Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Demka Ekaterina Belikov

Chapter One



I want to die; why am I living?

If I was to do it over,

Would I still be bleeding for no reason at all?

If I can change it all,

Would I know what’s really in my heart?

I know you’re there, I’m reaching for you…

But I feel guilty every time I do…

I wish I wasn’t afraid of him anymore…


I try to escape through the beauty of music…

But it hurts to even raise my arms up…

Everyone asks me “Are you okay?”

I’m tired of lying to my friends…

To my family…

To you… That hurts most of all…

To hear the lie coming from my mouth to your ears;

“Yeah,” I’ll say, but never mean it…


Why am I a fool?

I never noticed your true feelings…

I’m an idiot…

Because I love you too…

If I said this to your face,

I know he’d hear me say it,

And I will bleed again…

I will bleed forever…


These chains must break…

This pain must end…

I don’t know how to do it…

Or if I can do it on my own…

I’m afraid…

I need your help…

I’m scared…

Can… you… help me?

© 2011 Demka Ekaterina Belikov

Author's Note

Demka Ekaterina Belikov
It's kinda a teaser poem, thoughts? (note, the font of the chapter one is much prettier on Microsoft Word)

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Added on January 29, 2011
Last Updated on January 29, 2011


Demka Ekaterina Belikov
Demka Ekaterina Belikov

Lubbock, TX

Privjet! I'm Demka! I love writing and hope that one day I'll be an author... Please read my stuff and enjoy ^_^ more..
