Chapter Four ~ The Names

Chapter Four ~ The Names

A Chapter by Allison

~Laylie's POV~

"He just...disappeared!?" I yelled from where I was standing. I looked toward Angel and Dylan and saw Angel helping him up. I ran over to them and asked, "Are you okay, Dylan?"

"Yeah, just a little pain," he replied.

"You are lying. It is more than a little pain," Angel told him, still shaking from before. He looked down at his feet obviously embarrassed.

"So was that the dude who took you before?" I asked Angel.

"Yes, he does not look like it, but he is very powerful. Once we arrived here, I kept trying to run, but he was too fast, and every time he grabbed me, I could not break his grip," Angel said calmly.

"So that's how he got in front of me so fast," Dylan said in thought.

"Mhm, that is why I told you to stop," Angel said, nodding.

"Okay, come on, let's go home," I said.

"You need some bandages," Angel said, looking down at my leg.

"I'll be okay," I said smiling.

She turned, had a calm expression on her face, and started walking to the sidewalk. I thought she was angry that I was being stubborn, but I just followed her to the sidewalk with Dylan behind me. Having my leg scratched up and bleeding didn't hurt too bad. Until I looked at it and never noticed that it was bleeding a lot more than I expected. "Okay, I need bandages!" I said with a scared look.

She turned around smiling and said, "I know, but we have to go to your house first."

We finally made it to my house, and my mom freaked out and told me I had to do all of this stuff, because it might be infected. So Angel said she would go with Dylan to his house for the day.

~Dylan's POV~

Once we dropped Laylie off, Angel and I headed to my house. We both didn't talk on the way there. I was lost in thought. I finally got the breath to ask her, "Why is he doing this? Do you know?"

She looked up at me, shook her head slowly, and said, "No, I am not sure why he is here or why he is doing this. By the way he just disappears, he could be some type of super-powered human or maybe not a human at all," she answered.

"Hm, we can ask him, if we see him again," I said, sort of kidding and hoping we wouldn't see him again. I thought about something to do and remembered the festival today and asked, "Instead of going to my house, do you want to go to the park festival?"

"Okay!" she said with a smile and sparkling eyes.

So we stopped by my house and told my mom we were going to the park festival for a while. She asked about Laylie, and I shortly said, "She's at her house being taken care of right now."

While heading for the park, my one friend saw me and ran over. "Hey, Dylan! Who's this? Did you finally get a girlfriend?" he said, grinning.

"No, Blake, she's not. Why do people keep asking that?" I said, rubbing my neck.

"Oh, well, what's her name?" Blake asked.

"Angel," she said, smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Angel, I'm Blake!" he said, smiling back.

"So what are you doing around here? Did you come for the festival?" I interrupted, knowing my friend.

"Yeah, I'm hanging out with Justin," he answered, pointing behind him. I sighed at seeing Justin. Out of all of his friends he had to bring that one? I thought angrily.

~Angel's POV~

After Blake pointed behind him, I heard Dylan sigh and looked at him to see his face in anger.

"What is wrong?" I asked him.

"It's nothing," he answered, calming down. 

"Hey, Dylan! Who's this?" Justin asked with a smirk for a smile. I waited for him to answer him, but he did not.

"No one," Dylan said harshly, grabbed my hand, and started to walk away.

I followed beside him and asked, "What are you angry about?"

"It's just, Angel, I know how he acts. It's not an attitude people should like," he answered calmly.

"Oh, okay," I replied, kind of understanding.

"Want some ice cream?" Dylan asked, changing thoughts.

"Um, sure," I answered.

We walked to a stand, and he bought an ice cream cone for each of us. We sat at a bench to eat it, and I carefully watched as people walked by. Some people stared at me as if I was some strange person. After a few minutes, I saw a bright flash in my eyes and blinked. Once I could see, I saw Shan standing in front of us with a camera.

"Oh, you two look so adorable!" she said excitedly.

Dylan was surprised by the flash and said, "Shan, what was that for?"

"Here, take this!" she said, smiling and handing him a piece of paper. I looked at it, and it was a picture of both of us eating our ice cream in a dazed look.

"Here, you can have it, Angel," he said, handing it to me. I took it and placed it in my pants pocket.

"Well, I got to go take more pictures. Bye!" Shan said then ran off.


"Albert, you didn't kill him yet?!" the deep-voiced, shadowy figure said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Master, the girl pushed me down before I could," Albert replied on one knee.

"What is this, Thomas?" another man said and showed up as the other shadowy figure from before.

"Oh, nothing, James," Thomas, who was the deep-voiced man, said in a shaking voice.

"He said that the boy will not die," said James calmly.

"Will the girl?" Thomas asked.

"No, I will not tell you who will though. No matter how much you try, Albert, you will fail," James said to Albert sternly.

Albert huffed at the words and looked at Thomas's figure and said, "Master?"

At this moment, Thomas came into form as a man with spiked, black hair and bright red eyes. Albert looked just like him, but with flaming, red hair and dark red eyes. James came into a man form, too, with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Why don't we have a battle, James?" Thomas asked, smirking.

"You know you would lose," James said calmly.

Thomas gave a glare and waved him away saying, "Albert will kill them."

James quietly disappeared from the room they were in.

"You better kill them, Albert, we have to prove he is wrong," Thomas ordered angrily.

"Yes, Master," Albert replied and disappeared.

© 2013 Allison

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Added on November 11, 2009
Last Updated on September 25, 2013
Tags: angel, demon, God, satan, life, death, fear, panic, love, hate, fight, chosen, faith, one, boy, girl, sword, action, Christian, Christianity




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