Popularity before honesty.

Popularity before honesty.

A Poem by Gee

Just thoughts

I know before the first word read I'll not understand,
yet still I persist, reading then reading again.
Still none the wiser my next port of call the reviews,
where there, hopefully, some light shed.
Twelve of the two hundred and eight who have visited
have seen, and understood enough in his words to comment.
Eleven of these have the same, or similar train of thought as the "pen"
all commenting, two gushingly, on the meaning,
his wonderful use of metaphors, and how relatable his piece.
The twelfth however is like a detective trying to solve the perfect crime, clueless,
but rather than asking the author as to the meaning,
or not commenting at all,
they too have trawled through the reviews,
but their reason for doing so is not to understand.
No, it is to cherry pick words, phrases,
these then cobbled together and posted as "their" review,
this ended with the obligatory love and hugs,
no doubt in the vain hope that the recipient will return the compliment.
Nothing more pleasing to an ill educated soul, I'd imagine,
than having an academic comment on their poorly written fayre,
especially when these comments contain no critique,
but instead only vague chit chat on the subject matter
and how it relates to an incident in their own, long ago life.
To this end the reviewer deserves a slapped arse,
a pants down, bare cheeked slap,
even better if this done with an old fashioned wooden ruler,
and hard enough so the numbers imprinted into the skin.
What chance of improvement if honesty coming second to fear of upsetting ??

© 2019 Gee

My Review

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Haha this got a giggle out of me for sure. I'm guilty of so many of these. When I was still new on the site, I used to give more (what's the word?) "harsh" reviews, but after a while, like so many other writers on here, I too sobered up. There are some really horrible writers around here, who seem to be blissfully unaware of the fact. I don't think a harsh review would wake them up to the reality, on the contrary if it were to have an impact at all, it would simply make them either immune to any constructive criticism if it comes their way, or would make them lose interest in writing altogether. Although, I feel that the true betterment of an artist can only come from taking criticism in a stride, I too have fallen victim to the endless cycle of giving and receiving praise over here.
I think the most relatable part was that I too notice how many people chew up the words of others, and spew their vomitus in the review. I, for one, am guilty of doing that....although even that is better than the ones who review back with an ambiguous "good writing", or something of that kind when you've spent a good amount of time on their poetry.

I ramble on too much, forgive me, lol been away from the site for quite a while, and i couldn't stop myself from rambling.

So yes, i vacillate between reviewing kindly, and reviewing well on WC, but at the end of the day, i know from my 4-5 years experience on here, that this is the best writing site out there, and i desperately miss being as active as i once was on here.

Posted 5 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Nowt wrong with rambling m'dear, especially if you are out on a sunny day in pleasant countryside. S.. read more


oops, guilty to a fault. My problem is, I always seem to relate things to me and instead of critiquing, I tell how it related and then I ramble like I can right now----but I won't. lol

Great job!

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you. Feel free to ramble if the need takes you :))
WOW! This is so jaded! I'm pretty jaded myself, but this takes it to another level I had not yet thought about! I hope that I'm not one of these "popularity" cases with my (((HUGS)))!!!! I don't care if I am, tho. Becuz I believe that it takes a great amount of sugar to dose down the tiny bits of medicine I impart in my reviews. Also, there are those who bristle in irritation when I present the tiniest of critical points, so I just stop trying with these writers. This isn't all on the reviewers. The writers also dictate how much criticism they're willing to take. It's a two-way street. But I do appreciate your remarks, as I've seen it all unfold, even coming from myself (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Not one letter of this aimed at you m'dear :))
Thank you Margie
I'm not rude but I'm pretty open minded
and honest but I am kind yet blunt and

And if something doesn't make
sense I'll ask if they meant this instead
of that depending on how they said it.

Because I've done typos and they
were an accident like if I missed a
miss spelled word.

But I edit my work
so it's usually when
there's a lot going on
and it's missed.

But I understand
what you're saying.

I know it's not misspelled
words it's just horrible
writing but I wonder if
they read or practised
if it would help them.

I can't be on here 24/7 I
guess when I can I post
poems as I stay busy with

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Sorry for the late thank you :)
This comment has been deleted by the poster.
Benita-Staebell M - KindredPoet

5 Years Ago

No problem I understand I come on here when I can and we all have lives that are not online too. You.. read more
I don't post negative here. If I find mistakes, I e-mail them how to fix. I am old school. I have seen so many types of writing. Many writer are tender. I told the young writers. Need hard skin to write. Can't make all people happy. I f someone wants help. Most request. Always a pleasure to read your words and thoughts my friend.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Sorry for being so late in thanking you Coyote.
Coyote Poetry

5 Years Ago

You are welcome my friend.
i always maintain that whatever the reader finds in the words is the correct interpretation because once the poem is shared it belongs to everyone, and i do struggle with the deep metaphors some poets use myself. I try to keep mine simple as possible lol ..

