chapter 8 'for Flinton prizon'

chapter 8 'for Flinton prizon'

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

Finaly meet the other 4 member's of the group. Amy, Ryan, Emily, and Daniel. NOTE: pay attention to Amy and Ryans exchanges



Chapter 8



“Who are you” the guards called down to the four-cloaked people below the wall.

“We are merchants that were robbed we seek shelter with what little gold we have left” I shouted back to the top of the wall Ryan had been right there was no way anyone could enter this city without losing half the people in the world! So we had decided to take on our normal disguise as merchants. The wall was the highest I had seen Ryan had told us at the arena that he had been taken there with the others he alone had managed to create a knife that could be used as a lock pick before entering the prison cell but had not been able to save the others and had fled the city. “But of course” he had added “I picked the lock of the room with all my stuff in it first” the guards on the wall talked and suddenly the path we were walking on started rising and stairs formed and we realized that the piece of wall we were walking towards was a postern a secret and hidden entrance and (or) exit it looked like a normal piece of wall but was high enough so that no one could accidentally discover I without firing an arrow or cross bow bolt through it. We entered and immediately headed of to look for an inn.


“I an give ou one woom for two ights at a price o 3 ilvers an 2 gold’s” Ryan snorted “I could get five nights in the kings bed for that” Ryan said “ill give you 9 silvers” we had decided to let Ryan get the beds as we looked to see if there would be any potential trouble. Lina was the first to spot it “the door” I quickly looked and saw that some men in mercenary uniform had just entered they seemed drunk and were wiping blood of there blades. As they restored them a maid went up to them “can I help you gentlemen?” one stepped forward he was obviously the leader “are you married?” he demanded

“Yes” the maid answered

“Then no” the other men snorted drunkenly they pushed the maid out the way and walked on ignoring the fact that the maid now lay motionless after falling and hitting her head I could tell she would live but I was still worried “3 silver and 1 gold” Ryan said

“Deal” Ryan handed over the money as the drunken men came towards us there were five “you want to fight huh?” the leader asked us

“No” I answered.

“Then why ya got a sword” the leader said “ya want to fight and so do my men so come on lets do it fight us” more customers started leaving. I stayed calm. We are not interested in fighting you today thank you”

“Yeh” Lina said suddenly “they would kill you quickly”

“Curse your mouth Lina” Syriana said as they drew there swords the last one grabbed Lina she struggled and kicked helplessly the leader laughed “put her down and put your weapons away I said we don’t want to fight” I said he laughed again then turned to Lina.

“Do you want to watch your friends die slowly or quickly?” Lina spat in his eyes then instead of hitting her he brought his sword up and as it came down I said “first lesson” his blade stopped as it made contact with mine “never turn your back on your opponent if you have a drawn weapon he swung it around in an acre “second lesson” Ryan said stopping the sword above the leaders head “don’t attack first if you are outnumbered or cant ambush or have a plan” then Syriana took of her axe.

“And finally never try too kill the sister of a axe bearer that sleeps peacefully at night only if she has killed some one” the leader nodded to the man holding Lina and then she was thrown at Syriana and the fight started Ryan lunched himself at one and I attacked one then another which got two on me Syriana handed Lina a knife from her boot and then those two joined the fight Syriana trying to get to the leader while Lina once again ended up being held but she bit the man holding her he dropped his sword and Lina stabbed in the stomach then picked up his sword suddenly I realized that the leader of the group was fighting toward me not caring if he knocked his own team out the way to get to me he barked at the two that had been fighting me I saw Syriana trying to make her way toward him “you forgot the first lesson” I said “you have turned your back on your enemy” he turned and saw Syriana then found my blade at the back of his neck the fighting immediately stopped “we don’t want trouble” I said “but it doesn’t mean we don’t know how to handle it if we must” the men slowly retreated with a nod of the leaders head and headed outside . Then we headed for the stairs but as we reached them the tender called too us. “Ay ow bout I give ou a free woom for protection from em” he said we smiled but just continued up the stairs and into the 3rd door on the left.


