![]() BodyGuard 13A Chapter by Love U StylinsonNathan Im going to kill that little prick the next time I saw him.
Who would’ve thought that he had the guts to do something like that to me? My
f*****g jaw was hurting like a b***h and I was pretty sure that it was going to
bruise. After that little incident happened I went to the bathroom to check the
damage and the fact that I didn’t want anyone to bother me. My cheek was
turning purple but that was about it, that kid could pack a punch I thought. I
sighed running a hand through my hair before leaving the bathroom; my steps
fell short when I saw that new kid walking towards the sliding doors. I hid
behind the wall so he wouldn’t see me, I didn’t look until I heard the sobs
coming from outside. When I looked I realize that Jake was the one crying. My
face scrunched up in confusion, why would he be crying, he just punched me in
the face….anyone who had the balls to even step up to me should be rejoicing
right now. I moved a little closer to the door so I could hear the
conversation; I know you guys are probably wondering why the f**k im doing
this, and that I shouldn’t even care
about this kid but I was just curious. I watched as Jake broke down crying onto
the new kid’s chest and I felt something tug at my heart. I was starting to get
that feeling I got when Cam used to come crying to me whenever something bad
happened to him. However what really got to me was when he said that nobody
needed him, that everyone he loved left him. Now I was really starting to feel like a douchbag, I mean I
had no idea that the kid had it that rough. I don’t know why I feel sorry for
him but I do, and thinking back to all the s**t that I done to him was making
me feel even worse. Thinking about it now I was acting like my older
brother…..he was a complete a*****e to me when I was little, told me things
like; man up ya f****t fairy or you ain’t gonna get what ya want actin like
that. So he’d beat the s**t out me almost every day, telling me to fight back,
to not let anyone boss you around like some sissy. I mean looking back now I could
understand why my brother would do all those things to me, because he was the
golden son; played football and track, was an A student, had almost every girl
hanging of his arms, he was popular, handsome, short blonde hair, pretty blue
eyes….he just had everything. Unlike me, I was the girly son; Instead of sports
I loved music, instead being a A student I was a straight C, I had the long
blonde hair when I was little, and the two big blue eyes. And the only friend I
had was Cam…. ‘Cameron’ I thought. He was the only person I could talk to
without someone questioning me. He was the next door neighbor’s son, he was my
best friend. But I ruined it with my stupidity….’that day’ I thought, that day
I let my brothers words get to me I"“What
are you doing?” I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice. “Cam…..” I stated looking over at him. I watched as his face
scrunched up in anger, “Don’t call me that….why are you over here?” he asked. I honestly wanted to tell him to f**k off, but the side of
me that was Cam’s friend for so long told me not to say anything to upset him.
I didn’t know what to say to him actually, I just stood there staring at him
with a blank look on my face. “Can’t you just leave him alone,” Cameron finally said his
gaze looking outside. “I wasn’t going to bother them,” I said quietly, “Don’t want
to ruin their little moment,” I added. “When do you suddenly care about other people Nathan?”
Cameron scoffed crossing his arms over his chest. I opened my mouth to say something smart but then stopped. Hearing all the s**t that Jakes going through was like a slap in the face for me. I honestly didn’t realize all the stuff I said and did just made his life even
worse than it already was. I mean I could never experience the grief of losing
one of my parents because there still both alive and well (unfortunately),
however I kind of knew the feeling of getting beating on almost every day. I
rubbed hand over my face; I really need get my s**t together because this
wasn’t me. I only started acting this way freshman year when……I looked up at
Cam again; he was glaring at me with those brown eyes of his. “What?” he asked his glare slowly fading from his eyes, his
arms uncrossing from his chest and folding them behind his back. I smiled as I
stared at him; he hasn’t changed at all I thought, still the same as always. “Im sorry,” I muttered my eyes looking into his. He looked at me
confused, “Excuse me?” he questioned a scowl settling on his face. I took a deep breath before walking over to him and giving
him a hug, “Im sorry for what I said,” I repeated before letting him go I gave
a soft kiss to the lips. It was a quick one my lips brushing over his like a
feather, after breaking the kiss I walked away and back to the living room
where the music was still blaring. - Christian I watched Jake fall against my chest, his tears still
falling down his cheeks. I sighed before picking Jake up into my arms and
headed back inside. I didn’t see the point in staying here when he was knocked
out cold, so I figured it was time to go. I slid the door opened with my foot
and as I walked in, I saw Cameron leaning against the wall starting at nothing. “Um…you okay?” I asked slowly. He didn’t move but I did see some
type of emotion flicker across his face before he stood up straight, and that
care-free smile appeared on his face. “Hah im fine…just kind of spaced out for a while,” he said
sheepishly. I was going to say something but the arms around my neck tightened;
looking down Jake was looking up at me his eyes half-lidded. “A…Are we leaving,” he asked softly. “Yah don’t worry I got you,” I murmured. I smiled when he
snuggled against my neck before closing his eyes again. “Is he okay?” Cameron asked. “Yah he’s fine a little drunk is all,” I replied. I could
tell that something was wrong with Cameron and I really wanted to ask him but I
needed to get Jake home. “Um well I’ll see ya at school,” he said quickly before
disappearing down the hallway. I made a mental note to seriously talk to that
guy because something was up and I wanted to know what the hell is going on
with him. As I made my way back into the living room I spotted Nikki
and called her over. She came bouncing up to me a cup in her hand and a huge
smile on her face. “Hey im taking Jake home,” I yelled over the music. “Yah I figured that after what happened,” she replied. “See yah at school,” I called out over my shoulder as I
headed to the front door. When I got to my truck I carefully put Jake in the
back seat; smiling again when he wouldn’t let go of my neck. After prying his
arms off me I hopped into the driver’s seat and headed home. - Morning (Jake) When I woke up the next morning I realized that I was
staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. Turning to my side I looked around the
room to see pictures hanging on the wall. I mean the whole walls were covered
with them; my eyes fell to one picture that made me blush. It was the one with
me and Christian at the park; I was smiling awkwardly at the camera while
Christian was looking at me out the corner of his eyes. “Morning sunshine!” came a loud voice, making my head pound.
