![]() BodyGuard 19A Chapter by Love U StylinsonJake It took us about an hour to get completely cleaned up in the
shower. With Christian being all wet and sexy I couldn’t resist to push his
slick body up against the wall and kiss him. He wasn’t complaining when I got
down on his knees to suck him off and I didn’t complain when he slipped his c**k
inside me again. Eventually we go out the shower and toweled off before
putting on some clothes. I told Christian to sit on my bed so I could go see if
there were any clothes for him to wear, for the night. He said he didn’t see
the point in going home now, it was already past seven. Few minutes later I
came back with a shirt and some black sweatpants. “There my dad’s so they should fit.” I said as I handed them
to him. He unfolded the clothes to look at them and they were huge,
like im talking long huge. I smiled sheepishly; my dad was always on the tall
side, so most of his things were long. “Yah my mom told me he was about six ‘five…..said she hated that the fact that she was so short next to him.” I smiled before plopping down on the bed next to him. I watched as he shrugged the clothes on and was pretty surprised that it fit, a little loose on the pants but that was it. “Must get your shortness from your mom.” he said, snickering
at the pout that formed on my lips. “Well I didn’t decide my genes and apparently they didn’t
want to make me tall.” I said before hugging him, making him fall on his back
on the bed. “I like short people.” he said softly against my lips. I
giggled as I stared down at him, his blue eyes shining up at me. “I like you.” I
said back, I smiled before dropping butterfly kisses all over his face before
kissing him softly on the lips. “Hmm….let’s sleep love.” he mumbled before rolling off me
and snuggling under the blanket. Not a second later did I do the same, placing
my head gently on his chest, my arms around his stomach. “Love?” I asked. He merely nuzzled his nose in my sweet smelling hair, “You
are my love.” he whispered. My arms tightened around his stomach as Christian
pressed himself closer to me. “As I am yours.” - I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a bang from
downstairs. Sitting up in the bed I rubbed my eyes before looking over to
Christian to see if he heard it, but there he lay sound asleep. I didn’t notice
how adorable Christian looked when he was sleeping; looked like a little kid. Scratching the back of my head I slipped out of the room and
went downstairs. Looking around the corner I didn’t see or hear anything. I
yawned, must be hearing things I thought. I walked into the kitchen to get
something to drink; opening the fridge I grabbed a bottle of water. Leaning
against the counter I opened it and took a swig, I looked at the clock on the
wall. I really need to go back to sleep, last thing I needed was to be up this
late. Putting the bottle back in the fridge I realized I didn’t
but the top back on, annoyed I looked around on the floor to see if dropped it. “Lookin’ for this?” Turning to look over my shoulder I saw Tyler with the cap between his fingers. I instantly backed away from him, what the hell was he doing here? He told me that he was leaving. He smirked and then I remembered
the sticky note on the fridge….if I remember correctly it was there before I
headed for Christian’s house the night of the party. My back hit the edge of
the counter, “The hell are you doing here?” Tyler smiled at me before walking towards me his hand
shooting out to grip my hair, making my head fling back. I could smell alcohol
on his breath…..he must be drunk. “Came back for you.” He muttered out before
sucking on my neck, his hand gripping my hair tighter. I started to panic now, “Christi"“Don’t even try….yer little boyfriend is getting taken care of.” Tyler smirked. “What did you do to him you b*****d!” I all but yelled as I started to struggle in his grip. The smirk he had on his face slipped off,
before he threw me to the ground. I started to scoot myself back, trying to get
my legs to work properly. I need to get up and get Christian; I need to get
away from Tyler because if he was drunk then I was in some deep s**t. “Now now Jakey come here…..lets have some fun,” he leered,
his hand grabbing my leg and pulling me towards him. I did all I could to get
him off me, I tried to kick him off me but Tyler was pretty strong for someone
as lanky as him. He flipped me onto my stomach, his hands pushing their way
into my pants; I felt the tears prick my eyes. ‘I needed to get up’ I
thought ‘I needed to find
Christian’ As soon as I felt him loosened his hold my arms I pulled my
elbow back, hitting him right in the eye. He cursed before letting me go
completely. I took the chance to run out the kitchen, “Christian!!!” I yelled
as I ran up the steps. I was almost to the room before I was whirled around and
backhanded, the force making me fall against the wall. “You’re gonna pay ya little piece of s**t.” He growled. - Christian I was vaguely aware that Jake slipped out of bed to go
downstairs, and I was going to follow him but changed my mind at the last
minute. I was really tired, all that sucking and f*****g he and Jake did really
got me. So rolling over on my side I attempted to go back to sleep, but sat
straight up when I heard Jake scream my name. Not a second later was I out the
bed but before I could reach the door I was grabbed from behind. “Nope think again cutie.” Looking out the corner of my eye I saw some dude with blonde hair. He had his arm wrapped around my neck tightly. I sunk my nails into them and tried to wriggle my way out of his hold. This b*****d better get his hands of me before I really start flipping my s**t. Jake was somewhere downstairs
screaming my name for help and whoever this a*****e was, was keeping me from
seeing what was wrong. “Get off me, “I growled. “Ah not gonna happen kid, I won’t let you ruin Tyler’s fun
with that boy of his before we leave,” he said smirking. I sighed before relaxing my body, this guy was seriously
pissing me off and if he didn’t let me go he was going to get his a*s kicked.
