Chapter 13 crusaders

Chapter 13 crusaders

A Chapter by Matthew Ian Herrawood W

you will see a lot of apparently gibberish but its not... well yes it is but it has a method. its just the magic language i made for this story. dont worry there is a translation.


Chapter 13



“Water” I croaked Amy shook her head.

“You sipped 20 minuts ago” she croaked back. We were now entering the third day of being stuck under the rock and after the empty threats of murdering Lina if we ever survived, we had rationed at a mouth full of water an hour our stomachs were empty except for the water. We had cleared the smaller pieces of ruble from under us and put it in a corner. We found under us a soft but dead lawn we were also lucky enough to be able to stand and had marked a small square where he had practiced our hand to hand the rules were simple hold your opponent down for 3 seconds or get them out of the approximately 3 by 3 meter square fists and feet are contact was allowed but no other dangerus moves. Now however we played trivia. 5 rounds of 10 questions, your choice of subject then after five rounds there would be one question chosen by the current ‘Host’ or questioner you would get one shot at answering correctly the question was worth 60 points the winner of that round would become the next ‘Host’ unless they had already been the ‘Host’ once every one had been the ‘Host’ the person with the least amount of points would be eliminated. Now though we barley had the energy to lift the water to our lips. “Did you hear that?” Amy said suddenly her voice was getting worse but we had all heard the other voices “I hid it hear” the voice said.

“Help!” I yelled then coughed. The others joined in yelling until we got an answer.

“Hello in there, are you ok?” we stopped yelling and Dan took over

“five people no serious injuries low water no food for 3 days…” he coughed and I took over “we can’t move anything from in here unless we want it to crush us must be moved from the outside get Emily friend of Matt Ryan Dan Amy and Lina she can move it and needs to know where we are” I coughed and Ryan finished it “so get her here and tell her what we’ve said or I’ll kill you” he said and coughed.

“Not the way I would have finished asking for help Ryan” Amy said

Ryan shrugged “long as it works” he replied but Amy didn’t here she was too busy coughing. It was Quiet for a while then we heard a grating noise and suddenly I was blinded by a shaft of light from above then another and finally a hole big enough to crawl through was made and Emily’s face appeared she jumped up and slipped through the hole she had made “Hi. I met this great healer fixed my leg in a jiffy he did” she looked around don’t think much of your accommodation” she said “and food or water should have called room service I’ll be right back” she jumped out and after a few more grinding sounds we were finally able to stager out Lina fainted and was picked up by Emily we got half way back to camp before I finally fell just before my eyes closed I saw Amy hit the ground and Ryan fall to his knees.


I awoke back at camp I started too rise and a hand pushed me back down “don’t sit up you fool you want to spend another week in bed?” I struggled back up and looked at the lady who had spoken “who are you?” I asked.

“the lady that healed you fed and watered you while you snored your head off” she said pushing me once again onto the bed “now stay there!” she said and turned to talk to Ryan who was stirring as quietly as I could I lifted myself of the bed onto the floor so I was lying against the wall of the tent then grabbing my weapons I rolled out under the side of the tent then I stood strapped on my belt and disappeared behind my tent and into the one behind as quickly as I could as I could hear the healer looking for me “hi guys just passing through” I said to the startled men in the tent I rolled under the back wall of that tent got up in another and walked out the door then I looked around at all the brown tents id been heading east and now to the north I could see the place where all the females were placed in the camp I headed off then I  stood outside one and called out “my Name is Matthew I beg entrance to tent 9 2 3 1 a voice answered that I may enter and I did. Inside was a table 3 chairs 3 beds and one woman and two girls that looked about Amy’s age “what is it you wish sir” the woman asked.

“I was wondering if you could direct me too the tent that is occupied by an Amy Emily and Lina?”

The woman nodded “tent 9 6 8 4” I nodded my thanks and left when I arrived at tent

9 6 8 4 I simply entered without announcement and was immediately hit in the face by a pillow “Amy! What is with you and hitting people with pillows?!” I said.