“First we need a plan of the city then we need a plan of the buildings the pipes and every secret passage there is in and out of the prison.” Lina said. We had got some sleep then had started on a plan for the break out. So far this was the only possibility short of just running into the prison screaming and cheerfully telling the grades what we planned and then killing them (this idea not surprisingly came from Ryan) but since he had mentioned the fact that there are more than a hundred guards on duty in the prison we had discarded that idea. “Your proposing that we sneak into the castle and steal the plans for the city in one night after having to find them and before that we have to get passed a dozen guards then after we have to get out passed more guards” Ryan said “small chance of success big chance of fighting fifty/fifty chance of dieing and definitely theft... Cool I like it!” I looked at Syriana who nodded.

“Today we go out into the city Syriana get Lina a sword and teach her how to use it as much as you can your as good as me with almost any weapon” I said then continued “Ryan we’ll get provisions and equipment if you have time get something you want or need like another sword or something but everyone get information” Lina looked at me “you can get a lot with coins” I said and she nodded realization showing on her face. “Come on Lina it’ll take ages to get a sword that is right for you!” Syriana said and steered Lina out the door me and Ryan followed.


They were good I could not shake them. I was being followed and for the last half an hour had been trying to lose my pursuer but with no effect a few times I thought I had lost them but they were always close behind. I turned right and ducked into an inn and quietly snatched up a cloak with a hood and as the door opened I pulled the hood up so that my eyes were in shadow and headed up the stairs the stairs curved left on a small platform then continued up. I got to the top and then jumped and grabbed a door frame then using the doorknob I lunched my self at the large window above the stairs there was I little platform about half a meter in length and two meters in width and the window was easily seven foot tall I stood here and watched as the shadow of the pursuer grew bigger when the hunter becomes the hunted I said and as the pursuer stepped into clear view I stopped the dagger was out but… but something was not right it just seemed wrong then it hit me they weren’t human the only people allowed in the city are humans the only people that live in the city are humans so how could this Hpihr (fairy) get in! It put away the dagger “I’m unarmed come out and see” it said but from my angle I could see were the hidden blade was ‘no body ever looks up’ I thought as the fairy slumped to the ground with a bruise on the head were I had hit him before he had turned around.


“I spit in your face and bleed all over you,” the fairy said.

“You will bleed if you continue talking like that” Syriana replied “so tell me your name or die quietly but painfully” she said.


“What were you following me for?” I asked

“To kill you”

“Who sent you?”

“You will know not”

“Let him go”

“WHAT?!” Syriana Lina and Ryan looked and spoke in perfect unison I ignored them cut Calaminasto’s ropes and then picked him up and threw him out the open widow “now I said we follow”

“I’ll do it” Syriana said I can match his skill of stealth and tracking” suddenly it was as if she had never been there. “How good are you with that sword” I asked Lina

“Not that good” she said I got out two practice swords I had bought that day and through one at Lina she caught it and received a blow on the shoulder “Ow… I wasn’t ready”

“I know that’s why I did it” I said “do you expect an enemy to shout I'm going to attack you now are you ready? No? Ok, ill wait you just tell me when your ready and then ill try and kill you’ do you really expect that?” I swung at Lina again this time she was quicker but still she did not block it “and if it was a real sword you would be missing a leg” I said Lina stood ready now and this time she did well. Although if it had been a real sword, she would have a hole in her stomach instead of the bruise. We continued to practice every time she was better but every time she collected another bruise.


I woke with a start as the window slid open and Syriana slipped through “what did you find out” I whispered she looked towards me as I sat up in the bed.

“Careful don’t wake the others but get your things and get dressed” I did so throwing my clothes on then me and Syriana slipped out the window. “What are we doing?” I asked.

“Shhh!” Syriana hissed then she headed of I followed closely then she bent down and lifted a slab of concrete then slipped down the hole that had been revealed I followed at the bottom Syriana grabbed a torch and pointed to the wall “what are all these lines because they are to deep to be an accident” Syriana then pointed to the side “tunnels” I read “road…entrance/exit… Syriana this is a map and key. She nodded “and one tunnel leads to every cell in the prison quietly we made our way back to the inn and grabbed paper and quill then went back and copied the map and by the time we got back and fell asleep the sun was starting to rise.


I lashed out the beast came again then again and then the sword flew from my hand the horn came at my chest I was to slow I am d… I woke with a start the poison had almost killed me. “Hello” I looked to see Lina looking at me sitting placidly on a stool next to the bed smiling hands in her lap. “Do you usually do this?” I asked.

“Lina” Syriana’s voice called. Lina without answering simply waved and walked out the room. Then I noticed that I was not in the inn bed I got up and instantly fell back on the bed dizzy “easy” Syriana said as she and Ryan entered you have been cured but for the rest of the day you can’t do a thing”

“How long?” I asked.