Leaning my weight on against his chest, I let my arms fall to my side. I looked
at him from the corner of my eyes. “If you don’t let me go im going to hurt you.” I said
quietly. I heard him snort, “Oh yah watcha gonna do.” He whispered in
my ear. My head flung back to hit him in the nose, successfully
letting me go. I turned around and punched him in the face; I watched him fall,
him hitting his head on the edge of the dresser. I looked over him to make sure
he wasn’t going to get back up. After that I ran outside and looked around for
Jake, I listened carefully for his voice. “Stop…..you dirty"“Shut
it you little….keep still d****t!” I ran around the corner to see Tyler on top of Jake, his
hands down the others pants. Jake had tears running down his face a nasty
bruise was on his cheek. Rage filled me as I went over and pushed Tyler off my
boyfriend. My fist went flying at his face not stopping until I saw blood all
over my hands, looking down I realized that I broke his nose. “…..C…Christian.” My head whipped around to see Jake still on the floor his
eyes wide with fear, tears spilling down his bruised cheek. I walked over to
help him up, my fingers brushing the tears away, “You okay.” I watched as he
closed his eyes before wrapping his arms around my stomach, his entire body was
shaking. I let out a long breath before hugging him back, letting him have his
moment. I heard him sniffle before stepping back to wipe his eyes again;
he opened his mouth to say something but his eyes got wide before pushing me to
side. “Damn f****r I’ll get you for that.” I watched as the blonde guy from earlier came running out
the room; tripping over Tyler (who was still lying on the ground with a bloody
nose). I didn’t know why Jake pushed me out the way until I noticed how close I
was the stairs, but when blondie came barreling out room and tripped he fell
forward, knocking Jake off balance. “Jake!” my hand instantly shooting out to catch him, his shirt brushed the tips of my fingers before gravity took over. - Jake When I saw Jesse trip over Tyler I knew that I had to get
Christian out the way or we would’ve both fell down the steps. Now you’re
probably thinking that I could’ve just moved with him but you don’t really
think rationally when someone you love is danger. So I took the fall, I pushed
Christian out the way just in time so that Jesse ran into me and not him. Let
me tell you falling down the stairs hurts…..like really hurts. I’m pretty sure
I hit my head on that last step because I kept seeing black dots in my vision
and there was this prickly feeling on my side and I wouldn’t be surprised if I
had a splinter. I was aware of someone yelling at me and I was sure it was
Christian. I could barely keep my eyes opened, let alone focused. Christian was
asking me if I was alright but my mouth wouldn’t open to answer him. All I
could look at was his blue eye, his pretty blue eyes and I started to smile.
This was how he and Christian first met; me sprawled out on the floor and him
leaning over me asking if I was okay. The last thing I remember is his eyes, there were barely
containing the tears that wanted to spill over his cheeks. The sting in my side
was starting to hurt more, my eyelids becoming too heavy for me to keep up. - When I woke up I was in a hospital bed, the sound of my heartbeat giving it away. I looked over to the flowers and balloons that were sitting on the corner on top of table by the window. ‘Love you, Get better’ it read. I shifted a little in the bed and realized that my arm was asleep, my gaze fell to Christian’s brown mop of curly hair. I tried to open my mouth to talk, to ask him if he was okay
and what was going on when I felt there something in my throat that did not belong there. And I was pretty
sure it wasn’t Christian because he was sitting next to me sleeping on my arm.