She shrugged “I can. Have you met the healer?” I nodded “that evil woman” Amy said “I don’t care what she says we are leaving as soon as every ones legs can carry them” she continued.

“I completely agree” Daniel said as he walked in but you won’t have to wait long unless we don’t leave here right now and head for the food tent the ‘Evil woman’ as you put it is on her way here now” we left. Amy where’s Emily and Lina?”

“Oh, there up and about somewhere” she said then almost ran into them. “Oh hi guys were just going to get some food” Emily said.

“Great now let’s be random and go this way!” I said grabbing the closest person which was Emily and pulling her suddenly left and behind a tent the others followed.

“Why did we do that?” Lina asked.

“cos’ Matt saw 'Evil woman'”  Daniel answered Lina frowned but stayed quiet we got to the kitchen tent and when we had our food we sat down to eat and wait for Ryan who Dan said would be on his way here as soon as he could get away. We had just finished when he arrived looking very happy. “Morning all how are you? You look taller Daniel. Fighting fit Matt? Sleep well Amy? Feeling stronger Emily? Lina are you still practicing with your sword?” I was stunned and by the looks on their faces so were the others.

“So Ryan who did you kill to be in such a good mood” Amy always sarcastic when it came to having a dig at Ryan said.

“no such luck I’m afraid just a bump on 2 heads the healer placed the unlucky men to guard me make sure I didn’t get up” he got some food and sat down with us. “So does anyone know what we are doing next?”

“Yes I do” the others looked at me “we all want to get home and the only way to do that is find the door but as always there is a problem this time is the last time we will ever have to be here so we have to get rid of these pendants but first we have to find the sixth member of the group (apparently Ryan had told everyone at the inn) then and only then can we find out what we must do and get home and the only people that may be able to help are the Tywlpgeyl of Mlgi”

“Crusaders of what!?” Amy said.

“Mlgi!” Lina shouted suddenly “I remember! I have family in Mlgi!”

“Well that settles it” Ryan said “weather the crusaders can help or not we are going to mlguy.”

“Mlgi” I corrected him

“Whatever we’re going to Mlgi and getting Lina to her family” so it was decided and the next day we set out but instead of east I was heading North and this time I was surrounded by friends that I trusted with my life.


“There it is! I can see it!” Lina’s excitement was obvious.

“Yes finally we can be rid of your voice” Ryan said teasingly. Lina had become used to Ryan and now looked up to him in a way a sister might look up to their big brother. But what surprised everyone is that Ryan had actually accepted that that was her view of him and so had taken on that role. Lina scowled at him the way a little sister might when the brother teases them. “We should reach the gate by midday” Amy said. She was spot on as soon as we entered we were bombarded with noise we had entered the market district in the middle of the day. “ok first let’s get some food Lina tell us what you know of your family then we will try and find them” Emily said Lina nodded and started babbling about the things she remembered of the city and favorite places to eat I only caught snippets of what she said I felt uneasy something in the atmosphere was wrong the answer was hanging tantalizingly close on the edge of my conciseness I just couldn’t get it. We ate lunch and Lina spoke of the family she had here. They lived in the rich district the last name started with a T but that was all she could remember so we headed off to the rich district “right Lina you go with Ryan, Emily Amy, you go together Matt your with me” Dan said “get all the info you can bribe’s threats of death I don’t care just get all the info you can that might help meet in that inn there” he pointed to one across the street from us “at 4 if you don’t turn up you have till mid morning tomorrow before we get worried now go” we split in different directions Lina and Ryan went North Amy and Emily went east “let's go in here Dan” I said and entered the inn I walked up to the barman “hi” I said “I’m looking for some friends of mine I don’t know much about them except that they live in the rich district and there last name starts with a T. I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find them" the lower so only he could hear I added "for a price of course” I said casually.

“I may” he said stroking his chin. I slid 2 gold over to him he scooped them up. “I can think of 3 Family’s but why should I tell you I slid 3 pieces of gold  to him “oh you have business with them well there’s the Tusener’s, tinkret’s and the countess Vamina Trelk I heard that they got rich cos’ they were treasure hunters.”

“Thank you” I said and walked out.