“This is the third day we’ve been in the city two days till execution”

“WHAT!” I shouted and sat up instantly regretting it and fell back.

“Rest, tomorrow you get out and we plan” Syriana said.

“Oh and that map is great” Ryan added then closed the door as sleep came again. The beast lunged and I rolled to the side and grabbed my sword. It was glowing then I realized the beast was the poison the dreams are the progress until you die the beast lunged and I ducked but raised my sword blood spurted all over me as the beast was ripped in two by my blade then I awoke. “It’s time!”


“We’d like to see some prisoners” I said the guard nodded

“Who ya gonna to see”

“3 prisoners by the names of Daniel, Amy, and Emily” the guard suddenly seemed suspicious but took us any way, down a series of passages then came to a stop out side an iron door unlocked it then let us in then shut the door behind us. There was one bed in his room a shape underneath showed that there was someone sleeping in the bed. In the shadow of a corner was another shape huddled in a thin sheet and next to the bed was Emily. She looked up as the door was unlocked and she immediately brightened when she saw us. “Matt! Ryan!”

“Tis us” I said smiling broadly. Daniel looked up from the corner.

“Who’s that?” he said pointing at Syriana.

“A friend her and her sister Lina will travel with us” I said.

“ If you hadn’t noticed Matthew but we aren’t actually going any were at the moment tomorrow we will be executed unless you can get our pendants and stuff” Emily said “where’s the other?” Syriana suddenly asked “the other girl” Emily looked down and pointed to the bed I went over “she’s sick with high temp the guards say she’ll die any way so she’ll stay here tomorrow” I looked shock showing clearly on my face the youngest of us all and the most lively and she was dying “how can a temperature kill you?” I asked. “It seems to dry her up so she becomes dehydrated” a voice said “water” I looked back at Amy she was awake and had croaked out that simple word the only thing that was keeping her alive. Its hear Emily said snatching up a glass quickly. Amy seemed to realise then that there were more people in the room “who?” she croaked gesturing weakly around the room “ its Matt and Ryan and a new ally” Dan said

“Hello” she said then drank the glass offered “more” she said handing back an empty glass we sat there for half an hour while Amy drank more water in the end she sat up and could see clearly and speak without a croak “so who is this ally?” Amy asked

“That would be me” Syriana stepped forward

“Niiice axe” Dan said

“So when do we leave?” Amy asked

“We” Emily said, “don’t but they leave when they chose or get thrown out”

“Actually…” Ryan said

“…You leave tomorrow,” I continued

“Ha ha very funny” Emily said “your pendants wont really help in a jail break”

“Its not funny Not really” Syriana said in response to Emilys sarcasam “it will be very hard” (Syriana obviously hadn’t heard of sarcasm) “what Syriana means is that tomorrow you will leave with us not with guards and you will be in some tunnels” I said.

“There is only one way in and out,” Emily said

“Times up” the guard said through the door without looking around “quick look” I lifted the center apparently broken piece of concrete under was a broken ladder “ we didn’t do it today because one we don’t have every thing and because they would know and because you needed to know and we needed to know the situation I said sliding the slab back

“Times up” the guard roared bursting through the door

“Ok” Syriana said “leaving” we left and headed back but only Ryan saw me vanish into shadow and wait till the guard passed then silently I made my way to the room were every thing was kept. I got out my lock pick and searched for the right box. We had gone through it Ryan and me the box will be marked with cell or dungeon and then have a number the one I was looking for was ‘dungeon 2 6 9’ I found a big case with the correct title and started to pick the lock it came open and I saw three swords two daggers one long bow and throwing knives two cross bows with a two full bolt quivers and one full arrow quiver and three pendants I snatched up the three sword belts as I heard voices coming then I got them on then got the pendants and slipped them on and hid them under my shirt and the girls pendants I hid on each wrist under my cloak. Then I got the quivers and put them on under my cloak and finally the massive long bow was slipped on over my back and the cross bows hung at my sides. Then as the voices stopped at the door I closed the case then the door opened but I had already slipped through the small square in the wall and joined Ryan on the other side in the room before the front desk there fore there were no guards to get in our way we made our way to the inn dumped every ones stuff and then set of to get every thing else we needed including the new cloak for the other two Amy didn’t need one because of her pendant me and Ryan had already replaced our Camouflaging cloak’s that had been ripped in the mountains and Syriana already had a cloak and had got Lina another both refused to were anything else (though Lina probably just did what her sister did).