I think I started to panic a little, waking up to having this feeling of
choking was not okay with me. “Jake…….Jakey you’re awake!” Christian exclaimed as he sat
up, but his smile faltered when he saw the look of distress on my face. “W…Wait here I’ll get the doctor.” He said before running
out the room. Not like im going
anywhere’ Frustrated tears started to run down my face, I hated being
confused and not knowing what the hell is going on. Suddenly the door was
pushed opened and a black-haired man came in, smiling like he just bought a new
puppy. “Alright Jake….” He started as he came over to me and
snapped on some gloves. “First off I need you to relax and as soon as you do the
sooner that breathing tube can come out.” He said. I closed my eyes for a minute calming myself down; once I
was ready I opened them and nodded slightly. The process of taking that thing
out was highly uncomfortable however it was quick and I was glad that it was
out. “Im Dr.Lee,” he smiled brightly at me before handing me a
cup of water. I pushed the button so I was sitting up, I thankfully took the
cup of water. “How do you feel Jake?” he asked me. I swallowed the water slowly before answering him,
“….My…..side….head,” was all I could say, but he seem to get what I was trying
to say. He was writing something down on a clipboard, “Right I’ll send in a
nurse soon to give some pain medicine so don’t worry.” He said. “What’s the last thing you remember?” I sighed, “Blue….eyes,” I mumbled, “Ch….ristian.” “Ah yes Christian’s is your boyfriend right?” he asked and I
nodded my head. “Lucky to have someone like that….came barreling in here and
demanded you get taken care of.” He smiled. “Where?” “One of your friends…um Nikki I think sent him off to the cafeteria,” Dr. Lee explained “hasn’t eaten since Monday.” My eyebrows shot up
at that…..Monday? But today was Monday….or so he thought. I was going to say something but the look on Dr.Lee face was
giving me this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. He took his glasses off
before rubbing his eyes with his hand. “Jake you were in a coma since Monday…..today is Friday,” he
said “Supposedly you hit your head on some steps and you got some stitches on
your side from a splinter.” I sat there and took all this information in, I was
in coma…..Jesus I was asleep for four days straight. There was knocking at the door and it sounded like two
people arguing behind it. Then Dr. sighed before putting his glasses back on
and picking up the clipboard, “I’ll come back later to check on you, but for
now get some rest.” He said before walking towards the door. “You need to eat!” “I already told you I ate d****t!” “A honey bun and a coke is not a meal!” “You guys come on this really isn’t the place to argue” I watched as Dr.Lee swung the door open, revealing Nikki all
up in Christian face and Cameron shaking his head next to them, trying to calm
them down. “I agree with you please try to keep it down.” Dr. Lee said as he
walked off down the hallway. I smiled when I saw Nikki bound up to my bed giving me a
kiss on the cheek. “..Hey,” I said softly, my voice sounded scratchy. “Jakey when I heard you were in a coma….oh my I couldn’t even"She started ranting before
breaking down in tears, and I tried really hard not to cry myself. Nikki wasn’t
the type of girl to cry unless absolutely necessary. “…Fine Nikki.” I said. “No you’re not!!!!” she wailed. I looked over to see Cameron
roll his eyes before taking a seat opposite to wear Nikki was sitting, leaving
Christian standing by the curtain. “Nikki he’s fine now stop babying him.” Cameron said. Nikki
sniffled before settling back into her seat a pout set on her lips. “Thank…guys for coming,” I rasped a small smile splitting my
face. “Of course man we wouldn’t leave you here all by yourself,”
Cameron beamed. “What…..were you……guys…yelling about?” I asked. All eyes fell to Christian who had his arms across his
chest, his eyes glaring at them. Nikki crossed her legs and glared back. “This one here,” she pointed, “Hasn’t and refused to eat
since you were admitted.” She explained briefly. “Yah he stayed by your side the entire time you were out.”
Cameron added. My eyes trailed to Christian again and noticed how thin and
worn out he looked. When I looked up to his face he had dark circles under his
eyes, his hair looked like he hasn’t brushed or combed it either. I sighed
before looking at Nikki and Cameron. I really didn’t want Christian to starve
himself, but I needed to talk to him to and there was no way in hell I was
going to talk about what happened with those two in the room. “Can…you get him…some food?” I asked them. They both stood up sensing that I needed some privacy for a
moment. Once they left I automatically patted the side of bed, gesturing him to
come over. He silently walked over and sat on my bed, close enough that our
shoulders were brushing against each other. He suddenly pushed his face into my
neck and I could feel the tears running over my neck. “Jakey….” He cried. My heart almost stopped, Christian was crying….he was crying
because of me. Oh god I don’t know if could take this. Someone had to be the
stronger person and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be me, I was already an
emotional and mental mess; and I didn’t need Christian breaking down on me
either. I slowly pushed him away so that I could see his face
clearly, tears running freely down his beautiful face. I slowly brought my hand
up to rub the tears away, “Please…don’t cry.” I muttered. He sucked in a breath
before looking at me in the eyes. “I almost lost you….Jake when you didn’t wake up I"this was too much I can’t sit here and
watch him cry like this. “You can’t….break,”…”that’s my job.” That brought a smile to his face, “No it’s never a job to
make you cry Jake.” He said. I sighed, “But you’re not the one who made me cry…….what
happened?” I asked. “What happened?” Christian repeated. “Tyler….Jesse.” I stated. His blue eyes curiously looked at me, “Dr. Lee didn’t tell
you?” he asked. Now I looked at him curiously…the hell was he talking about. Christian raked a hand through his hair…..”How do I say this
without you having a panic attack,” he muttered under his breath. “Tell…me!” I urged. “Um your dad….kinda showed up.” - © 2012 Love U StylinsonAuthor's Note
Added on December 13, 2012 Last Updated on December 13, 2012 Author