“that went well” Dan said” now we need info on those families”

“And there isn’t any better at getting information as Amelia” we turned to look at the new voice and saw a girl about our age hiding behind some barrels she wore ragged boys clothes and had pulled a hat of that had been down low over her eyes so we couldn’t see her face and her long blond  hair was falling out it reached about the middle of her back she was obviously a street rat She looked at us seriously “what do ya want?” I stepped forward quicker than I could blink she had a knife out and had stepped back but as quick as she was I was quicker and before she could raise it to the full throw position my sword was leveled near her neck she dropped the knife and started to retreat slowly backing away. I put my sword away and she stopped “we aren’t going to hurt you." I said handing her back the knife. "What’s your price for information on 3 rich families including the countess? We’ll pay extra to have it before 4.”


“My gold” I handed her a silver piece worth half a gold piece “what’s this!?”

“You’ll get the rest when you tell me. You get one of those before you tell us about each family after you receive the rest”

“tell you what I’ll tell you the one family and tell you how to get to them easy like ya know” I nodded and gave the street girl a gold piece it’s the countess they lost two girls few years back now oldest would be around our age youngest about 10 they have a slight hope they live never found bodies see countess is an aunt and when the parents bodies were found they hoped that maybe the girls survived but…” I threw her another gold piece

“How do we get there?”

“There’s a passage in the back of an inn leads to the dining room I’m the only one outside the castle that knows of it” her chest swelled with pride. I threw her a silver piece fully paying my debt “show us for 2 more gold pieces!” Dan said her eyes widened she nodded and ran off quickly she lead us to the very inn we were to meet the others in and they were just arriving seeing us chasing her they stepped in and blocked her path all weapons leveled at her “guys it’s ok” Dan shouted then we reached them and he said quietly “she’s showing us the way into the castle”

“Are we ever going to do a proper siege?” Ryan asked “you know, one were you smash the door down and kill everyone who stands in your way!” Amelia was looking at Ryan and all the weapons each of us carried with a fearful look now. Me Dan Amy and Emily all looked at each other then we shook our heads “no, no, no, no were not, no”

“Can we go?” Amelia said “if your quick you can get in while there having dinner” she disappeared inside we entered to see her slip into the kitchen. “The cook must cook for the countess” Amy said “just one question… why the hell are storming the castle?”

“Does the name trelk mean anything to you Lina?” I asked as I slid into the kitchen to see the girl go in to a store room. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Lina. “good enough for me” I said and went into the store room the girl was in the back at a wall that was sliding open “gold” I flicked her three gold coins and entered the tunnel.

“Ryan torch” I said when the girl was gone Ryan passed me one then once lit we entered the tunnel it sloped gently down at first but leveled out it took about 5 minutes to reach a door in the wall we opened it. In front of us was a wooden wall we could hear voices on the other side I looked at the floor there was a slight gap. “Emily” Daniel said. She nodded and moved forward “lkyexnkri” Emily said. Then bent down.

“what was that?” a voice asked from the other side of the wood wall “guards!”

Emily slipped her fingers ender the wall and lifted. I leapt through the gap that was revealed sword swinging to my right catching the guards blade on mine I kicked the guard in the stomach sending him sprawling then the countess called a halt I looked up Amy had her dagger at the countess throat. “Order them to leave” I said motioning to the guards “you don’t need them”

“I have a knife against my throat and don’t need them?!” the countess said

“Exactly you have a knife against your throat and so we are giving the orders for you to give them”

“besides your archers although at the moment disarmed thanks to Ryan will be given there weapons back we just don’t want any one hearing what we have to say and they are too far to hear” Dan said. The countess told the guards to leave and Amy put the dagger away then Ryan went up the stairs to give back the bowmen there weapons as he did this I looked around the wooden wall was actually a cabinet displaying glasses, bowels and plates.  It was completely destroyed from Emily throwing it at one of the gaurds I could see some remains of wheels on what what would have been the bottom. A few were broken but most were fine. I went and sat down as Ryan returned Dan and Ryan (when he got to the table) sat down too however Amy stayed standing behind the countess and Emily just stayed near the cabinet “what do you want?”  The countess asked through clenched teeth and how is it you know so much about this place?”