“Quick” Emily came down Followed by Amy then Daniel but the guards were Quicker and grabbed denial before he got down and tied his legs together luckily the rest of us had dropped and started running as soon as Dan had been caught we could not be seen and we had to avoid death. We traveled through the tunnels and came out in the street then we went to the inn and strapped on all our stuff Lina then came in. “I’m coming”

“No” Syriana said immediately “your not, you don’t even know what were doing how’d you even know we were going some were”

You’re getting your stuff and I don’t see another boy”

“Lina we need you to get a doctor for Amy she’s sick she only got here because she was drinking water all the way and before we got to the jail. She nodded sadly and ran of then me Ryan Syriana and Emily moved of. We wound through the streets then turned in to a small ally way and we all pulled on our cloaks the color matching that of the building and yet being dark at the same time we pulled the hoods over so our eyes could not be seen and headed back into the street then suddenly I jumped for a window ledge in a side street and started to climb up Emily came after then together we got on top of the roof. “Oi!”

I sighed, “They always have to be on the roof as well,” I muttered to Emily.

“Your not allowed up hear” the guard said taking out a sword, we walked on “stop!” he said but still we said nothing and walked closer “STOP!” he said louder “NOW!” we walked on then he raised his sword to attack and I stepped to my left (Emily was on my right) and without braking a step I swung my right leg around to hit him in the head doing a full turn. We grimaced as we both heard him hit the street “I think I kicked him a little to hard” I said.

“Ya think?... Can you use your bow with the same affect because these guys ain’t gonna give you a chance to kick ‘em and now they want us dead” she motioned with almost no movement the guards aiming there bows at us “hinrkixn” I muttered drawing my sword I leaped at the first he was surprised along with the others but as I landed I curled up and rolled to the side as he released the bow string he missed but I didn’t my actual target had been next to the man I leaped at and as I came up the flat of my blade slammed into his knee caps and with a loud crack his legs broke and he fell but the others were drawing swords or moving back with there bow strings twanging as they shot an arrow rocketing in our direction but Emily was good and no one could get a clear shot except twice once the arrow had flown wide in his haste the man hadn’t given it much thought and the wind took it to the left and the other had gone through her right trouser leg near the top of her pants it ripped a straight line half way round the leg of the trousers but she was miraculously unharmed eventually we moved out ahead of the men and ran leaping from roof to roof we ran and then we turned behind a roof garden and jumped onto the thatched roof in front and silently fell through quickly standing on a chair I pulled the straw back together and we walked out the door. “Lucky no one was home” I said as we walked the last two blocks to the place we would meet Ryan and Syriana. Our plan was simple Emily had told us what would happen and were. Daniel would be brought before every one on a big wooden stage with a noose he would then be hung from it for about two second’s then the rope would be cut using a hatchet the guards would pretend that the rope had broke without them, then using the stage as a chopping block cut of his head. When the rope was cut we would be in place when the axe was brought back we would strike. Emily and I started climbing a ladder this was acceptable for getting to the roof and if there was a ladder we couldn’t get told it was a out of bounds roof that was the rule of this and many other city’s. As soon as I got to the top Syriana started “matt that house there has a good balcony for you and it s directly in line with the stage I nodded and jumped from building to building to reach the one across the street with the balcony and then I dropped onto it and selected an arrow from my quiver then with a broken bolt of Amy’s I carved three words into the shaft of my arrow ‘for Flinton prison’ and then using some black dirt from the flower pot next to me I spread it over the words etched in to the wooden shaft so that the words clearly showed in black then I nocked my arrow and watched as the rope was cut and Daniel fell to the ground were the wooden board had suddenly fallen and started to choke him (apparently he had been asleep while the girls were told about the fake hanging and they hadn’t told him)and his legs buckled and he kept falling much to the delight of the crowed and he hit his chin on the stage as he finally stopped falling on his knees the executioner put his foot on his neck and raised his arms as if he had defeated Dan in a fight and was about to finish him I drew back the arrow and then the huge execution axe was in the executioners hand and as he pulled it up over his head and a great cheer went up from the crowed I released. The axe was ripped from the hands of the executioner as my arrow hit the handle and my arrow was still quivering when it hit another guard on the head with the back of the axe he fell, out cold from the blow then the axe fell at the chief guards feet he pulled the arrow out and drew his sword as Emily and Syriana came on the stage Ryan came from below me making a show of putting his bow on his back. Quickly and quietly I dropped from window sill too window sill then I dropped to the ground and ran behind the stage keeping low then dropping flat and immediately rolling under the stage and then I tugged on Dans top he looked down and then taking one last look around to make sure no one was watching slipped under. “You know… I’m not that good an actor so please be quicker next time there putting on a performance” I quickly grabbed the platform and lifted it up to the hole as Ryan stepped where the gap had just been then I used my back to hold it up as it got heavier grunting with the effort then the pressure eased and I quickly rolled as the guard stepped on the now obvious gap Ryan ran him through in the chest and jumped down. “Thanks”