Looking up I saw Christian with a cup in his hands and a tray filled with food. “Morning,” I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. He smiled brightly at me before setting the tray down on the little table next to the bed. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he held out
the cup to me. “Like s**t,” I muttered as I took a sip, “T…Thank you,” I added. “Are you hungry, my dad made a whole bunch of food when he found
out that you were staying,” he said gesturing to the plate of food on the
table. I took one look at all that food and felt my stomach lurch; quickly
getting off the bed I headed to the bathroom that was by the foot of his bed.
Dropping to my knees I spewed my guts into the toilet. If it’s one thing that I
hated the most was throwing up, I just hated the feeling of something that I
ate or drank coming back up….it was just gross. “Im taking that as a no,” Christian said as he walked into
the bathroom with a glass of water and a pill. I grabbed the bottle of mouthwash off the sink to wash my
mouth out before taking the glass and pill from his hand. After swallowing the
whole cup of water I slumped down against the tub, “Im sorry,” I mumbled after
a while. He sat down in front of me, the smile never slipping from his face. “No need to say sorry,” he said brushing my bangs from my
face. “I couldn’t just leave you like that.” he said softly. “Oh….um by any chance do you remember what happened last night?” he asked me. I stared at him for minute before closing my eyes, trying to get my thoughts together. I went to the party with Christian, Nikki tried to get me to dance, I got drunk, punched Nathan in the face….”S**t I kneed him
to,” I whispered to myself. Christian laughed, “Is that all you can remember
that happened last night?” he asked. I looked up at him because I could sense the pleaded tone in
his voice. I stared into his blue eyes for a minute and then it all came
rushing back into my head; I told him about Tyler and a whole bunch of others
stuff…..we kissed. ‘F**k’ I thought…. “Do you need a reminder?” Christian asked a sly smile on his
face as he leaned in closer to me. I was going to say that I remembered
everything that happened last night, but I just wanted an excuse for him to
kiss me again. “Maybe,” I whispered. He smiled down at me before kissing me
on the lips, my mouth automatically opened to let his tongue inside. He wrapped
his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him and I couldn’t help but feel
giddy. Just when I started to suck on his bottom lip he pulled away with
serious look on his face. “As much as I love to continue this I think we should start
getting ready…I don’t want to wear you out,” he said as he stood up. “Get ready for what?” I asked as I stood up myself.
Christian put a hand over his heart in mock hurt, “Don’t tell me you forgot our
date,” he swooned. I rubbed a hand over my face, I totally forgot about that I
sighed and it was his birthday. “Unless you don’t want to,” he added. “I could understand
from last night and all…” his sentenced trailed off. “No…No I want to go it’s just that…I need to change is all,”
I said with a smile. Meaning that I had to go back home which I really didn’t
want to do. He beamed up at me before hauling me out the bathroom and back into
his room. “Well come on then,” he laughed as he threw my shirt at me
from last night. “I’ll drive ya back and then we can go on from there,” he
added. While putting on my shirt I realized that Christian was
already dressed and it made me wonder how long I was actually asleep for. After
putting my shirt back on (which was gross) Christian and I went downstairs to
see Kristi yelling at her dad. “What are you guys doing,” Christian asked as we walked into
the living room. I couldn’t hold back the smile that formed on my face; Kristi
was throwing money at her dad while he tried blocking them with a pillow from
the couch. “Dad’s cheating,” she finally said before throwing another
wad of colorful money. I looked down at the table to see the Monopoly board
game out. “Stealing money from the bank again dad,” Christian laughed
as he shook his head. “Was not,” he replied with a pout. “Right,” Christian drawled. As I watched this I couldn’t
help but wonder if my father acted this way; was he as care-free as Christian’s
dad, or was he one of those strict ones that don’t let their kids have fun. I
pinched the bridge of my nose feeling a headache coming on; I really wish my
life wasn’t so damn difficult. “Ah I see that your awake…how are you feeling.” I gave a smile, “I’m fine thank you…just a wild night,” I
said softly. “Yep so now we gotta go,” Christian said pushing me towards
the door. “Ah wait a minute….here.” I watched as his dad threw him a
set of keys…talk about déjà vu. “Whose keys,” Christian asked looking at them with
curiosity. “Happy Birthday Chrissy,” Kristi smiled as she handed over a
bag. It only took me a minute to figure out what was going on and
I couldn’t help but laugh when Christian still didn’t understand the situation. “I suggest you go look outside,” I stated as I opened the
door. When we got outside Christian flipped out and all I could do
was smile because there in the driveway was a new dark blue jeep with a huge
bow on the hood. © 2012 Love U Stylinson |
1 Review Added on September 10, 2012 Last Updated on September 10, 2012 Author