“I think” Dan started through a mouthful of apple “the real question is what is it YOU want?”

“I want little as countess I get many things others do not”

“What about family” I asked “do you want 2 girls? The oldest of which would be about our age? The youngest ten?”  The countess head snapped to me

“How do you know my wants are you a mind reader?” she asked now terrified

“I’m not but he is” I said nodding my head in  Dans direction this was a lie “ “ but he hasn’t told us anything through the mind but still without that I feel I can safely say that the girls names are Lina and Syriana” the countess looked back down at the table and took a deep breath “I can also tell you were they are” the countess looked up

“You know where my niece’s are?” I nodded. “I demand you tell me” we all looked at her slightly stunned.

“I must say I’m a little shocked it’s been a while since we’ve been ordered to do anything by someone who will not harm us” Amy stated.

“but we will comply this is Lina” Emily said then Lina stepped out from behind her and ran to half way then became shy once again and stopped but the countess came running forward and embraced the girl after a few moments the countess came away feverishly wiping away tears of joy. “Guards!” she called and they all rushed in drawing weapons. “Put them away I need one of you to get 7 maids send them to me” the chief nodded and sent one man of. As the men left the countess asked “what of Syriana if one of you were her you would have spoken by now I’ve never actually met Syriana although I have met Lina before where is she?”

Emily stepped forward “she is not with us although she was and to understand you must first understand us, what we do and, why we do what we do, this will take time…”

The countess cut her off “we have the time sit tell me over the dinner that I was about to have before I was so very rudely interrupted by you” 7 maids came into the room and waited to be addressed will I still be needing 4 rooms or just 3 made ready?

“3” Dan answered she sent the maids of to make beds for us all then dinner was served and we were surprised when we received some too because the countess hadn’t said anything to anyone else about us having dinner I decided that the maids had guessed and said something. “Now” the countess started tell me what you say I must know”

“Well Miss Trelk…”

“My name is Vamina” the countess said laughing “call me Vamina”

“Well Vamina” Daniel started again “there is a prophecy we do not know all of it some is lost forever as far as we know it’s about 5 people although it’s possible that it is about 6 and that this was one piece that was missing. These people are from another world those people will save this world using pendants of power…”

“I know the one it is not missing anything the tywlpgeyl have the copy that was made in case the original was lost ill send for one to bring it!”


“The full prophecy reads ‘fexgpxkl oh fozey 1 2 3 4 5 6

feofme hyoa p gihheyexk yepma 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 wlk hixg 6 pxg awlk se gemiceyg

fexgpxkl oh fozey

Oxe hoy lkyexnkri

Oxe hoy lkemkri

Oxe hoy  p mypix

Oxe hoy  zepfoxl

Oxe hoy  p hinrk

Oxe hoy  vimmixn

krie vimmey awlk se lkyoxn

krie vimmey awlk se limexk

krie vimmey awlk se sapyk

krie vimmey awlk iapyocile  zepfoxl

krie vimmey awlk hinrk

ih 6 setoael 5

ih 5 setoael 4

ih 4 setoael 3

ih 3 setoael 2

ih 2 setoael 1

pmm il molk

xoxe tpx zix

krie zoymg il ix zpy

krie zpy awlk se lkofeg sj fexgpxkl oh fozey 1 2 3 4 5 6

fexgpxkl awlk se zoyx sj 6 hyoa p gihheyexk yepma.” the crusader finished

“wow!” I said “now In English that reads ‘Pendants of power 1 2 3 4 5 6

People from a different Realm 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 must find 6 and 6 must be delivered

Pendants of power

One for strength

One for stealth

One for a brain

One for weapons

One for a fight

One for killing

The killer must be strong

The killer must be silent

The killer must be smart

The killer must improvise weapons

the killer must fight

if 6 becomes 5

if 5 becomes 4

if 4 becomes 3

if 3 becomes 2

if 2 becomes 1

all is lost

none can win

the world is in war

the war must be stopped by pendants of power 1 2 3 4 5 6

pendants must be worn by 6 from a different Realm” when I finished I said “we were missing these bits” I pointed them out “we were also missing all the bits that included a 6. And the few words missing a letter we were able to correctly guess” while the crusader was coming we had shown Vamina our pendants and told our story up until we were all reunited in Flinton but we had deliberately left out the fact that Syriana was an Assassin.