“Any time” I handed Dan his pendant, which he slipped on.

“mypix” he muttered then “Ryan you take me to where ever Amy is, I take it she didn’t come and is some where safe?” he added to me when I nodded he continued “on the way make and set traps, however mark them clearly for matt Emily and the other girl, matt you get the other 2 then follow” Ryan and Dan left.

“Hinrkixn” I said and clambered up immediately thrusting behind and getting a guard in the stomach then I taped Emily on the shoulder as I lazily flicked my wrist and parried a killing blow to my neck “time to go follow me” I made my way to Syriana and repeated my message she nodded and with a single swing of her axe brought down the mock hanging post. We jumped over it landing on the guards that had jumped back to avoid the beam. Then ran in the direction that Ryan and Daniel had gone of in we dodged around a corner and then I told the others jump then leaped over the clothes line that was turned into a trip wire marked with a top laid out in a blunt arrow with a basket of clothes ready to drop on the one who sets the trap of but I could have sworn that I also saw the hint of a piece of hard rock underneath some of the clothes Emily and Syriana kept pace then planks of wood bared our way with sharp stakes sticking out but some were over the walls I saw only one way over and three planks of wood laid against the wall we were to run on. The left. I ran at it then up as high as I could then I leapt at the only hole in the barricade. It was on the right but with the stakes on the right wall it would have been impossible to climb. I just made it through rolling as I landed on the other side and leaping over the stakes lade on the floor for the wrongly placed foot that would get any stumbling guard that made it through the wall of stakes I kept running I could hear Emily and Syriana behind me then scratched in the dirt was ‘ yinrk’ the message couldn’t be clearer I turned right into a door way then slipped through a small crack in the door frame shadows then as I came out into the light after a small tunnel I saw the inn over the road. Syriana and Emily followed me in.


I traveled through the tunnel light was ahead I came out in the light clean air greeted me the beasts blood dissolved as if it had never been there. Now I was cured I could live again. I woke happier than I had been in a long time “so tell me again you guys fought against others in an arena” I heard Dan say, he had been instantly attracted to Syriana his liking for girls was never lost and had been directing most questions at her. Lina noticed and annoyance showed clearly on her face However Syriana did notice but seemed slightly amused by it though she never let him see her smiling. “And you were caught by a dark elf?”

“Tha soun bout righ” I said my words slurred

“Matt!” although Syriana, Ryan, and Emily made the exclamation as well the only voice I heard clearly was Amy’s I looked around and saw that was because she was the closest to my head except for Lina but she hadn’t said any thing Lina was once again sitting on a stool staring at me “hello” was all she said then she walked out I shook my head

“Does she always do that? I asked Syriana.

“Yes although she doesn’t want any one to know why just yet”

“Why does she do it?” Dan asked seeking to draw her attention back to him they started talking again. “Ow are ya Amy? Las I heard ya were sick ‘n dyin” I said speech slowly becoming clearer “Lina got a healer” she said simply.

“Hear” I said reaching into my pocket. Her pendant was gone!

“Looking for this” she said shaking the pendent on her wrist. I sighed with relief

“I thought id lost it” I said my speech fully recovered. We were a team again. We were together. We were healthy. Once again we were one of the most powerful forces in this land.

© 2009 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

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not allowed up hear” the guard
wrong here it should be not aloud up here"

“matt that house
do i even have to say it capitals Matthew Capitals

Posted 14 Years Ago

accidentally discover I without firing is that I ment to be an it?

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 26, 2009

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