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Lol, best way Stella. Thank you
Ah, I've read through the reviews but I'll try giving my own ;)
I've written on this subject btw, I do count myself as a reviewer and reader more than a writer, but in my time here, I've noticed some writers don't easily take to being critiqued (keeping in mind the difference between criticizing and critique), so after more than a few times of being blocked even though I was asked via pms or RRs for reviewing, I don't bother anymore with read requests until I particularly like a piece. You're right btw, no chance of improvement if no one is open to the idea of a reader taking their poetry differently, and the thing which piques me the most is when I read an author's note asking to ignore grammar (maybe sounds arrogant and harsh but oh well...). Another thing is indeed the reciprocal review system here which kinda makes me laugh, and which is again a sign of returning favors more than understanding the writes.
I've basically learned to write from this site and it still helps me a lot, and although I've been guilty of some of the things you pointed out, I think improvement comes when one is ready to accept what they're lacking in.
As a writer, I do welcome all kinds of critique btw and I won't deny that they're are still writers here who help me in my writing journey. Lol I used to more crappy in writing as a newbie :x
I'm glad you wrote this one. This site certainly needs a little truth. ;)

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

I think we all are, especially when new to this site, guilty of trying to ingratiate ourselves to ot.. read more
I have been blocked by a few folks already and I've only been here for a short while (and very new to sharing my work) a point i might want to add to your forum is if i don't think the persons write is worth it i don't review it! If in reviewing i say some things that are suggestive of changes it is only because i believe it merits it, for the sake of the write. I will admit on occasion that the meaning of a poem strikes me as authentic but i don't necessarily think the poem is well written on these occasions i usually just say I feel you but i don't rate it very high. I love when someone gives me a critique I hunger for them I need them cause i have a processing disorder.. when people tell me that i'm not coming across it makes me work harder to get it across cause as a matter of my existence it has forced me to be this way to scrawl anything! i write my heart and i want my heart heard. I should think that would be the attitude of anyone who takes a pen to paper. before i place anything in here it is thrown at about a dozen friends outside of this forum for fear of looking stupid save for the experimental pieces that are labeled as such as a sorta warning:) This is what i do... content 50% off the bat content for me is subject matter cleverness and use of words combined... if the content doesn't hit me no review rhythm 1-20 rhyme 1-20 flow 1-10 cause these are kinda interconnected to me perhaps flow should be called something else but for me it means did it grab me and shove my head in it. As for the critique portion of my review unless someone asks this bunny for it i rarely give it now cause i have gotten to many angry notes and shut outs! I am not a good critic perhaps for lack of education but i love what i love i am a from the gut person and i'm still learning daily from reading all of you and many of you have helped me already

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

The biggest eye opener for me when I joined is how seriously folk take their writing and how upset t.. read more
Another thought comes to me after reading the fine comments on this poem . . . If we read a poem and don't understand something . . . if it seems fuzzy . . . perhaps if we gently ask the writer to clarify a certain passage . . or the entire poem . . . this would help the writer to see he/she needs to work harder to make it clearer. It has been said by some commentators on the current condition of (mostly postmodern) poetry that people have given up on poetry because it makes absolutely no sense to them. As poets of all stripes, we don't want to see that continue.
Sorry for hogging the mic.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

If you're done Tom I think you holler " BOOM" dropping the mic as you saunter back to.your seat, sat.. read more

5 Years Ago

BOOM!!!! SQUEAL!!!!! (that's nasty feedback)
Kent Rawski

5 Years Ago

Lol sarcastic humor
This is no "simple stuff!" You state what I have noticed here. It is nice to be applauded and encouraged . . . but you (and Tahsin) are right; no one improves without some useful criticisms. But then, I have been on some forums where critics can be withering. I have to admit (and I do so with some shame) that I don't usually comment if I truly feel the poem could use some hard work. I recently subscribed to a well known poetry journal here in the States . . . and I find the poetry beyond understanding and just plain crappy!! Very disappointing. I wonder if these (mostly academic) poets have ever received an honest critique of their poetry?! I also feel it would be good if we respectively ask for the meaning of a poem if it doesn't seem clear to the reader. It will help the poet sharpen his/her images and metaphors, etc.
I have assumed that the creators of this site want to have a site where people are unafraid to show their work. It can be brutal on some so-called "workshop" sites. I can relate to their intentions.
The world of published poetry is hugely subjective. Names often mean more than the quality of the poem.

I'm not cognizant of how much this site is monitored. But it might be useful if the creators were to share their intention for this site and how much they would want truly open critique. I guess if they don't, that is ok with me. I truly enjoy the fellowship I have found here. My only wish might be that my fellow poets wouldn't be timid or indifferent about reviewing poems that strike them as odd or different from their own.
Engaging in a conversation can be most useful . . . especially to the beginner poet.

Well . . . thanks G for being open (and vulnerable) in your piece. I hope you won't desert this site.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Hi Tom, thanks for your thoughts. I'm glad this piece has got folk thinking and opening up.
J.. read more
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Well before I write my opinion upon this matter, I apologise to you for being rude 1 year ago....frankly mom was ill and I'd written a poem on her that ended up sounding like a weak writing...I got your review (as a critique) but burst out on you. Sorry :)
Now for sure I agree with the matter which you raised. I've seen many people here giving reviews to the poems I never could understand...And writing just a "good job" or such compliments are bit awkward for me... so I avoid that piece of writing. Not that I disrespect or have got any issues with the ones who give me such short compliments instead of critiques or useful review cause my poems can also be too tangling to grasp at times. Also I've heard, things that can be explained simply, needn't to make it a mess to express.
Thanks for writing this...Be blessed (obligatory) :)

Posted 5 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


5 Years Ago

Hi Tahsin, never a need to apologise to me. I. can be a bit of a knob at times as I always assume al.. read more

5 Years Ago

That's good to know :) You're warmly welcomed =)

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26 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 17, 2019
Last Updated on February 19, 2019
Tags: Fraud, writing.



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

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