“tell me what happened in Flinton people have been coming into my city telling the same story, well obviously variations but all say it went up in flame and is now ruble!”

“what they say is true I heard one of these rumors” Amy said “there is no dragon involved however there was flame war and death. Flinton was attacked by a vast army and a magician we fought and discovered this big Army was a decoy of sorts the real army the big one was coming when it arrived we were evacuating people and placing barrels of oil in the tunnels under the city most contained a fire grain once every one was out we with Syriana lit track’s of oil to a barrel it only gave us enough time to get away a pile of dirt and rocks fell extinguishing one of the last barrels… we are sorry but Syriana relit that and dashed up a side passage we haven’t seen her since and its impossible she survived”

“This is all we have left of hers” I said and took out the axe. The countess reached out I yanked it away “I will give it to you but you must never touch it I will put it in a display case for you if you touch it, it may kill you every one who touched it before Syriana has died on contact and every one since also… except us”

“And we don’t really want to be accused of murder” Daniel said rubbing his neck. Everyone laughed except Varmina.

“did I mention the fact that when we met Emily Dan and Amy in Flinton they were also in the city prison and were scheduled for execution the next day for doing… well… nothing at all except annoy someone trying to throw the world into absolute chaos!”

“you talk I presume of Flina” it was not a question “she was once kind not a ruler but people pushed her to rise up advise in the small matters then slowly get to the big ones eventually a king thought it would be perfect to have a woman that was adored by his people he proposed to her. The crowds of people started to surround her urging her to say yes they got bigger and bigger then she said yes she grew in power and then about two years later she got sick and about a week later the king was found murdered it was a new moon. After the murder Flina was and is evil”

“is the fact that it was a new moon significant?” Ryan asked

Varmina nodded her head vigorously “it’s the ‘death night’ it’s said that necromancers use that night to summon and enslave or posses”

“so you’re saying she is not evil of her own free will?” Varmina nodded. Lina yawned.

“yes to bed Lina its late and I would like to meet you properly tomorrow a guard will get someone to show you to your bed” Lina nodded and went out we heard her talking to a guard and the sound of footsteps then turned back to Varmina. Before we turn in I would like to ask you question” I said “why does Lina stare at you when you’re sick?”

Varmina smiled a sad little smile “the girl’s have been taken before but they escaped. The first time they Hurt Lina in all kinds of terrible ways the worst of which was with her eyes, they would burn the magical symbol of healing into her eyeball they would hold her eyelids open and using heated metal burn it on. They used the healing symbol so her eyes would heal and so they could do it again and again, but it had a side affect the basterds hadn’t thought of she got the power of healing which allows healing or, if the healer wishes, death by sickness. she inflicted a disease on the captors which killed them. But the eyes the pupils are now in the shape of the symbol of healing which is on the palm of every healer so I’m sure you’ve seen it” she looked at us questioningly we nodded and she continued. “although her eyes are blue when she heals her eyes turn red I’ve only seen it once but I never want to see it again!” the countess shivered.

I felt sick “thanks” I said “well I’m turning in for the night thank you” the others agreed and after thanking her and bidding Varmina Goodnight followed me a maid was already waiting for us we followed her to our rooms we each had our own room and as soon as I reached mine I took of my belt and then leaving the belt on the sheath placed it within easy reach if need be and fell on my bed. I was asleep in seconds.


