shoulder. - Jake I completely flipped my wig back there, I didn’t know what
the hell I was thinking when I did that. I punched a star-quarterback in the
face, but I just couldn’t help it. All that pent up anger was getting at me and
just when I was having fun with Christian that douchbag had to go and piss me
off. However after all that s**t I did, I felt like crap and ran to Nikki’s
backyard to cry. The emotions where too much and I couldn’t take it, so I got
overwhelmed. When I heard the door slide open and Christian’s deep voice filled
the air it made me cry even harder. I really don’t like crying in front of
people and Christian was the one person I didn’t want to cry in front of. “Jake tell me what’s wrong….tell me what’s really going on,”
Christian said squeezing my shoulder. I sniffled before looking up at him and
he gave me a bright smile that made me feel a little better. “N…..Nobody wants me,” I said after a minute, not looking at
Christian but at the ground. “What do you mean nobody wants you?” he asked me. “That says it all,” I said quietly, “My dad left,” I said
the tears starting to come back full force, “But Jake"“My mom left me,” a sob slipped from my lips. Christian hugged me
to his chest as I started to cry again, “That b*****d I call a stepfather left
me…..nobody wants me because im fucked up,” I yelled. “He left you?” Christian asked incredulous. I nodded my
head, my mind going back to what happened at the house before Christian came. “That explains your lip,” he said quietly. “Why would he do that,” he asked. “Because nobody wants a gay son that can’t do s**t for
himself an"“Jake! Listen to me,” he
shouted over my yelling and cries. “None of that is your fault okay, im sure your mother loved you and your dad,” he told me, “Even though he didn’t come back, he left with a
good intention in mind.” “You’re not fucked up….your far from it I promise, you’re
just not used to sticking up for yourself and its okay because you have me,” he
told me softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. “Beside what you said wasn’t true,” he muttered as he lifted
my chin so I could look at him in the eyes. I was going to say something but
then I felt warm lips on mine and I realized that Christian was kissing me. It
felt so good I tell ya that, I felt his arm wrap around me to pull me closer.
His tongue swept across my bottom lip and I parted them for him, my own tongue coming
out to play. This was definitely making me hard; one because I haven’t kissed
like this for so long and two I’m so drunk right now that anything would get me
hard. When he broke the kiss he hugged me, “I want you Jake,” he
muttered into my ear, “I’ll protect you,” he said. He kissed me again but it was short this time and we broke apart he smile at me again, I’ll love you,” he whispered. All I could see was that smile and hear those words filling my
ears as I passed out cold against his chest, tears still spilling from my eyes. © 2012 Love U StylinsonAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on September 8, 2012 Last Updated on September 8, 2012 Author