The next morning I was woken by 3 maids. One threw the curtains of my window wide, (probably Amy's suggestion) another gently shook me and another laid out some clothes once they had left I had a bath (who knew when my next chance to take one would be) then I put on my clothes which had been washed and dried while I took my bath. Feeling better than I had in a long time I nearly ran into Daniel as I left my room. “carful Matt! I’ll see you later” he added to a brunette maid with a wink she blushed and bowed then dashed away. “No you won’t” Ryan said as he emerged from his room. “Were getting out of here as soon as possible” he grumbled. “What’s got you in such a foul mood this fine morning?” Amy teased as she and Emily approached from the opposite end of the hall. Ryan glared at her and she burst out laughing Emily trying to stifle a giggle. Emily's giggling, and Amy's laughing made Ryan’s glare deepen I shot a warning glance at them but they had burst out laughing again I looked at Ryan a saw why the frown did add a comical look to his face I only just managed to keep from laughing myself though a smile spread across my lips Amy and Emily subsided by the time we were at the bottom of the stair case in the great hall before they had gained full control again though the countess came down and took us to the dining room were breakfast was served. After the countess asked “what will you do now?”

“we will visit the crusaders learn what we can from them then finish this war and go home” at that moment a guard burst into the room “Lady Trelk an Army approaches. Orders?”  we stood and the countess waved us back to our seats “the tywlpgeyl can deal with it but dispatch the fighters for backup”

“With all due respect milady they may be refuges from Flinton” Dan said quickly the guard hesitated in the door.

“asses purpose and report back, if hostile eliminate”

We stood but again she waved us back down. “you will not need to fight this war” the guard nodded and left. “Chest?” I asked the countess.


“the guard called you Lady Trelk. Trelk means chest”

The countess nodded “you know that last names come from jobs? One of my ancestors was a rich treasure hunter from a far off land so rich that when he came here he was able to buy enough land to become count.” We continued to talk and for a while then we took a walk around the grounds then the countess chose a place for the axe to go I put it there then Emily Amy Ryan and me went to pack (Dan had gone earlier and had not returned, we were sure the maid in his room was not there to help him pack) once we were packed we knocked on Daniels door and told him we were leaving in about 5 minutes then when he joined us all 5 of us said goodbye and headed into the city and of toward the temple district. When we reached the crusaders temple the first thing we noticed was that it was the tallest building in the district but you were unable to see it unless there was nothing in the way this made us hesitate before we knocked but before we did the door opened a man stood there. “In” He ordered we entered and looked around the room was full of armor. I felt I recognized it but could not think where I had seen it. The man closed the door and turned to us “you will learn what you want here. I am the leader of the Tywpgeyl my name is Kullen.” His eyes were hidden in the shade of his hood his white cloak almost dragged on the floor but it wasn’t low enough that it could trip him. His male hands I now noticed had a Symbol on them I had never seen before it was on both hands palm and the back of the hand. He pointed left that’s the training room to the right is the bath he went to the door ahead when we entered a square room this is the library he said you will find every book you need here I looked around though it was a large room the book cases were only against the wall in the center of the room was the symbol that was on the man’s hands around it was every letter of the alphabet “to get to the correct section of the library point at these letters and the books will change for you only you mind until you take it from the shelf you will be unable to show the others unless they to point to the same letter as you”

“so basically at the moment the letter is A until I point then it changes for me but the others still see books starting with A?” Amy asked.

“you will always start in the letter P but yes that’s how it works to the left is the Tywpgeyl quarters you will not b allowed in unless there is a dire situation to the front is the kitchen and dining hall. He went right we followed him into a hall “the doors on the right lead to quarters for those that are training to become one of us you may enter a talk to them from time to time if you wish or need help with something” the hall turned left and ended suddenly these are your quarters I will get your meal (it had been so busy in the street that it had taken all day to get here) sent to you here tonight so you may rest awhile eat then sleep” he left and Amy rounded on us all.

“Did  any one notice the suits of armor?” she said we nodded “they were the same as   what those we fought at Flinton wore!” and then when he spoke to us he drew our attention away then when we left they were gone!” I thought back and nodded.

“your right there’s something weird going on”

Emily asked sarcastically “I thought it was weird when we first got here to Germo!”

“shut up Emily” Amy said “he’s defending my point of view!”

“true” Emily replied and the 2 walked into their room laughing I went to ours and fell on the closest bed letting a puff of air escape my lips.


It had been 2 weeks and we were still on the letter A when Emily cried out excitedly just after the midday meal. “look! look at this!” we hurried over and read it over her shoulder being the quicker reader I was the first to point to the T and think of the book ‘The prophecy’ I found it immediately and opened it up the answer was in the forward. It read

'The prophecy is known as this because we know not what it is about only that it foretells the coming of being from another world and a war they must be stopped however it leaves open the possibility that they may not succeed and the world as we know it will die I believe the prophecy of darkness is a telling of what will happen if the beings from this other world fail and I hate to think. I have research as much as I can so that we can help them when they arrive I have even found the way they arrive a group of people known as the writers must create doors they will reside in the city of Gliffandlock (glyph-and-lock), however I will not say the location of the doors they will make…'

The book went on but I was already passing the book to Amy who is the second fastest reader in our group. When they had finished I said “we will rest here for a week and gather supplies the last 2 days then head to this city Gliffandlock find out what we need then finish this war we will not fail” the others nodded and we headed off to the training room.


My eyes grew wide as I looked around the entrance room. Amy swore, Emily’s jaw dropped, and then Ryan and Daniel joined us and followed Amy’s example. “hey Marissa!” I said to one of the trainees walking past. Dan had taken an interest in the girl and so we had gotten to know her well. She smiled and came over “these suits of armor in here where did they come from?”

Marissa smiled “have you not heard the invaders have been defeated these are there suits of armor!” all 5 of us broke into a run as we raced for our quarters leaving a confused Marissa behind I dashed into my room and snatched up my sword belt and buckled it on I snatched up my bow and quiver then decided against it and left them on my bed then I grabbed my cloak and raced out then with the others we raced for the door once in the temple district we headed directly for the gate talking fast. “Those are the same suits of armor that were there when we arrived, the ones that disappeared!” Ryan said.

“Nothing like stating the blatantly obvious is there Ryan” Amy said sarcastically. Running for the gate.

“Did you notice that the ones right at the back had blood on them it was in order of bloodiest to cleanest” they looked at me when I said this.

“No” they said together.

“I reckon there trying to hide the blood or something” We reached the gate and headed out to the battle field there were bodies everywhere. They were chard sliced completely and cleanly in half.

“This is wrong the Army that attacked Flinton was huge this would have made up not even a quarter of the army we faced” Emily said.

“Cheer up Emily there’s enough bodies her that it could have been a city that’s a good contribution” Ryan told her.

“it was a city” Dan said grimly getting up from where he had been kneeling “look at this” we went over and I looked at the face of a boy about 9 my stomach did about ten somersaults I swayed this was the same boy that ‘had to win back his family’s honor’ the one that came with us in the tunnels when we lit the barrels with a fire grain he was with us in what we now call the barrel run. “B******s” Emily muttered “its times like this that I think I know how assassins get work”

“Let’s do it then” Ryan said “they obviously aren’t friends of ours lets go kill them”

“NO! We need to learn what we can from them before we act the crusaders so far suspect nothing” I said.

“There not our friends matt” Ryan replied “why would they help us?”

“because there’s no point not to if they help us we can lead them to something We always find something if they kill us what use is the information we want to us and they get the pendants take over the world etc, etc, etc!”

“But why kill these people?” Amy asked returning from here vomiting looking very pale.

“That is what we are going to find out” I said “and when we have they will die”

“But…” Daniel said “…we can’t tell anyone AT ALL! Not even the countess”.


© 2010 Matthew Ian Herrawood W

Author's Note

Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Who is your fav charictor/s despite Matt being based on myself Amy and Ryan add a bit of comic relife to the story so they are definetly my fav's.

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Added on August 27, 2009
Last Updated on March 26, 2010

Realm 3


Matthew Ian Herrawood W
Matthew Ian Herrawood W

A Town, South Australia, Australia

A Introduction to my Realm Trilogy About the Author Matthew W is 24 years old (November 1 2016) and lives in South Australia. He has been writing and reading for a long time. Because he was su.. more..
